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Terrifier 2

I get the disappointment but
I think it would have been impossible to top the first movie and while Art will never supplant Jason Freddy Michael and Leatherface he sits comfortably behind whatever order you put those guys in. The GORE, in bold for a reason was at an insane level making this as close to horror porn (not a bad thing when done well) as possible but each wound each blow each skull cap removed was a masterpiece of practical effects merged with CGI, I'm only guessing CGI was involved because at no point was it obvious but a couple of wounds shown after an Artattack would at least in my mind be impossible without some technological help. I enjoyed this as much as or slightly more than i expected to knowing the first movie is one of my all time favorites.

Alien Overlords

Slightly entertaining fantasy
Almost immediately the "star" blows his own credibility, first with the usual garbage of "my life is over if I'm caught revealing this" but then conclusively when talking about his insider, the basis of all the nonsense to follow by saying this "he worked for a super secret government agency back in the 70's .... OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT". 3:08 in when discussing his eyewitness to this fairytale he can't pinpoint the most basic information of "Joe's" background. Ive never made a (pseudo) documentary but I'm positive if this was my project if this came out of this mans mouth I would have stopped and said "if you don't know the date of his employment make it up for the camera because no one will believe anything that follows". I watched it all mainly to see if anything was said or shown to change my opinion on the (non) existence of MIB's which it did not but there was one interesting bit that I've never seen or heard before, that humans were the men in black and not odd looking shapeshifting aliens. I haven't watch every MIB documentary or YouTube video but this was the first time that part of the narrative was changed, doesn't mean that it's never been presented this way just that I haven't seen it.


2 reviews other than mine and they are both 10's
Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather. Lord of the Rings.and Shcindlers List didn't get a single 10 review and this movie got 2 out of the 2 reviews given. Surprisingly a movie that doesn't acknowledge itself as a horror comedy and since it's devoid of anything close to funny that's true yet it's called a horror comedy within the double 10's and unfortunately I've seen Scooby Doo episodes more spine tingling, , actually all Scooby Doo episodes are scarier then this so horror is as big a stretch as comedy. This movie is what happens when a generation of kids play youth sports that don't keep score and everyone gets the same trophy this is the equivalent to a toddlers picture of a six legged cow with 2 heads that gets hung on a refrigerator door that 18 years later is framed and hung a wall because that kid has never grown up.

The Munsters

Not great not horrible.
Zombies wife doesn't have the talent to do anything better than a very pale imitation of Yvonne De Carlo's very natural in appearance Lily and since Cassandra Peterson was in the movie she could've just done Elvira as Lily and it would have been better. Daniel Roebuck had the near impossible task of filling Al Lewis's shoe's and even knowing that still sucked more than I could've imagined.. JFP was a solid Herman but knowing no one could replace Fred Gwynne he didn't try and went his own way, something Roebuck should have tried. I enjoyed the Lily met Herman storyline which didn't happen on the show (except the tv amnesia trope) it had a great look was paced well and if a sequel is made I'll definitely watch, and while I know he can't replace his talentless wife I hope Roebuck is replaced with someone with a large personality and bold screen presence like Al Lewis brought to the tv version.

Paranoia Tapes 9: DVD-

The first story had some of the worst acting I've ever witnessed and while I understand that they were going for a particular effect or atmosphere with the VCR like footage but the could have cleaned it up enough so you could see what was supposed to be happening.

Squeak and I'll Run to You

I'm conflicted
If you claim to be a horror fan but don't know the source material for this you should be mildly shamed of yourself. I enjoyed this but I've got the feeling James may not appreciate this adaptation but I have another feeling he would be thankful like I was that this wasn't a parody.

The Oak Room

The road to get there was to long
The story was excellent the acting was top notch but it's clear to me that they wanted a feature length movie so they jammed 2 stories that were completely unnecessary to fill time. This should have been one story in an anthology but even with the filler it was worth the time to watch it all.


Still waiting for something ANYTHING to happen.
On the streaming service I watched this on they gave no actual plot it basically said it's scary and nothing more and in retrospect it was the perfect description because this movie has no plot. The first half hour was nothing but him crawling on to and off of the female lead which was entirely with out value since she might be the best looking woman on the planet. There is nothing here I'm not sure how a horror movie about a wind farm would make you say "windmills are perfect subplot to a horror movie" but apparently someone thought it was.


Far worse than I expected and I expected bad.
I'm not sure how hell works but I'd imagine if your evil on the scale of Himmler satan would make you night manager of hell and you'd be some sort of celebrity and revered by others like him. Movie is bad acting is horrible and here's a rule all movies where there are people speaking different languages but you don't want subtitles, everyone speakers in an accent of the country they're character is from or nobody does. Not worth watching.

