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Flipper: 300 Feet Below
Episode 1, Season 1

Absolute nonsense and unbelievable
I loved this show as a kid. I loved the water and dolphins and the beautiful location. Of course, as a child you don't catch alot, simply being entertained and knowing little about how life works.


I havent seen the show in many years but was scrolling around and found this episode. I was absolutely appalled at the inability of the Coast Guard crew to only be able to lower the blood plasma ten feet, not to mention the pilot's NAVY helmet. Then, old dad drops the plasma and he dives in and performs one of the most miraculous free dives, sinking as fast as a metal can.

Now, since we lost the plasma, we don't want to take the casualty in the helicopter. We don't want to drive him back in the boat. We want to go get Flipper and fly him back, train him on the spot to fetch a can from the ocean floor while this guy is supposedly bleeding to death. Apparently i am in the minority here since there are so many great ratings and reviews for this. My suspension of disbelief is nowhere near strong enough for this. Again, for kids, it's probably a great episode, but i think kids today would raise some of my concerns that I never thought of when young.

Enterprise: Fortunate Son
Episode 10, Season 1

Made it to Episode 10 and Wondering Why

We are supposed to believe that Star Fleet has had loads of freighters traveling at warp for at least thirty years, given that EN Mayweather was born on one. Yet, despite what are apparently common pirate attacks, Star Fleet doesnt have any warships patrol the shipping lanes.

Second, CPT Archer is an officer so respected and experienced that he is called in to discuss the Enterprise's launch with admirals and diplomats of Earth and Vulcan, but he doesnt know what a Nausican Pirate is? That is blatantly absurd. But, it lets Mayweather, who is the reason this episode was written I guess, give us some of his boomer expertise.

Third and the most unbelievably incoherent plot nonsense I have ever seen in Star Trek, the freighter's second in command not alone maroons the captain of Star Fleet's flagship on a pod with a pressure leak (attempted murder), he fires on the Enterprise and flees. Not hanged. Not arrested. Not tried. Nope...he is reduced in rank by his own captain.

This episode highlights the insane touchy feely bent of this series, and Mayweather constantly piping up in more than one episode (but more so here) to offer his advice to Star Fleet's preeminent captain, is ludicrous and tiring. I want to like this show, and some of the characters are good, and the acting is very good, I am finding it difficult.

Lawmen: Bass Reeves

The show is beautifully shot, well directed and with some fantastic performances. Unfortunately, as the series progressed, the stories drifted farther into pure HBO level cartoonish fiction.

Bass Reeves was a great and legendary lawman, and it is sad that his story couldnt be told simply and truthfully. I guess his 14 kills in 32 years of being a lawman werent considered dramatic enough for us 2020's folks who need explosions and green screens. It detracts from the man's greatness when his long service to law enforcement is reduced to some magic-tinged fight between good and evil, mysticism and wild conjecture. By the time I reached episode VIII I grew disappointed that the heroics I saw in the early episodes--which I had thought must be accurate--were most likely complete fiction.

This show was perhaps the biggest chunk of all my reasons to sign up for Paramount + and I will not watch any of the upcoming Lawmen seasons supposedly portraying famous lawmen. It's a shame.

This is worth the watch, at only 8 episodes, and as I said it is very well done.

Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan

Interesting view into ANZAC combat
An ANZAC unit has to overcome weak, indecisive leadership and a complete lack of discipline in their Army to overcome vastly superior numbers.

While this movie is based on actual events, like We Were Soldiers (Once, and Young), it rolls like a sarcastic antiwar film portraying anyone who doesnt disobey orders as some sort of deviant and unmotivated patriot.

This film seems a combination of Platoon and We Were Soldiers. Maybe it connects to its home audience, but as a US veteran, I wasnt standing up cheering, saying, "Yeah, those leaders as screwed up." I just kept shaking my head with each pointless disregard to protocol and chain of command. If the real ANZAC forces were this undisciplined, I would be horrified.

The film makes it look like they were massacred, so many tears, the roll call, etc, when the credits claim 18 of the one hundred and such died. Any death in war is too much, but in film, if you portray it as a massacre, it needs to be more than 20% losses.

The acting was good and special effects really awesome. The artillery battery shots were my favorite but the super-slow-mo was a little tedious.

The main character, the major, was a blah mess of something. For an over-motivated SPECOPS hero, he lamented and hmm-hawed and hung back way out of character. This is like a film made by the people there, for even the lame song at the end was like some kind of roll call of how each person got shot. Made the film seem like some high school production of 'oh, if our class of one hundred people went to war, what would happen to each one of us.'.

I gave five stars for the effects and the filming of the movie, for it was well shot. Everything else is less than mediocre. Disappointed given the nearly seven stars I was seeing across the board as reviews.

Blue Ridge

Certainly expected more.
I like several of the actors in this. I don't think it is the acting that is so terrible, or even the direction. It is the script, full of stereotypes or cookie-cutter characters. The lines are delivered as well as they can be for something written so terribly. I couldn't wait for this to make it on INSP for free, and now I am glad I did not pay to watch it earlier. Pretty bad, unfortunately.

Wonder Woman: The Pluto File
Episode 7, Season 1

So bad it is funny
Where to begin?

Wonder Woman began running again on a network where I live several weeks ago. I have not seen this show since it originally aired. So, like many shows on this channel, I watch them for the nostalgia. I do not expect them to hold up fully by today's standards.

Regarding this specific episode, the bar is clearly lowered. I guess I should no longer be surprised by the ratings shows receive on IMDB, since so many people clearly vote with their heart.

Robert Reed was obviously brought on to bring in viewers loyal to Brady Bunch and his accent has to be the worst I have heard in the thousands and thousands of shows and movies I have seen. Sometimes he sounded British, then German, then like no accent I had ever heard.

Linda and Lyle are spot on, their acting well done despite the writing.

The action was as laughable as Reed's gentleman-Nazi. Reed choking out the scientist in a total of two seconds. The bad guys climbing a fence into a Top Secret area and magically appearing on the roof. When I watch shows like this, I wonder what causes them to be so bad and I suppose it has to fall on the director. I am sure budgets and script affect a lot, but the performances and 'convenient' scenes to progress the plot are the directors fault. Compared to the opening episodes of Season 1, this seems a step back.

Watch this for some laughs, or for nostalgia. I understand that we all have different tastes, but I cannot fathom how this averages a rating over 7

Rizzoli & Isles: We Don't Need Another Hero
Episode 1, Season 2

I picked up watching this show in the last few seasons and really enjoyed it. Sat down today and see that they are streaming the first season and I tuned in to this episode. There are so many plot holes and unnecessary actions by the bad guys in this that it just ruined it. I will not get into spoilers, but the plan the baddies had just was no win and predictable in its nonsense. This may be my first review and that is because I love this show and this episode was poor. What is odd is that so many fellow viewers gave this episode high marks. I am glad the writing got better as the series progressed.

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