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Sparks Over Brooklyn

This is a typical forgetable Reel One Entertainment TV movie - you watch it once, and forget about it. Technically is mostly ok. Only one scene suffers from the poor audio recording. Music isn't loud when cast talk, but it's mostly melancholic, and I mostly disliked it. It was obviously shot in Hamilton like so many times when Hamilton pretends to be NYC, and you're going to recognize the same outdoor locations again and again. However, stock footage usage wasn't excessive.

The cast is mostly all right. I mostly liked Ben Sanders, and I hope he will land main role in the future. AnnaMaria Demara was all right, but her partner David Lafontaine wasn't. Nothing personal against him, but I watched him already several times, and I think he isn't the main role guy. Their chemistry was off. But what do I know...

And there is a writing. I understand that it was the first time write, but the whole thing about VR and restaurant is ridiculous and cringe, but on the other hand, things like that exist IRL, so, yeah... I simply didn't like. Even igoring that, it's the typical story about saving small business which you like me probably watched so many times.

And obligatory don't watch trailer (for some reasons here is only posted shortened version) as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed.

All Aboard for Love

Barely passable
This is the Brain Power Studio TV movie which are somehow similar to Reel One Entertainment and Hallmark one. Technically is mostly fine. It's not bad like so many ROE one, scenery is nice, and music score is passable.

The cast is nothing extraordinary but is good enough. I watched Kathryn Davis many times before and she's passable as a main actress. I liked the most Neil Whitely.

The weak issue is writing. It's predictable and how many time we have to watch about bad old rich white man who wants to buy something, but we have to save it?

It's overall you watch it once, and forget about it. And suprisingly, trailer (for some reason not posted here) doesn't reveal whole movie like.

Novel Love

Didn't care about anybody
Another day and another horrific Sunshine Film TV movie. This time they have different partners instead of Reel One Entertainment but sadly, nothing changed. They are notorious for poor audio production and this one is no different. There is also an issue of the fake location which I don't remember thay ever did in the past. It was shot in Georgia, but it takes place in Florida. But I'll be fair that Tybee Island can pass as Florida...

The cast is so-so. I never watched leads before. Writing is a disaster. It's a mix of romance and fake fantasy. It was so bad that I didn't care about anybody in the whole movie except Eugene, and he is supporting character. Caroline is a self-centered opportunist, and Guy is a friendzoned without backbone Caroline "friend" who hopes that after a decade can finally become her boyfriend. I mean, on one side it's realistic as relations like that exist however, it was wrapped mostly into bad romance movie. If that was fully fledged drama, it could be possible good.

3* for nice locations, and Tony Lewis Centore.

A Royal Makeover

Ruined by poor audio production
Another Reel One Entertainment TV movie about minor European kingdom. I always have low expectations when they do it because they are mostly mediocre. This one actually positively suprised me, and it would be pretty solid TV movie if not for technical issues.

ROE co-produced it with Sunshine Films which is an instant red flag as they are notorious for the poor audio production, and yes, this one doesn't disappoint, too (obviously sarcasm). Several scenes suffer from the poor audio production like it was recorded with a cell phone, but it's the notorious loud background music when cast talk/speak which killed this TV movie for me. So many scenes are ruined as you can barely hear what they talk. It's just sad how they can't properly do audio production...

I like the cast overall. Never watched leads before. I would say that Veronica Long was pretty good.

This is the comedy movie first with some parody elements. If you expect romance, skip it as is a really stretched one. If you don't take it too much seriously, it's actually nicely directed and written around really royalty reveal trope. Act III is a bit of so-so, and cringe, but nothing breaking.

If only audio production was decent, I would easily give 6*.

And don't watch trailer (for some reason not posted here) as this is ROE, and for some reasons it reveals and spoils the whole movie.

A Town Called Love

I expected at least passable from this Reel One Entertainment TV movie but sadly, it's just one big disappontment. It's just sad as technically is mostly fine. Probably only semi-serious issues are fake location, and music is so-so but are still passable.

I like Marshall Williams as he almost always plays average normie white guy. I never watched him where he acted outright bad, and even when he wasn't his best, it's was bad writing. Emma Johnson is fine, but as I typed in one of my previous reviews, Marnie Mahannah deserves to get a lead role. She's the best supporting actress by far employed by ROE.

What killed this movie for me is a bad writing. The biggest issue is mistaken for special guest trope which was done in totally unbelievable way. If only Riley checked on internet from the start... And let me not start how Riley treated Emma, but somehow their bad relation evolved into romance. Also, Emma Johnson played Emma...

Just watch trailer to save your valuable free time as this is ROE and their trailers always show whole movie compressed. You won't miss anything.

12 Dares of Christmas

This is Reel One Entertainment Christmas 2023 season TV movie. It's probably their lowest budget Christmas one. Actually, their whole Christmas 2023 season is a really low budget. They clearly cut down budget from the 2022 season, but for some reason(s) quality went up. Technically is fine except one thing which plagues so many their TV movie in the last two years - overusage of stock footage. Just cut it down...

