Reviews (2)

  • I believe that a movie like this cannot truly be described. Its background, it setting and the colours used in the movie set itself reflect the bleakness and the very real monster that is within this family. After watching I felt some scenes very much left a mark, reminded of the true horror some people experience day to day, no jumpscares and no ghosts. If you like this type of movie, then give it a shot! But I wouldn't recommend to the average person. Praise to the directors for making this a true horror, bleak yet unnervingly astounding.
  • I watched this movie because I was intrigued by the concept of a full feature length movie being filmed under the noses of disney and being in black and white it peaked my interest further. However, I believe that the concept was good and some of the visuals also but the plot in my eyes was a little sloppy and a bit hard to follow. I have seen movies that need to be viewed a few times to be fully understood but I dont really think this is one of them. If you enjoy movies that are more budget and a little tricky to understand then give it a try, but I think 1 time is enough for me.