
IMDb member since January 2016
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    IMDb Member
    8 years


Mortal Engines

Excellent movie
This movie is a one more proof that you should NOT never believe into IMDB star ratings system...It is great "time killer" post apocaliptic adventure.

Bohemian Rhapsody

A quite a lot of false or not true facts for Queen old fans. Also, main actor is not nearly visualy similar as Freddie was in reality.

The State

Daesh propaganda movie ! Be aware !
This is characteristic Daesh propaganda material. It is about mental disordered, psycho retarded, scum of society...etc. persons who joined Daesh with ultimate aim to extinct others who does not "think" as they do and now asks for forgiveness because they did not succeeded in their goals. In this, so called "movie", violently is presented to us, normal people, that their causes were justified and we shall forgive them because "they did not know where they gone....Oh yes...they knew that very well.

I am sick of that propaganda materials. This "movie" should be censored.

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