I'm not the fan of Brittany Underwood, both as actress and director, but I think she was mostly passable - she definitely improved as the movie goes. Her lead partner, Sean Yves Lessard, who looks like discount Ezra Miller but is better than him, was actually surprisingly well. Marnie Mahannah who played Brittany's younger sister deserves lead role. She's better than the vast majority of new female leads in ROE TV movies. The rest of the cast is barely in.

The biggest failure is writing. I would say director did the best what could be done with that Hallmarkish Christmas cookie cutter screenplay. I mean, there is some genuine good writing like for example I think that the backstory of the "French" guy was actually really good, and I didn't expect it. Act I is done well, too. Sadly, the vast majority is full of you already saw it so many times in Hallmark TV movies (Act II), but it's even worse because of the abovementioned really low budget. I didn't count but I think close to the half of dares are done off the screen because shooting them would prolong movie (but they could cut off stock footage to compensate) and would cost (a lot of) money which is I guess much serious issue. In some scenes movie was just a bit of too much childish. And what's up lately with ROE movies where the lead actress has some strange name - this time is Elara. Seriously, just why?!

Overall, it's not a bad movie or a train wreck like the most ROE Christmas TV movies in 2022 season, but unfortunately mostly copy/paste Hallmark script dragged it down into watch it once and forget category.

And obligatory don't watch trailer (for some reasons here is only posted shortened version) as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed.

Creating Christmas

This is Reel One Entertainment Christmas 2023 season TV movie. It's borderline average, but it's good compared to their overall mediocre Christmas 2022 season. Technically, it's very well done especially compared to the technical train wrecks from the previous season. There are no bad cuts, makeups, and loud background music when cast talk/speak. Music score is pretty good, I like it, there is barely any usage of stock footage, and it was shot in the winter (technically late) compared to the vast majority of Hallmark competition which is straight shot in the mid of summer. This is really suprising because the movie budget is obviously really, I mean literally, really low.

I never watched Greer Grammer, she "looks" like discounted Mira Sorvino when she was in her age, and I would say she was better as movie went. I watched Jason Cermak in the various Hallmark TV movies as supporting cast, and he is like many others hired by ROE to be lead. He is definitely the weaker link between leads. The rest of the cast... Yea, basically only two more have semi-important roles, plus Briana Buckmaster.

Directing is all right. Writing is overall passable. There are some really annoying tropes copied from the Hallmark Christmas movies - Christmas spirit / "magic" / whatever and all that - but on the other hand, there is a parallel secondary story involving Liz, Harper's sister. Furthermore, Liz is actually the important part of the story, and I like it.

And obligatory don't watch trailer (for some reason not posted here) as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows almost whole movie compressed.

Royally Yours, This Christmas

"Maid in Manhattan" in the Christmas time
Do you remember that J. Lo mediocre "Maid in Manhattan" movie from two decades ago? This is a close or should I say heavily inspired copy of it. Why anybody at Reel One Entertainment green lighted this TV movie is beyond me. But before unpacking what is wrong with various things, let me start with the technical side of the movie.

It was shot in the winter, not in December, but still it was winter, and not in spring and especially summer like so many Hallmark TV movies. Audio production is actually pretty solid - no loud background music when cast is talking/speaking, music score is festive and nice, and no poor audio recording. I have to write this as ROE TV movies are notorious for that. There are no bad cuts either.

Unfortunately, movie suffers from the few serious technical issues. It takes place in New York City except it was shot in Hamilton, Canada, and I wouldn't even complain as the vast majority of movie takes place inside. However, like many other ROE TV movies, in this one they again overused NYC stock footage in between scenes. And yet for me personally the worst thing in the whole movie is the makeup on Steve Byers plus his hair (less worse, but still awful). Absolutely the worst makeup in any ROE TV movie and I watched hundreds of them! There are no words which can describe how bad is.

The cast is fine. I watched Cindy Sampson and Steve Byers in their previous TV movie (A Christmas Break) and they were fine. Unfortunately as I already wrote, because how Steve Byers looked ridiculous, I later used 10 sec skip function as I simply couldn't watch it any more. I would say that kid (Holly de Barros), Bukola Ayoka, and Ben Sanders were the best as their script was good enough.

I'm not going to blame writer for this rip off. I watched movies written by Jessica Randall, and they are ok. And here, the parts which were not direct rip off are also fine. So, what is wrong?

Just like in "Maid in Manhattan", the protagonist is single mother, this time with female kid, who works as housekeeper in luxury hotel, and when she was wearing expensive dress of the guest who didn't come, she was introduced as a wealthy socialite (mistaken for special guest trope). This time it isn't involved US senator, but an European crown prince. Act I is fine, because it could happen, however Act II is ridiculous because it's 2023 and internet, social networks, and smartphones are everywhere. Crown prince already had scandalous reputation, and there is no way "scam" could go for more than 24 hours. Of course it was discovered by media in the Act III when movie is suddenly again serious and realistic.

