
IMDb member since January 2016
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A feelgood, coming of age and booze
Don't overthink or over analyse this movie. That is not what this charming movie is made for.

No the story is not very deep and there are definately no weird plot twists.

In short you can say this about Gringa, without giving anything away that isn't in the trailer or discription. Single mom dies, bum dad has to be found and takes over but struggles while trying and daughter is dealing with some issues herself. All of this is set in a tiny Mexican village, were people smile, go to church, surf and play soccer.

If you like an entertaining feelgood that is not to deep, than Gringa is your movie for tonight.

And on top of that Steve Zahn and Jess Gabor both act a very believable in this Mexican coming of age and booze feelgood movie.

Pink Skies Ahead

it's okay but that's it
The idea is great and the performances are good but the story is poorly written. The last half hour is good. But the building up to that is very weak and I doubt it is written by anybody who had or knows anything about anxiety attacks. For that matter I doubt the writer even talked to anybody with an anxiety disorder.

It's a shame because if the movie would have been as good as the last 30 minutes it would have been a great movie. Now it's okay and looks more like a teenager coming of age movie.

Let Him Go

could be but isn't
I don't get the high score of this movie. Please explain of what I might not understand. I wanted to enjoy and like this movie but I surely did not.

VERY predictable storyline.... to a point that it gets annoying.

There are hardly any background storries to the characters in the movie and I don't know what happended to the character that Kevin plays (the father/grandad). But it has no depth, is empty and pointless at points. It was so bad that I almost wished they killed him earlier.

It could have been so great but it left me frustrated and very disappointed.


Best Man Down

not a bad movie just not the best director
Acting is all fine and the storyline also.

But they should have deepen the story a bit more. Actually a lot more. It stays so shallow the way the have done it. And that is the only problem I have with this movie,

That Good Night

Because of John I kept watching
The only good things about this movie are the scenery,the story and John Hurt.

Sorry to say but the rest of the actors in this movie are very bad and not convincing at all. Except for Charles Dance.

It is because of John Hurt's acting that I kept watching. Shame because the story was good.


Don't be fooled by the negative or bad reviews. I realy don't understand the bad and negative reviews Nightflyers got. ADVISE FROM A SCI-FI LOVER: DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND WATCH NIGHTFLYERS

Yes it borrows ideas from Event Horizons amongst many other movies. But aren't "all" movies borrowing ideas from other movies. As long as they use it in a good way it ain't a problem. If that is a problem for you than I reckon a whole lot of movies must get bad reviews. Tarantino steals and borrows a lot to make his own unique movie. So what's the problem.

Nightflyers has a good cast, story, atmosphere and ending plus fantastic sounds and music.

have fun watching NIGHTFLYERS !

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

two out of the six stories are entertaining
I reckon if this wasn't a Coen brothers movie the overall score wouldn't be this high on IMDB.

My expactations were pretty hopeful hearing about the brothers making a new movie again and especially after seeing the trailer. Looking back the most trilling part of the whole thing was the trailer itself.

For me there are only two out of the six stories that are very entertaining. That being the first two stories of the movie. After that there is one wich is kind of ok and the rest are very boring to my opinion. The acting is great the shots are great but the stories make it weak and challenging to finish. Even when they are short stories they seem to drag forever.

They should have made a full length of the first story wich is funny, entertaining and well written.

Under the Skin

Just leave it after you've seen the trailer
I can be short on this one. Just leave it after you've seen the trailer. It doesn't get better than that. I have no idea why Scarlett Johansson took this role or why they even pursuit in making this into a full lengt movie.

I get sci-fi, i get art movies and even weird movies but this.....what is this....and most of all WHY

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