
IMDb member since March 2016
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    8 years


26.2 to Life

So let me get this straight...
So three guys get life for murder and now they are all victims that we are supposed to root for? How does ESPN get behind something like this... I know politics. There is nothing redeeming about this documentary. I will never care about anyone who took another human life and then runs a marathon behind prison walls. At what point do we as a society say enough is enough? This world is turning into a sick joke where all criminals are the victims and the real victims are treated as criminals. Don't waste your time with this garbage. I would rather spend my time cleaning up garbage on the beach and actually doing something good.

Masters of the Air

Is there a story here and who do I care about?
Anyone that knows the actual history behind these bombing pilots understands that there was a lot of common sense stuff left out. From episode one yeah, they're all on a suicide mission... got it! For me every episode has been exactly the same... no story and no characters I really give a crap about. I am very disappointed, as I was expecting Band of Brothers in planes or The Pacific at the very least. I got none of the above. With all of this being said, I will continue to watch, kind of in the same way I would rewind the "DUMP" scene in Jurassic Park. I wouldn't even start this series if you haven't started already. It is vomitous. I'm wondering if bots are giving it this 8.0 rating? Very suspicious!

The Best Man

I really enjoyed this movie!
I thought this movie was fun, action-packed and a good story. Everyone in the cast had good acting chops and the story kept me entertained. At the end of the day I want to be entertained and this one delivered. I gave this movie 10 stars to make up for all of the people just ripping the film with nothing better to do. Personally I found this movie to be a solid 8... all day long! I appreciate the work that went into this movie even though others probably were too blind to see. Luke Wilson is a great actor and Dolph is Dolph. Nicky was awesome as well and the rest of the cast my hats off to all of you. Thanks for entertaining me, I really enjoyed it.

The Reagans

The Libs love to try to rewrite history in their own narrative
Such a travesty! Why are the Libs obsessed with rewriting history? I will tell you why... because they got nothing better to do! They don't care about our country and they don't care about you! I couldn't even get through the first 5 minutes of this garbage and even the show thumbnail says it all... covering Ronnie's eyes and Nancy's mouth, what a bunch of sick people to make a movie about two of the greatest people that ever was in the United States of America!

USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage

Excellent Surprise!
I for the life of me, do not understand people handing out bad reviews for movies that are quite good. It's as if people have nothing better to do than to act negative to fellow human-beings.

I really enjoyed this movie. I was interested from the get-go. Very well-written story, and excellent acting by all who was cast in this film. Nicolas Cage and Tom Sizemore were brilliant as always and the rest of the cast as well. Keep in mind Nicolas and Tom are Oscar caliber actors, Nicholas Winning one and Tom Sizemore should have got a nod for Saving Private Ryan, I thought he stole many scenes in that movie.

Anyway, this is a story long overdue and I'm glad someone finally told a great story of it. Very good directing!

Thanks to all who took part in this film, I truly appreciate the effort and applaud you and this awesome film!

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