But there is more. What kind of names are Neve and Prim? Neve is probably not even used in Irland any more, and Prim is not even a name. And again they managed to cram every trope and stereotype about European royalty. Yes, obviously, Canadian cast again speaks British English, and yes, continental European monarchy with Italian name obviously have ruling family with typical English names and surnames because of logic.

It's nothing everything bad about script as secondary story involving Faith and Peter is actually decent, and that was the sole reason I watched movie till the end. Acts I and III are mostly fine.

Just watch 2:46 min long trailer (for some reasons not posted here) as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed, and save your valuable free time.

The Heiress of Christmas

10.000 tea...
This is Reel One Entertainment Christmas 2023 season TV movie. It's pretty good compared to their overall mediocre Christmas 2022 season. Actually with some proper writing (later about it) it could be easily above average, and one of the better ROE one.

Technically, it's pretty good especially compared to the technical train wrecks from the previous season. The only issue, and it's not the big one is a obvious fake location. Yes, it was shot in Hamilton, Canada pretending to be Chicago, but the used stock footage was in lower range. Music score was nice, and no loud background music when cast talk/speak, no bad cuts, lightning or makeups, it was shot in the winter and not summer or autumn like so many Hallmark Christmas TV movies. One big plus for cool wardrobes. I really liked them.

I never watched Katerina Maria, the main lead. I would say the more movie went, she was better and better. David Pinard is a regular ROE supporting actor. I think he was pretty good as he was written very well. This is exactly how I would do in his place. I'm positively shocked how he was realistic even the first half of the movie is basically comedy. Their chemistry wasn't the best, but neither was non existent - enough to be believable. The supporting cast is fine, and they fit well in the overall story.

Writing and directing are all over the place. Act I is bad which is a never good sign in ROE TV movie as it always means overall bad movie incoming. However the more time passed, it became much better and around half I would rate it as above average (7*). Even bad start was actually later explained why was like that. Unfortunately, it didn't take long, and around the 2/3 of the movie Freda and 10,000 tea happened.

That moment completely destroyed pacing and believability in the movie. I'm going to blame director as if even writer wrote that, it is simply mind blowing how it wasn't changed. It's like a bad "it's over 9000!" Vegeta DBZ meme. Just why?! I understand that something bad has to happen so the main lead can finally shine, it's natural progression of the story, but not in that absurd and unrealistic way. Sure, movie was well after that (it transitioned into drama), but still, it ruined it.

If 10,000 didn't happen, and with a bit better Act I, I would rate it as above average (7*), but subverted expectations don't fly for me.

And obligatory don't watch trailer as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows almost whole movie compressed.

Just Like a Christmas Movie

Bad parody and comedy
This is Reel One Entertainment Christmas 2023 season TV movie, and unfortunately it's a failure like so many their on 2022 season. It's sad because technically is fine - it was shot in the winter and not summer or autumn like so many Hallmark Christmas TV movies, stock footage is minimal, and music score is fine except musical parts which I highly dislike.

The cast is so-so. Marlie Collins overplayed in the most of the movie, it was just sad and bad because she is a capable actress. I watched her in the four previous movies, and I actually wrote that she deserve to be promoted to the lead. Her partner Brad Harder was miscasted, they had zero chemistry and he was low energy whole movie. I mostly liked Lauren Jackson, and I hope in the future she's going to land the lead role at ROE.

Writing and directing killed movie for me, and when you check director and writers it's obviously why. There is no romance in the movie, and I'll try to submit removal of it as even ROE on their own site didn't tag it as one. Furthermore, the storyline posted in ROE is actually correct one, and here on IMDb is a bit of misleading. The movie is actually a parody and comedy about Hallmark Christmas TV movies.

It wouldn't be a big problem except Act I is outright horrendous, no romance, unrelatable leads, you simply don't care about anything and anybody in the movie. It was so bad that I actually rooted for Gwen hoping at least for once that "bad" person is going to win at the end.

Just watch 2:48 min long trailer (for some reasons not posted here) as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed, and save your valuable free time.

Christmas Casanova

Semi-fake poster
The new 2023 Christmas season is among us. I really didn't like last year's Christmas Reel One Entertainment TV movies. They were overall mediocre with several outright train wrecks. This one is actually better than everything I watched from them in 2022 season, and with some fixes it could be easily above average.

Technically, it's fine compared to the technical train wrecks from the previous season. They used NYC stock footage but not excessive, and in the second part it was basically gone. They really carefully shot in Hamilton outdoors to pass it as NYC, and I would say it was mostly fine. However it had a bit of negative influence on the overall story. Music score is a mix of nice holiday music with no so nice melancholic one. Few scenes could have a bit less loud background music, but it's nothing like was the horror in the previous season. And really important, it was clearly shot in the late autumn or early winter, and not fake in the summer.