Forbidden Knowledge: Aliens, Templars and Sacred Monoliths

Awful, nonsense and nothing else.
This will be quick. First episode first "expert" on the first topic discussed said this is at the start of his first sentence , "if I remember correctly" this is not a sentence that leads to the feeling what your about to hear has any chance of being true. Maybe start with a topic and an expert that has knowledge that isn't based on a vague memory. Calling this a waste of time is am offense to laying on your back on your bed staring at the blank ceiling for 8 straight hours.

Tough Nuts: Australia's Hardest Criminals

Great show, host not so much.
Straightforward storytelling no glamour given to the stories of those involved wether the headline thug or minor lowlifes. My singular complaint is the creepy smiling smirking seductive side glances given constantly by a person who is obviously incredibly smart and accomplished individual and the point of her doing this every time she's shown eludes me.

Mayor Pete

This isn't a documentary it's a fairytale.
What do you get when you combine "Big Tech" and the mainstream/legacy media with their shared and undeniable political bias, a fairytale in the form of a documentary. This is possibly the first campaign ad of the 2024 presidential election and like every other campaign ad it leaves out any negatives and exaggerates the meager accomplishments in an effort to hide their unqualified candidate. This man as Transportation Secretary ignored the supply chain issue when he could no longer ignore the supply chain issue claimed it was another example of Russian disinformation when that was proven a lie he said it wasn't a big deal when that turned out to be a lie he said it was being exaggerated by Republicans another lie, the worst was yet to come. As the supply chain issue helped Biden created inflation to the brink of hyperinflation Biden the Democrats as a whole and our friends in the mainstream media claimed inflation was good mayor Pete toeing the company line said it wasn't only a good thing it proved the economy was surging which of course is impossible since the economy stagnates when people can't buy things because of empty shelves. As Transportation Secretary he's had an ever changing position on the issue that's central to his job and as Biden created inflation has caused an increase in the cost of a family of 4 to feed clothe house themselves by almost $1000 a month he Biden the Democrats as a whole and their pals in the media clearly don't care about those of us with the least suffering the most. This man has spent his entire time in Biden's cabinet ignoring lying key issues because of party politics combined with his incompetence.

Satan's Children

Like a car wreck I wanted to look away but couldn't.
I started with this would be just another bad movie moved on to thinking it was an attempt by a Christian church group at showing the evils of drugs sex and homosexuality and how they all lead to satan but then it seemed like a Church is Satan recruitment video for reasons I won't explain, possible spoilers. This is cheese from start to finish bad acting outside the performance of the guy playing the cult leader the dialogue would have been better if the acting talent was up to the job. I'll tell you what, I'm probably going to remember this movie for a very long time because I thought I figured out the point to the movie but was wrong multiple times. I'm obsessed with finding any actual information about who made this and why but other than a brief synopsis on IMDB that showed that this was the lone credit for the entire cast I've found nothing beyond that the "studio" never made another movie and there is no Wikipedia page, the movie is almost a complete mystery.

Sir Noface

I have zero respect to the modern day snake oil salesman, paranormal "investigators" 7000 tv shows radio shows movies YouTube channels podcasts are all looking for the same thing and have found nothing. They use electronic devices meant for other things and claim these things are tools of their "trade". This was the usual nonsense but open with the lead tool saying "the reason I look so tired is I've watched this for 6 hours straight" roughly the same amount of time as everybody on the planet with a tv does every day. If you as an Australian have a bombshell video that proves conclusively that paranormal whatever is true would you contact contact the 50 or so shows that are searching for this sort of proof on well known networks like the History Channel Discovery Channel Nat Geo or send it to some bozo in the US that is absolutely unknown to you. The footage was great but the choice of who to give the information to so they tell the world was stupid and completely takes the possibility that this was real. Not worth anyone's time, including my own.


Will Arnett again
How many tv shows that fail immediately will it take before they move on from this man who hasn't been funny since the early days of Arrested Development. Does he have nude pictures or racist emails from TV executives maybe he's discovered that shape shifting lizard people run every network and he's agreed to keep the secret. Jerry Van Dyke had to wait decades before he was let back on TV after "My Mother the Car" this man has a string of bombs yet here he is again. And isn't improv dead doesn't every stand up comedian and sitcom savage even the idea of it. The guest stars make it momentarily interesting but that's not enough for me to suffer through a full episode.

Howard's Mill

Not a waste of time.
Great story the acting by the ancillary characters was strong but the leads were not believable, which helps to blow the illusion. The lead male did not act like a man under very real and ongoing suspicion of his wife's disappearance which took place less than a month earlier. It was creepy and if the story was adapted to a full on horror movie it could be entertaining.

Dark Web: The Mystery Box

This isn't a movie.
45 minutes of close up footage of 2 idiots doing nothing followed by horror that makes Scooby Doo look like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. When something like this makes it to a streaming giant it means we have more streaming options then we need.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

If you fast forward to when the horror begins its tolerable
It's not an original concept but unique enough to make me press play and the opening scenes show this wasn't a cheaply slapped together movie. If each actor wore neon light that flashed "acting" with every word they said and every movement they made on camera would be the only thing that would make their portrayals more of a cartoon. Read the synopsis of the movie than fast forward until they reach the house after the second robbery, that's where a pretty good to very good horror movie begins. It's incredibly hard to figure out exactly what's happening and several developments come out of nowhere and the climax is a lot better than I anticipated.

