
IMDb member since December 2015
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Thor: Love and Thunder

Ignore all the bitter whingers
God! All the whinging and harping on the negatives. Just watch it and enjoy the story. It's got everything and for a change is light hearted. Cameos everywhere and the references are great! More goats please!

Sick of negative people ruining everything with their doom and gloom agendas. Just enjoy! Some amazing twists that I won't spoil. As always a phenomenal soundtrack! Chris Hemsworth is a god!

Lovely to see everyone returning and there was a beauty to the craziness. Taika Waititi is a master at mixing genres and does funny and poignant within seconds of each other and they work so well. I loved the film and look forward to more. Bring it on!

Olaf Presents

LOVED IT! Antidote to life!
After a rough week at work, I put these on for something not too taxing on my brain. WOW! I loved these sooooooo much. Olaf's unique way of telling stories was just what I needed. Made me laugh, cheered me up and was so good I watched it all through about four times. Definite favourite that I will return to.

Anyone who doesn't love it, has no soul.


Bones: The Strike in the Chord
Episode 16, Season 11

Two very different storylines
I enjoyed the rip off of Pitch Perfect and the fact that Aubrey, love him, sang in college. It was fun and crazy and my escape for the week.

HOWEVER, and it's a BIG HOWEVER, on the one hand you have a female striking forward into a male only environment and then you have a lovely new intern, who looks like a normal woman, who was treated appallingly. Made me angry when Sammy was fired for being inexperienced and trying to learn. The only reason she was in this episode when we've never heard of her before, was so she could be abused by Bones and have her whole life destroyed. She was made to look incompetent when really it was all about her size.

Shame on Bones for tearing down a woman trying to get into forge a career in science. Shame on the show for fat shaming and making a disposable character be a larger framed girl. I'm spotting a trend with the show's treatment of real women. It's not a good one. Not a kind episode and certainly not forward thinking. Left a bad taste. Women are all shapes and sizes, not stick insects or clothes racks. No one's had a go a Bones for not losing the baby weight, so why attack Sammy?

Raya and the Last Dragon

Horrible nasty film
It's difficult to write this review as I love Disney and I have defended and forgiven a lot in the past but there are so many things wrong with this film, I cannot pick out the worst thing. I've never seen such utter rubbish.

The overall message of the film is nasty and for some reason is very obsessed with knives. What with current events as they are, this is a dreadful misstep for Disney. Encouraging and glorifying this kind of behaviour is not acceptable.

6+ is NOT an appropriate rating and I'm appalled that Disney has even allowed this to get off the starting blocks.

There is no story! There are no laughs, nothing to engage with at all. It's message is a horrible, nasty one.

The dragon was cute until it opened its mouth and my last nerve snapped! I would be very upset if my culture had been ripped to shreds like the ones represented in this film. DO BETTER DISNEY! This is a shocking film and Disney needs to start reading the reviews and act on what they are being told. Whoever thought this was a good idea needs to seriously rethink the medium they are in. Little kids will watch this and think this type of prejudice is ok. Do not waste your life or your money on this.

Bones: The Heiress in the Hill
Episode 15, Season 9

The show isn't about Christine
This is a good story and lots of twists. I really enjoyed the little focus on Hodgins.

No Christine? Who cares? I, for one, am glad that the kid isn't wheeled out at every opportunity because that is very irritating and I'm don't like all the "I'm whole now I have kids" rubbish that is rammed down people's throats. Let the adults get on with their day jobs.

Loving Brennan's wardrobe lately and the more time Sweets is a real asset to the show. You've got to love a show that references Jules Verne. Made me smile.

Bones: The Bod in the Pod
Episode 7, Season 8

Ignore the sandcrab
This episode is very clever. I really enjoyed the main mystery but the subplots were just as interesting. I don't know why sandcrab insists on polluting that atmosphere with reviews that whinge about the premise of loads of shows. If you don't like it, and you certainly don't get it, don't watch it. Leave us in peace. Nice to see Arastoo again so soon and Bones trying out psychology. More please!

Bones: The Yanks in the U.K.: Parts 1 and 2
Episode 1, Season 4

Get over yourselves!
I'm British and I love these episodes. Those that complain obviously don't have a sense of humour or a soul for that matter. I love the British versions of B&B, they are fantastic.

I loved looking at the locations and recognising where they were and I like the spin on a typical British story line. Thanks Bones, ignore the miserable, puffed up, self important whingers.

The Simpsons: Catch 'Em If You Can
Episode 18, Season 15

One of the best! No Maggie, who cares?!
I love this episode so much. I don't get why it's so underrated. The 'Catch Me If You Can' sequence was really stylised and fits so well. I watched it several times to truly appreciate it. Bart and Lisa have to work together which made a nice change to constant battling. Marge and Homer laughing at the young couple rang so true. Why wouldn't Marge want a break from her highly demanding, exasperating, selfish children? It wasn't for life, it was one weekend. No one deserves a break more than Marge. Kids shouldn't be the end of your life. People who think the premise of this episode is wrong should wise up. They were probably the highly irritating child their parents were trying to escape from. Also those complaining that Maggie isn't it in, who cares?! Her presence would not have made any difference and would have dumbed it down. Great episode! In my top 10 favourites of all time x

Arendelle Castle Yule Log

This turned the tv onto a Christmas decoration! The scene is sooooooo relaxing and calm. I love that Olaf runs through every so often. More of these please for all year round. The children loved it on in the background. Beautiful use of animation. It doesn't all have to be in your face whizz bangs. Thank you Disney, you've done it again!


This film was beautiful from start to finish
I thought it was beautiful. There are some good bits for kids but I think there's more for adults. The detail in the musical instruments was incredible and there was an authenticity to it, that stunned me. I think it was a really lovely, thought provoking idea and I think they did it so perfectly. I loved the design of the counsellors and the little souls waiting to be assigned were adorable. It was so nice to see this done without a religious bias and all that claptrap. It was balanced and beautiful. The Great Before and The Great Thereafter was so well thought out and clever. GREAT to hear Graham Norton! And a standing ovation for the writers and Jamie Foxx. I think if your kids get bored because it's not laugh a minute, shame on you, you've not raised them to be content and enjoy good honest storytelling. Whinging parents because the tv didn't keep their kids under control, the parents deserve the bad review. Don't blame this film for your bad parenting. The film is stunning. Amazing job Pixar!

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