Cast is all right. First time watched Kalinka Petrie, and it was her first lead role. Almost the same I can say for Fuad Ahmed. I would say they were good enough. Nothing extraordinary, but they had some chemistry together.

Directing and writing are passable. Because they shot in Hamilton, story had to go in the direction of showing less know / hidden gems places in NYC, and that was so-so. Also, kudos to somebody from production team who decided to use Audacity even it was partially hidden in the close shots.

My only real issue with this TV movie is a semi-fake poster. Fuad Ahmed is ok in the poster, just as is NYC in the background. However, Kalinka Petrie is fake as she never wore that outfit in the move ever! Why do photo shoot if it was never used for once in the movie?! I don't remember I ever saw something like that in ROE TV movie. Furthermore, she only wore very long green skirt only once for a minute in one scene (hotel room), and that's it. She always wore pants, and most of time baggy one which looks bad on her as she is pretty looking so why ruin her? I mean, if you are going with commercialized Christmas, then do it properly. It doesn't have to be an over the top like Hallmark does it, but at least do something. I'm aware that some women only wear pants, and most actresses do that in ROE TV movies, and they even photo shoot them for the posters, and it's totally fine, I never complained about it.

And obligatory don't watch trailer (for some reasons here is only posted shortened version) as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed.

A Royal Recipe for Love

A bit of ridiculous
This is another low budget Reel One Entertainment TV movie which involves European royalty. It's all over the place. Technically is mostly fine. Music score is mix of clasical music which is actually good, and some stupid melancholic score like in many new ROE TV movies which wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't a bit of annoyingly loud in few scenes. Stock footage was minimal.

I didn't lower a score because of location, but if you start to think about it, it's actually both bad and funny. It was shot in Hamilton, but they used Stockholm stock footage for the capital of fictional Kingdom of Samovia in Europe. It's not a problem per se, except that fictional country is located near Italy, even in Act III we see Pienza stock footage were prince Oliver went so why use Scandinavian city when country is close to Mediterranean? No sense at all. Furthermore, royal cottage where ~80% of the movie takes place is laughable not only because of displaced architecture, but does it looks like one at all? Say what you want, but at least Hallmark royal movies mostly get shot in Transylvania in real castles.

Cast is mostly good. Laura Miyata carried movie. I would say she was even better than in "Love and the Radio Star". Sadly her partner, David Lafontaine was only so-so. I didn't believe in their romance. Annie Clark was the second best. Even with a bit of annoying writing, she still managed to pull it off.

My main issue with the movie is weak directing. Why queen and king looked like they were wearing second hand clothes? I already mentioned royal cottage. What about mixed accents in royal family? The mix of American and British one (king and prince Henry because they are real life Brits). And yet, royal family has German surname...

Overall, I would give it a mediocre rating (3*), but Laura Miyata as a lead, and Annie Clark as a main support carried movie.

And obligatory don't watch trailer (for some reasons here is only posted shortened version) as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed.

What We Do for Love

Technical failure
This is another low budget Reel One Entertainment TV movie. Being low budget doesn't imply being bad however this one in the worst ROE tradition is a technical failure like many ROE TV movies in the past. Like so many times it was shot in Hamilton, Canada pretending to be NYC, and to hide it, they overused NYC stock footage. Audio production vary from good to outright poor, and the award for the worst audio scene takes the green house one. And then there is a music score. It's mostly bad, but the main issue is loud background music when cast talk/speak in the most scenes. It almost never stops and just drives you crazy.

I guess the cast is mostly passable. The main issue is ROE is signing for a lead role basically anybody in the last year and so. Tamara Almeida looks like a discount Autumn Reeser from Hallmark. I mean she wasn't bad, I would say she was actually the best how script was overall poor. Jake Epstein is okay but script ruined him.

Writting is just bad. First 60 min is ridiculous comedy, and then the last 30 min is drama which was pretty obvious it's going to happen. There is some romance in between, but I simply can't buy it between Sophie and Jason.

Just watch 2:23 min long trailer (for some reasons here is only posted shortened version) as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed, and save your valuable free time.

Been There All Along

This is another low budget Reel One Entertainment TV movie. Technically is almost completely fine. The location is clearly fake, but it's not a big deal as BC city pretending to be WA is fine. Big plus is there is barely any Seattle stock footage. Music is forgettable like in so many other new ROE TV movies, but at least is not bad like in some other.

Cast is mostly fine. Marlie Collins is one of the better ROE actresses, but sadly in this one she overacted a bit of too much in the most of scenes. I'm going to blame director. Also I didn't like her with a ponytail. She's much prettier with hair down, and the good news is she at least used both styles. I never watched Adam Hollick, and I think he was excellent, and better than almost every other current ROE actor.