Cold Feet

One of if not the absolute dumbest movie all time
Garbage movie that thinks it's clever but isn't sure if it'a straight horror comedy horror action horror that makes no sense from start to finish. I instantly hated every character and the end of the movie is impossible to like. Horrible start horrible all the way through and horrible ending. I wanted desperately to find something anything that could make me understand the relatively low 4.5 but no absolutely nothing ever presents itself. A complete waste of time.

Wild Wild Country

Typical Netflix Docudrama, leaving out huge amounts of facts.
What do you think of Scientology, David Koresh, Warren Jeffs. Al Capone. This group had Scientologies greed, (explain the necessity of 14 Rolls Royce as the key to enlightenment) intimidation they along with Koresh keep/kept power by cutting off the outside world either completely or not allowing contact with family and friends that were non believers and absolutely cutting off former members and had a stash of high powered weapons that would rival the Oregon National like Koresh and took it one step further by developing bacteria they used as weapons. Warren jeffs had a harem of pre pubescent girls some as young as 10 as well as forcing the wives of his followers to, his words "service him" and this low life did the exact same thing. And they did employ Al Capone's PR strategy by throwing some crumbs to a small group of people in need. Many of the other reviews leave out every bad thing these people did and they were to lazy to go elsewhere to see us this crafted retelling was accurate or gave all the details, the exact same thing these same people do when they get all their news from one source. A fat bank account taken from brainwashed idiots to buy luxury autos several mansions land in several countries for personal use Biological weapons assault rifles employed voter intimidation and for some of the tiny brained reviewers the government was still the baddie in this situation. People are stupid.

Candy Corn

Not great but not a horrible waste of time either.
The best part of the movie is that I understand candy corns purpose and as I always suspected it's not for eating. Typical carnival/circus slasher with a great monster, Tony Todd which is always a plus and properly menacing little person who is throws down some voodoo based retribution. One interesting (at least I thought so) thing was at the end of the movie, this has nothing to do with the plot nor is it a spoiler, up pops Plainfield, Wisconsin in text on the screen where the little person has a shop during the break in between carnival seasons. Why is this interesting you may ask, Plainfield, Wisconsin was the home of Ed Gein.


This will be brief.
Nothing new or interesting in anyway except one incredibly common bit of modern movie nonsense was flipped, it's usual that you have a woman who's in her late 20's in real life having college aged children it was the father in this movie and it added a girl in her late 20's as a high schooler so the age gap made even less sense than normal. The setting was excellent but it was as this movies sole redeeming quality.

Cowboy Bebop

Surprised the rating on here was so high.
I had no confidence they could pull this off shocked when the did but completely unsurprised it was canceled. People, critics pro and wannabe bash the crap out of things just to make up for disappointments in their own lives and Netflix is usually the the center of this nonsense and I'm guessing with time the average score on here will come down with crowd joiners. Women not front and center as pieces of meat three non white leads including a Muslim means all boxes are checked which made me think this was a lock for 5 seasons it also kept me away for a year as I believed that would be the focal point of the show. The show blew past my expectations the ethnicities were not jammed down your throat and the acting was far better than anyone could have anticipated the stories were well thought out the dialogue was as cheezy as it should be while no cheese was wasted. 10 episodes a bunch of morons looking for nits to pick later and another quality shows goes the way of Firefly, not that this was as good but once that loose comparison is made nothing more needs to be said.


Like nearly every movie on here it's better than it's average score.
While I understand that this movie isn't for everyone because of the minimal dialogue and equally minimal lighting I think both of those things work in this movies favor. It's a zero budget movie but unlike others where dialogue and poor special effects put a spotlight on the tiny budget the darkness and the dialogue in this film only hint that this was made for a buck fifty. I'm guessing many of the reviewers didn't watch the complete movie and stopped as soon as they had a snarky title and then filled the review with the same crap they use to trash all movies in the hope that someone at IMDB or some website notice the non stop condescension they spew at every film and pay them. It's not a great movie but it handles the lack of capital very well and if you watch it without your nose pointing to the ground from the start you can enjoy this movie.

The Sleepless Unrest: The Real Conjuring Home

Nothing whatsoever happened.
The Warrens have been exposed as frauds by the Warrens themselves. If you believed any of their stories go back to how they admitted to making up the Amityville nonsense over 2 bottles of wine with the Lutz family and their lawyer. When I say nothing whatsoever happened that's in no way an exaggeration the first "event" that was documented happened on day 10 an orb floating past a camera.if this was the only movie like this it's a bump in the road but this is what every single movie/doc like this is nothing surrounded by tense music. This is 5 attention hungry peoe playing make believe. Garbage complete and utter garbage.

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