
IMDb member since July 2005
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    19 years


The Dodge Dancing Party

Welk is the hippest of Fellahs
I'm a mere 16 year old, however my best friend and I love this show. Almost in a freakish sense. There's something timeless about the show that makes it a pleasure to watch, week after week. If you don't watch it... well you should... it's entertaining, enjoyable, and the retro- ness of it all is truly magical. Many of my Saturday nights are spent watching this show with friends on our local public television station. The music is always cool, and the variety of music that is featured makes it a very different show each week. Lawrence Welk is very gifted in his role of band-leader. I am quite happy that PBS is still showing it, and you should check it out. You will always find something you know on the show, and if not, you will grow fond of what you do hear.

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