I don't remember when was the last time I watched TV movie which starts really good, and the more time pass it gets weaker and weaker. It reminds me of many Asian dramas which start really strong but they just self implode in the last third. I think movie starts really strong, and I would say roughly first 30 min are above average. Then the next 30 min are bit of boring but still good for average. And then lady in red (dress) trope happened. I'm really disappointed in the last 30 min, especially Act III is lame, and the last scene is just sterotypically cringe.

And obligatory don't watch trailer (for some reasons here is only posted shortened version) as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed.

Sister Dating Swap

Bad comedy
Another mediocre Reel One Entertainment TV movie killed by awful writing. It's a shame because movie is technically fine. Even location is faked, it's nothing immersion breaking as stock footage was used really minimal, so no complains from me. I don't know why previous reviewer mention Hallmark, it has nothing with them. It's actually their main competitor who is relatively popular here in Europe.

The cast is so-so. I never watched Lauren Collins before but I guess script and director "forced" her to overreact whole movie. It was awful to watch her. IMO, Romaine Waite and Bobby Del Rio were the best. Too bad that Bobby Del Rio didn't have more screen time.

The movie is killed by awful writing for me. I like comedies, but not this type. I actually used 10 sec skip function in few scenes how bad was. It's just sad as actually ROE has some pretty good one. If you expect romance, skip it as there is only some really at the end so basically nothing. I'll try to write as short possible about issues as there are so many...

Both sisters Helena and Rachel are just unrelatable in the opposite ways. And it doesn't change to the very late in the movie. Miles is a widowed single dad, but I'm sorry, he was bad, too. His daughter Isobel was typical acting your intellectual age trope which would be fine if she was pre-teen, but ~7 year old talking about adult things right from the bat. Seriously?! Only Ryan was relatable. Even his sister Maya wasn't good either. Its just sad that the antagonist who was potrayed as your typical white bad capitalist (Jonathan) was the most convincing.

And then there is Act III when everything was rushed. At least I can buy Rachel's ending, but Helena? She even in the end said that she couldn't believe that... Yea, neither did I, and I think nobody else. Sounds like a inside joke by writer. I mean love is not always logical (there is no logic in her ending), but in Helena and Miles case there was basically nothing. It just happened.

You can just watch 2:14 min long trailer as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed. You'll miss nothing important.

With Love, Your Sweetly Salted

Excessive stock footage
Another really low budget Reel One Entertainment TV movie. Movie is technically almost without any glaring issue except one - it's was probably shot in Kelowna, Canada pretending to be Chicago which is not an issue this time as there are barely any scenes shot outside. The real issue like in so many new ROE TV movies is the overusage of stock footage, this time abovementioned Chicago, they even showed two different stock videos in the row several times. It's tied for the worst one with "The Love Issue". The music score is great as they used Latino tracks mixed with signature ROE tracks from several years ago which are vastly superior to the new one. Few scenes suffer from a bit of loud background music, but only in the first 30 min.

The cast is mostly fine. The only minor issue for me is that Jonathan Wilde (Luis) is borderline passable as William Martinez (Seb) brother.

Synopsis posted here is copy/pasted from ROE site like so many times is wrong. Alison works for "Chicago Today" newspaper, and yes, she trashed new Puerto Rican restauraunt where Seb is a chef, and his brother manager because of the poor tasted jibarito. Her online review went viral but in the negative way. For some strange reason, her editor suggested that she should cool down / leave for a while to see if readers want her back. It makes no sense. If newspaper worked like that they would be quickly out of staff. She should write about something else in cooldown period. Alison was sorry about negative reactions so she decided to go undercover at Seb's restaurant as a sous-chef. When she came to Seb's restaurant to apply for job, she weared high heels (what?!). Even Seb noticed her highly polished nails so she can't be sous-chef.

Basically after a bit of ridiculous Act I and the beginning of Act II, the movie is much better. I mostly liked relatively realistic relations between cast, especially between Alison and two other cooks at Seb's kitchen. Also scenes with Bob at "Chicago Today" office are pretty good and nice touch. Kudos to writer and director for these scenes.

If only the first ~15 min were written like the rest of the movie, and without the usage of excessive stock footage, I would rate is easily as above average (7*).

And obligatory don't watch trailer as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed.

The Royal Bake Off

Borderline passable
This is another mediocre Reel One Entertainment TV movie about fictional small European royalty. It's barelly passable. Compared to their main competitor Hallmark, they just can't properly do it. It's not like Hallmark is amazing in that department either, but at least they are mostly in average category which can't be said for ROE.

