
IMDb member since January 2016
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Excellent story, had me hooked
Great writing, does a great job balancing the history and personal stories, does a great job telling the story of a little known cog in the Revolution. I also appreciate how not all "Redcoats" are vilified, most are shown as decent people just trying to do their job. A really helpful view of the time.

Texas Rising

It'd be nice if the History Channel would do History occasionally
Acting is fine, story is ok, history is meh Was expecting quite a bit more, but from the network of Ancient Aliens I may need to lower the bar. Worth a background watch while working at home.

John Wick

Gun guys rejoice!
Have you found yourself watching a movie with your wife and constantly correcting the characters onscreen for either poor gun safety or firing hundreds of bullets without a mag change? I'm proud to introduce the John Wick series, films in which both the actors and producers take firearms seriously, and it shows. Plot aside (which, as a dog owner I can't ignore) it's still an awesome movie.

The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

A blast for the whole family.
Want a little bit of spooky and a little bit of fun? This is it. Still stands the test of time and Knotts is excellent. Underrated pick.

The Andy Griffith Show

Is it the best feel good TV show of all time?
Probably. Whistle along to the theme song. Join the Sheriff without a gun, hop in Barney's patrol car, and have some of Aunt Bees pie. Everyone longs for a bit of Mayberry.


This was canceled....
You've seen a myriad of garbage tv shows parade across your screen, some with 5+ seasons of mediocrity. This is not that show. Every bit as engaging as it was 15+ years ago, it's really worth a watch. Is the production value up to snuff in 2021? No, but its still great writing, a great premise, and decent acting. If you like TWD but could lose the zombies, take a look.

Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier

Some things really were better "back then"
Action: ✔ Great theme song: ✔ Solid acting: ✔ Great theme song: ✔ Decent historical accuracy: ✔ A classic you can watch again and again: ✔.

There are a very select few movies I will watch more than once, but this never disappoints. Just watch it and find out.


Apparently no one likes period pieces.
Sorry it's not aquaman, but Mamoa shines here. The fact that some of these garbage superhero movies can have whole "cinematic universes" while Frontier is canceled is a real statement on TV and movies of today. If it isn't a reboot, rewrite, or comic book no one has interest. Frontier is an original story with a great setting, a pretty solid cast, and a good story. Could things be better with more episodes ? Do we need more subplots? Yes. All in all though , Frontier is a frozen blast. Check it out.

The Goldbergs

Good family fun
I always get a laugh out of the Goldbergs, and I appreciate a flawed but intact family being portrayed. The show takes me back to a funnier version of Family Matters or Full House. I also love the real life clips at the end. If there's a negative, it's that George Segal couldn't live forever to continue giving wonderful laughs as Pops . Definitely worth a watch.

The League

Great until the last season
First 6 seasons were excellent, truly one of the funniest shows I've ever seen, however, the writing on season 7 somehow was taken over by by a team of sadistic thieves of joy. If you haven't watched, enjoy the heck out of the first 6 seasons, and call it a day.

The Blacklist

Please make it stop
What a wonderful show ruined by focusing on a storyline no one cares about. Does anyone care who Red actually is, or about Liz's family drama? No. Find me anyone. Liz is an increasingly awful character, and the excuses made by Cooper and Co (an otherwise excellent character) are getting tired. Stop calling her Agent Keen, she's a felon. Give the fans more of what we want. Give us some Dembe subplots, or more of Aram, or maybe a Samar update? Honestly I'd even tune in for an update on Bazzel Bazz. Great show, writing is off the rails.

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