
IMDb member since January 2016
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    IMDb Member
    8 years



Don't compare this show with the movie.
I see a lot of reviews comparing this tv show with the movie. Just don't. This is a totally different thing to watch and it's very good.

The acting is perfect, the cinematography is also very well done and there is a lot a thrills going by in one way or the other.

And Esme Creed-Miles (Hanna)? Where did they find this actress. She is so good. I Knew Joel Kinnaman allready from Altered carbon. But Esme did it here. Mireille Enos as Marissa also did very very well.

I'm at epdisode 5 now and i wanted to wait with my review till the end but i couldt resist cause of all the negative reviews. Mostly after seeing the first episode only and comparing it with the movie. Just don't and watch it like somthing new.

Just watch and enjoy. I think this is Prime's best show till now.

Greetings from the Netherlands and excuse me for my English.

Van Helsing

Better then i thought it would be!
This is my very first review cause my English isnt that good but ill do my best.

First of all i must admit i didn't had that high expectations about this show, but if you dont watch it you will never know if you were right about it so i started watching. After 4 days from today i am allready at episode 11 from season 2.

I think it all started a bit slow and i really wanted to know more background information about the characters wich i think took a bit to long for some characters. Also i didnt understand some stupidity in some episodes if you live in a world filled with vampires for 3 years allready. Like not shooting them directly in the head but instead shooting them in the body.

But i'm enjoying it a lot also because this show didnt cost that much and cause of that they still did a great job.

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