The movie was co-produced with Sunshine Films so you can expect various technical issues, and this one doesn't disappoint, too (it's sarcasm if is not obvious). The vast majority of movie suffers from poor audio recording, and Ansley Gordon was mostly affected by it, especially in the scenes inside her bakery. In contrast, Christian Howard was mostly affected in outside scenes. Music score is forgetable like in so many new ROE TV movies. Shooting location is nice, and the city name is fictional, just like European city kingdom so no issues. The stock footage of Savannah was minimal.

I would say that this was the best Ansley Gordon performance compared to her previous movies even with horrendous script. Christian Howard was passable because he's a real Brit. Supporting cast was all over the place.

My major issue with the movie is writing. Imagine every possible stereotype and trope about European royalties including obligatory they speak British English even they are in the middle of Europe. If you are from Europe, you're probably going to be "sick" of it. Hallmark do it, too, but this one for a change mixed all of that with two vicious female leads. Subverted expectations...

In Act I we immediately found out that Allie and Marily hate and blame each other for the same things. They are also the biggest local bakery competitors. Then enters Prince James with his cake competition. Script in Act II paints that Marily is actually worse which is superficial as what was Allie doing alone with James? I mean it's realistic that women can be really vicious to each others (ask any woman who worked for female boss), but you have nobody to root as James is wooden and unrelatable, too. And then there is a secondary story involving his butler and Allie's best friend and coworker Sophia which is ridiculous on it's on ways. And there is more like almost every person in Meadow Ridge is mentally challenged.

It's overall big disappointment and just barelly passable because of nice location, Ansley Gordon acted great, and realistic relations, but unfortunately for the wrong reasons. You watch this type of movies to relax, enjoy and feel good which is absent from this one. This one could be proper drama with a proper writing.

And obligatory don't watch trailer (not posted on IMDb for some reason) as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed. Or maybe you should so you can skip watching the whole movie.

Modeled with Love

Nice autumn TV movie
This is pretty good low budget autumn Reel One Entertainment TV movie in 2023 season. IMO it's overall one of their better. It targets the famous Hallmark autumn TV movies which are mostly tied to Halloween, and shot in summer with various fake props. There is nothing like that here, and it's a proof you can make a good one without faking and adding orange theme.

It's pretty good technically. Finally ROE TV movie which was not just shot in Kelowna, Canada, it even takes place there, and not pretending to be insert random US West Coast city. They even used a real DIY store. Stock footage was minimal. Music score is passable. AAT makeup was a bit off, but later improved. There are few minor bad cuts, but nothing serious.

Cast was good acting wise, but I have one issue with Shay Galor. No, she didn't act bad. I simply don't buy that there is enough age gap between her and Ashley Argota Torres. Speaking about the lead, this is the first time I watched her, and I think she was great. Furthermore, Marnie Mahannah who played her best friend and coworker in the movie was also great, and too bad she didn't have more screen time with her secondary story. After watching her several times, I would say that Marnie M. Is probably and currently the best supporting ROE actress in the last year.

Writing is good but with some lows. There are few typicall filler scenes, and movie around mid already started to drag out. However, Acts I and III are pretty good, and Act II closer to both of it. I liked dialogues, and I really liked that kid Maya was actually a kid and not typical acting your intellectual age trope. And now reason why I rated it above average (7*) even it's probably not. It's the business side of the movie which I actually liked. This is obviously not a movie centered around business, it's just used as a plot device for a romance between between leads. However, that part is actually done much better than for example in Hallmark TV movies. I'm actually impressed.

Overall, don't expect some great romance movie, because it isn't. There is just enough romance to be called one. Watch it for great acting, most of the movie is written well, and is technically compentent.

And obligatory don't watch trailer as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed.

A Bet with the Matchmaker

This is one of the better Reel One Entertainment TV movies. Technically movie is fine. Maybe some minor lightning issues, but nothing obvious. Location is obviously fake - Hamilton again pretending to be NYC, but it was relatively properly done and they didn't overuse stock footage like in so many other ROE TV movies.

Cast is fine, too. I really didn't like Emily Alatalo in the previous ROE movies but in this one she actually showed that she can be compentent actress. That means in the past movies it was primarly the fault of writers, and director secondary.

This movie actually shares cast with another ROE TV movie - "Luckless in Love". Steffi DiDomenicantonio again played the best friend of the main lead but she had her own story which was nicely done (I always like nice secondary story), and Brett Donahue again played a fake Brit. Why again fake Brit? But in his defense I would say he sounded a bit of better, and his movie mother is actually played by the real British (Paris Jefferson). His whole matchmaking service is also a bit of ridiculous, and let me not start about code which were shown in the close shots for a few seconds.

I have to admit that just past half movie I was pleasantly suprised with... Didn't see it coming, but after it it was obvious what is going to happen. Still, it was executed well.

Overall, it's good enough TV movie. Nothing groundbreaking, but nothing outrageously bad either.

And don't watch trailer as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed.

