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Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Great But Not
Without a doubt, this revamp was exactly what it was needing to respark interest in viewers, however, since the move to the CW the more obvious it has become to be rehearsed. It still hands down my favorite comedy show, bringing me to laughter every episode no matter the mood I may be in prior to. Aisha Tyler has been a significant improvement as the host and I love how she will at random times participate in the games. The only issue for me is how it has become more obviously rehearsed rather than in earlier years where you could be convinced that there was more improv than pre-reheased which takes away a bit of the enjoyment for me. But all-in-all still one of my favorite shows to watch.


Proof That The TV Industry Has Died
These so called "unique talents" are far from amazing, not to mention most of which are not even unique. Add on to that the three judges who have no actual decision making power and basically only there for show. After you realize this, more than likely halfway through episode one, each episode ends up just being is a "contest" consisting of a predetermined winner while deceiving 5 other contestants into thinking they actually had a chance. Anyone who actually enjoys this show, please understand that you are what is wrong with today's society.


Depressing and Agonizing
Since the first episode in season 1 this show has been a stretch when it came to true events/life achievements, I only stuck with it this long for the drama and just plain curiosity in what unbelievable scenario they would present the following week. Now, however, those two reasons are not even enough to force myself through the agony of watching this show. Week after week I find myself spending more and more time laughing in pure disgust or yelling in ever growing frustration at the unbelievable situations portrayed and the near impossible, close to incomprehensible, solutions they miraculously come up with. I cannot understand how these writers were ever capable of landing a position in the film industry and the most frustrating part is knowing that so many people, myself included, have given them the false presumption they are successful by continuing to watch. I for one, will no longer feed their arrogance, hopefully soon enough people will get to this same point and finally make them aware that in reality they are failures when it comes to writing.


Don't Even Know What To Say
I will start off by saying I only attempted to watch this because Incendo Productions has produced some films where first impressions didn't seem promising but ended up surprising me... That will be the only compliment in this review. The director is Claude Desrosiers, a French native who has directed for mainly French productions, who from what I can tell has zero knowledge of American lifestyle or military, coming in to direct a film based on American Military personnel suffering from PTSD. I simply just cannot understand how Incendo didn't see a possibility of this backfiring.

For those still not convinced:

-US Military Plot Subject + No One on Payroll With Experience or Education in US Military = Red Flag -A Director Inexperienced in USA War Genre + Little to No Research of Subject Matter = Downright Disrespectful

I do not recommend for anyone to watch this movie. For me, it felt a bad taste and made me lose any respect towards Incendo Productions for allowing this film to be released.

Hacksaw Ridge

Good Summary of a True Story
Overall a well made movie with great performances, a well rounded script with a hint of comedy, and decent action sense. This one is very difficult to review, I very much want to criticize the historical inaccuracy of the film, however I understand at some areas it would be difficult considering all Desmond Doss did at Hacksaw Ridge alone is more than what could fit in one movie. So bare with me...

I will do my best to not over-criticize the details but there are a few I like to point out. Starting with Doss did not volunteer in the Army but was drafted, this point does change the look surrounding his time at boot camp. Secondly they made it appear Doss and the rest of his company went straight from boot to Okinawa when in truth Doss, with the 307th, fought in Guam and Leyte prior to Hacksaw Ridge. Now as for Hacksaw Ridge, it was not as much inaccurate as it was incomplete; Doss was there for 20+ days before succumbing to his injuries. There were many other selfless acts and acts of bravery that could have been used in addition, making his honorary distinction even more deserved. Again I understand the difficulty those involved with the creation of this movie must have been facing trying to balance high quality entertainment while trying to stay historically accurate. With that being said I will not let it effect my rating too much.

As a film, this had a great roster of actors; Andrew Garfield did an outstanding job as Desmond Doss, Vince Vaughn did a great job adding his comical personality to mix, Sam Worthington and Hugo Weaving are worth mentioning for their well performances as well. Mel Gibson did a great job directing this film, only criticism I will mention would be that the battle scenes were too "jumpy" (they cut to different POV or to other explosions to often) making it difficult to catch all that was happening.

With that said, I have decided to give a 7/10 which is lower than most others I've seen but for me it's difficult to rate it any higher, if I were to be more critical on historical accuracy it would be even lower.

