
IMDb member since January 2016
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    8 years


Mutt & Stuff

My daughter loves this show!!!
My daughter is two years old, and she absolutely loves this show. She is laughing, giggling and clapping throughout the entire show. When she hears that opening theme song she immediately start dancing to the catchy beat.

But what's there not to love about this show? There are dogs doing fun and cool tricks, a giant stuffed animal that can talk, and one of the best opening theme songs for a kids show. This show has a lot of appeal for children. The teacher Calvin has such a fun and exciting attitude, and helps make this show very entertaining to watch.

I actually enjoy watching this show with her as well. I think i get just as excited as she does when we hear that opening theme song. Because we both know that we're in for a treat.

I would recommend this show to any parent whose kids love dogs.

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