Hashtag Proposal

Good comedy
This is pretty good low budget autumn comedy Reel One Entertainment TV movie. Without some issues it would be easily above average. Technically is mostly fine. Music score was actually good. The main issue is location. It was shot in Kentucky, but I can't recognize where exactly, however they overused stock footage to fill up time. What I recognized is they showed stock footage of the famous Melrose Gate which is in LA. What? You can see it even in the trailer. Also part of the movie takes place in the Hamptons because it was relatively close to the city where our leads live. It's just one big mess if you start to think about it.

I have no issue with the cast. They did their job well. Both Scout Taylor-Compton and Mark Famiglietti are first time leads, and I never watched STC before. Directing was passable.

What I mostly liked about this movie is writing. This is comedy with clearly some parody involved. Parody elements were really well blended into movie, it's hard to see it properly done. If you expect romance, skip it, it's really minimal no matter what is written in synopsis or you see in trailer. And yes, it's mostly predictable but being it is not bad per se, it's bad if execution is, and here is actually mostly very well done.

And speaking about trailer, don't watch it as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed.

The Marry Me Pact

Could be better
Another Reel One Entertainment TV movie which takes place in Florida and it was actually shot there. It was co-produced with Sunshine Films which are notorious for producing movies with various technical issues, and sadly this one wasn't spared, too. Several scenes suffer from loud background music so you can barely hear what cast is saying/talking. Few scenes also suffer from poor audio recording. The good news is that most of the movie is free from the both issues. Music score is overall weak and forgetable. They also overused stock footage which just artificially prolongs run time.

Cast is pretty good, I would say one of the better among ROE TV movies. IMO, Meggan Kaiser is probably and currently the best ROE lead actress and she is better than the vast majority of Hallmark one. She was really great. Looking forward to watch more movies with her. Her partner Tyler Harlow was so-so. I thought his weird speak in "The Love Advisor" was on purpose, but it seems he speaks like that in real life. Side cast was good enough, and for me Steven Calakos was the best among them.

The main issue with movie is all over the place writting. It's pretty obvious that ROE is using new untested writers who write for the first time in their new TV movies. Clearly as there is a writers guild strike, so SAG-AFTRA is not mentioned in the movie closing credits like they are always before it. Like majority, I don't care about strike, and I'm going to say that some of those new writers are more competent than many established one.

So, the movie plot is about famous fallback marriage pact trope. Heck, it's even in the name of the movie! Let me say what I really liked - the secondary story about Charlotte's sister Joey and Billy-Joe. It's hard to see really well fleshed out secondary story. Now not so good things. The first huge issue is the leads age. I can't find their real age, but there is no way both are close to 30. Tyler is probably close to 40. Second, the most of the Acts I and III are ridiculous in many ways. I don't want to spoil anything... However, Act II which is obviously the majority of movie is pretty good, and I enjoyed it. If in ROE TV movie Act I is bad it almost always never recovers from it. This one is rare exception.

Overall, it's average movie with some highs, and sadly some lows, but it's worth watching for Meggan Kaiser, Act II and the secondary story.

And obligatory don't watch trailer as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed.

The Wedding Contest

Bad comedy
This is sadly another mediocre Reel One Entertainment TV movie. It's technically mostly all right except the obvious fake location. I thought movie takes place in Canada as they used stock Kelowna footage. Later we found out that Kelowna is pretending to be somewhere in California so why use Kelowna stock footage? In any case, it just doesn't work. WA or OR is fine, but CA is just a bit of too much.

I watched Giles Panton a lot as he was regular supporting Hallmark actor before his switch to the main one for ROE. He mostly played a bit of goofy characters. I didn't buy his fake British accent. It sounded forced. Why he didn't play as a Canadian? You know, Canada is monarchy, too. But at least he was written somehow passable.

I never watched Nikki McKenzie and she was just awfull for at least the first half of the movie because of the poor script so I don't blame her personally. I'm sorry, I can't root for obnoxious lead like her, and that ruined movie. And then there is an issue with both romance and comedy. If you expect romance, there is barely any, and at least trailer is honest because it doesn't show it either. Sure, there is some "romance" in second half for no reason at all. But the real huge issue is just how comedy part was badly written and done.

I understand that there is an audience who likes that type of comedy. I simply can't. At least if Taylor was written better I would give passable rating.

Just watch trailer and save your valuable free time as it's ROE one and it shows mostly whole movie compressed in just 2:29 min.

Romantic Friction

Another pretty low budget Reel One Entertainment TV movie. The previous reviewer is wrong as this TV movie not only doesn't have anything with Hallmark, it targets different demographics, too. Let me start with technical issues.

Surprisingly, there is almost none. The only issue is fake location. Movie starts with Kelowna (Canada) stock footage which is really strange. I actually thought this time plot is going to take place in Canada, however we almost immediately found out that it takes place somewhere in USA. But there is more, never again movie showed stock footage till the end! This is double weird because in the last few years ROE TV movies are mostly plagued with stock footage which artificially prolongs run time. So it's weird because basically there is no stock footage after the start, but then why they showed Kelowna when movie takes place somewhere in USA?

