
IMDb member since January 2016
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Suicide Squad

I don't know whether to blame the writers or the director
for full disclosure: I walked out just after they'd all had "Escape from New York" explosives injected and had all met up for the first time. Maybe it got better after that...

Watching this movie was like reading a first-time author's novel, where he/she feels the need to give the reader 4 pages of back-story the first time the character appears.

I don't care about their unhappy past life - if any of it is relevant to THIS story then show me as I need it...

And not for nothing, but if I already know the backstories of the Suicide Squad members then it's all wasted on me, and if I don't know the backstories it's not essential to the movie that I should learn it all NOW.

I could care less about the star-crossed lovers, or the born-again fire- demon or the heartless killer who loves his daughter.

On the plus side - I thought there were a few funny lines and maybe there was something better to come from that later. But by this point there was way too long to wait and see.

And the plot devices - I realise it's based on Comic books but for pete's sake is the target audience supposed to be 14 year old boys? (and if so you need more and better looking women villains I think)

Take from this what you will. I went into this movie expecting very little and left early having received even less.

Your Mileage May Vary (tm)

Dead 7

pretty bad even for a B-Movie
disclaimer: gave up about 15 minutes in

What I watched of this movie was just bad movie-making.

Maybe it's supposed to be a caricature of spaghetti westerns and/or zombie movies.

The director apparently never heard of "show, don't tell" as a storytelling technique. The opening sequence is just awful - over acted, over-explained, over-graded.

The next 2 sequences look like they were shot on a handycam and not graded at all ... there's no cinematic feel to any of the shots

I gave up at that point. Maybe if I'd waited a few more minuted I'd have found someone in the story to become invested in... but I wasn't prepared to waste anymore time on it...

Your Mileage May Vary

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