Deepwater Horizon

Historical Event Through Hollywood Perspective
Historical tragedy reenactment with the typical Hollywood spicing. As long as you understand that this is a event told through Hollywood perspective then it is a film that is slow starting but picks up about a third of the way through and continues to build up from there. As far as based on true events::basic story-line (10/10), rig failure event line (6/10), actions made by individuals during evacuation (5/10). As a film: production (9/10), acting (10/10), script (9/10), historical accuracy (6/10). In summary, this is a great film to watch but not a great reference for the complete facts. For the actual facts I would recommend researching the court case which contains the investigation and the court's decision.

Joseph and Mary

Biblical Truth Displayed in Fictional Blasphemy
This film presents itself as a telling of Mary and Joseph, the Earthly parents of Jesus. However, in reality it focuses on a fictional character named Rabbí Elijah, who battles with his pledge to watch over the two sons of a Jewish man killed by a Roman soldier and their mother, the later death of those two sons by a Roman soldier, and the final confronting of said soldier for revenge. All of this while also being a close friend of Mary and Joseph, being present during the birth of Jesus along with being given foreshadowing wisdom by Jesus however never once being mentioned in the Bible under any reference. The only Elijah referenced with Jesus is the Prophet Elijah who would descend from Heaven to announce the coming of Jesus which was prophesied by the Prophet Malachi. Furthermore it displays the death of Joseph and visions he received at his death of what was still to come, both of which are not fact being that Joseph is last mentioned during Jesus' time in the temple at age 12. In all this is a complete work of fiction falsely advertised in the intent to intrigue a desired market. It is lucky to receive the 2/10 I am rating it.


Surprisingly Exceeds All Expectations
I have to admit, even though I counted down the days to the release in great anticipation, I had my doubts and concerns on how they intended to base the plot.

1- Worried they would do as many anticipated, WOW themed, and was not thrilled (explained in #3). Then the first trailer came out and I find the plot is centered around the actual story-line and explaining the birth of Warcraft. First concern reassured and +1 in approval. 2- Worried it would turn out like 99% of 'game inspired movies' and flop. When in reality I can't really think of anything that could have made this film any better. The CGI was some of the best I've seen, it was extremely well written, and very well performed. Hands down the best 'game inspired movie' of all time and adding to my approval +8. 3- Worried it would end up as a 'one&done' film. The way this film played out left a gaping hole of possibilities for the series to grow making me foresee, at the very least, two more films coming our way adding a final +2 to my approval. **For those paying attention, yes that adds up to 11 but IMDb will only allow a max rating of 10.**

In conclusion, I am relieved to say this turned out to be nothing I expected, but instead, exceeded all my expectations and threw up a big "F#$% You" to all my doubts during pre-production and filming. This is absolutely the movie to see for any Blizzard fan, SyFi fan, and, in my opinion, even those who are not fans will still enjoy this movie.

Captain America: Civil War

Excellent movie, stays close to comic book story-line
The only reason this is not a 10, in my opinion, is because there were some pointless/ drawn-out points that can make some people lose attention. Being a fan of Marvel Comics, this did not phase me much, if at all, but those that are not comic book fans or Marvel fans will get impatient and irritated about this movie because: 1. It ties together multiple characters and story-line, making it to where you need to have comic knowledge plus see other MCU films prior. 2. At times they become repetitive (Stark's parents' death for example) and draw scenes out forcing some views to lose interest. 3. The villain, Zero, has very little character building and significance for that matter. Just basically there in an attempt to tie the plot together.

As for a MCU fan, this movie was amazing, with exception to above. It maintains Marvel's style of great action scenes. Additionally they delivered character features like personalities, attitudes, and appearances near dead on. For example: 1. Best Spiderman so far, Tom Holland did very well at maintaining the adolescence of the character and the overall look. Andrew Garfield did good but portrayed an arrogant/ cock attitude. 2. Black Panther was everything that was expected. Chadwick Boseman did a phenomenal job and I don't think anyone could have done better. 3. The main Avengers continue being close to image; how Captain America's strong morals and disapproval of government corruption or how Stark's overzealous determination to have world approval and create world peace cause him to lose faith in the team and himself and take actions causing the team to divide.

Overall, there were areas that could have been shortened/deleted and areas that needed more focus but all-in-all a great movie that I have seen and intend to continue to see again and again.

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