I liked directing, I think cast was good, but writing was all over the place. This is the first TV movie written by Jon Bradfield so I won't be so much harsh. Dialogue is actually one of the better among ROE TV movie. I especially liked how Michael was flashed out. I admit I was suprised since he was awful in Act I.

What mostly killed higher raiting for me was Lea's backstory. With just one change it would be wastly better, but... We found out almost at start that Lea is a French woman from Paris who is temporarily in USA because of her failed pursue of some guy. And that's the huge issue. There is simply no way that French woman who lives whole life in France and is not an English language teacher can speak English perfectly. It's really immersion killer as Julie Roy is actually a French language native which she showed few times in the movie. Later we found out that she is actually half-French as is her mother, but still, she lived whole life in Paris. The simple and believable solution would be that she is from Canada (probably Quebec). Why Canadian production companies avoid mention of Canada is a million dollar question.

Few more issues. I didn't like Lea's wardrobe, it was mostly baggy and looked just bad. Of course there was almost always obligatory wardrobe change scene which is tiring as is basically used as time killer. And I don't why but Wade Coleman Publishing company looked like real life cafe which was repurposed for the movie.

In the end, it has some highs, and some lows, overall average.

And obligatory don't watch trailer as it's the ROE one and for some unknown reason(s) it shows whole movie compressed.

Finding Mr. Right

This is another TV movie produced by company in which Marcus Rosner is co-owner in partnership with Reel One Entertainment, and obviously M. Rosner is the main actor. It even has the same director and writers as previous movies produced by the same company. Unfortunately, movie suffers from some serious technical issues which wasn't a problem with some previous movies.

The first pretty obvious issues are audio one. Most scenes suffer from barely passable to bad audio issues like audio was recorded on cell phone. It's not horrific like in some other ROE TV movies, but still bad. Music was barely passable and several scenes have loud background music so hearing properly dialogue is a bit of problematic. Still not horrific like in some other ROE TV movies. And there are few small bad cuts.

And then there is an issue of the obvious fake location. I don't know why M. Rosner decided to abandon Edmonton as real location. Acts I and III take place in Boston, and Act II in Martha's Vineyard. Fake location is somehow passable until helicopter and picnic scene, then everything goes down the drain as it's so obvious fake.

Most of the cast is recycled from the previous M. Rosner movies which is both good and bad. I would say that M. Rosner was better than in many of his other movies. Writing was all right.

Another issue but it didn't have influence on the final score is almost completely wrong movie description posted by ROE. Does anybody at ROE who posted description even watched trailer, not to mention movie? No, Nikki wasn't dumped by her boyfriend the day before she meets her new editor. She didn't even had the boyfriend (so called Mr. Right), and she didn't meet her new editor, she met the owner of publishing company. I'll have to submit new description...

And obligatory don't watch trailer because it's ROE one and it shows whole movie compressed.

The Way to the Heart

This is somehow strange TV movie. It's not done by or for Hallmark nor Reel One which dominate that market. Technically it's done better than the majority of abovementioned TV movies, but I have one nitpicks. Meghan Heffern didn't have appropriate makeup in a few scenes. Music score was really good, mostly country music but with some tense music in drama parts.

There is one technical thing for which movie deserve at least passable score (4*) and that's location. They said in the movie that it takes place in Prince George, and it was actually shot there. Furthermore, Vancouver was mentioned later in the movie, too. This is what always baffled me, and I never like it - how hard is for Hallmark and Reel One (excluding M. Rosner co-production) for once that movie actually takes place in Canada instead of faking to be random US city every single time? It's even more absurd as Reel One is actually French owned and their movies are regularly shown and streamed in Europe, and are quite popular. Like nobody heard of Canada or what?

Cast is passable. Jon Cor was a Hallmark regular, and seeing him here was a bit of strange, but he was passable. This is the first major role for Meghan Heffern and I don't know should I blame her or director for overacting in at least the first half of the movie. But she improved in the second half, and was much more enjoyable. Another former Hallmark regular is Pete Graham who played Ava's father. The rest of cast are basically rookies.

I liked directing, it was pretty good, but writing... It was the first and so far the last entry for the writer. The main story is the same old story of girl coming back to her home town which she left 10 years ago, and has a change of heart. The first half of the movie is light hearted comedy mixed with a bit of drama which then slowly transition to drama. Pacing is totally off as the two of three most important things in the movie where suddenly and quickly solved in the few minutes around 70 min in, so they have to finish it somehow which introduced unnecessary drama... Overall, it's the average movie. Pacing is a bit of off, but directing was pretty good, so they even out. And don't watch trailer posted outside IMDb as it shows whole movie compressed in just 2:03 min.

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