
IMDb member since April 2016
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Then You Run

Don't waste your time
It was hard to finish this one. It became dumb and dumber as it goes.


The story of the serial killer doesn't contribute anything to the story until the last quarter of the show.

The drug-hunt story has been seen many times before, even performed in a better way.

Many parts of the story are just.noncredible and silly, I will not go into detail to avoid any spoilers.


Although stating it should be located in Hamburg (Germany), Denmark and even Norway, almost all scenes in the first half of the show (and some in later episodes) were shot in or near Berlin (Germany) - I am a Berlin local knowing all of these places.


Personally I just found those 4 girls annoying. Would not have cared if they all got killed in episode two.

It doesn't become better, in the end there was no likeable character at all.

Don't waste your time watching this one, not worth it.


Show cannot decide between Thriller or Comedy
I found this show hard to watch sometimes, almost quitting it after the Sumo style fight which was ridiculous.

It stars in a good serious way (this is what I was expecting), but then becomes more and more Tarantino-Comedy-Style, which made no sense for me (although I enjoyed Kill Bill 1+2).

All characters are more and more overdone, becoming stereotypes. For some (like Thilo) it almost hurts, but still he got too much screen time and didn't really contribute to the story at all.

It is a little bit like they were trying to do the Tarantino thing but failed, as they did it not the right way. Maybe it could have worked by shortening the show for about half and leaving out some stuff.

I wished they wouldn't have tried and kept the story more serious and realistic. That could've worked quite well, because the actors are not that bad.


Don't start watching, you will be disappointed later
I have to agree to all the other writers.

The first season was still good, but it became more and more like a weekly soap. So in each episode there is some new manifest which they are trying to solve, besides of that there is only little contributed to the main story.

But it is like the writers became more and more sloppy, even in S2 and S3. So I wonder if nobody of the Stone family has actually go to work? From where do they have all the money for their house etc.?

So many other things were not resolved properly in the plot.

Also some of the actors became literally annoying for me, so I used the fast-forward in S3 when they had screentime, e.g. Grace Stone aka the big greek drama queen.

I wished they ended it in S3, to have at least some satisfactory ending.

Shadow in the Cloud

Utterly stupid movie - could have been better.
"You cannot change the laws of physics!" (Scotty) - This movie did.

Technically it is not too bad done, even the mix of the two plots could have worked. This makes the two stars I rated it.

Everything else is screwed up, because it is so over the top that it ruined this movie for me completely.

Even after the first few minutes with the boring, stereo-typic, neverending dialogues, I already had a death wish for everybody on board.

But this was not enough, it evolved and became more and more stupid as the story progresses. The problem is not the story itself, but how the director and/or writer worked it out.

Save your time and don't watch this.

La nuée

Over average, tense and well acted movie
If you are into slow, intense (horror) drama this is for you.

It is not because of very spectacular effects or fast paced action, but because of the good acting, character development and story.

I believe there are people out there who would almost go as far as the main actress to pay their bills.

The end could have been better written, it is a little bit like "Uh, we are out of ideas how to end now, let's do it quick!". This is also the only scene which I found completely unrealistic.

If you like this kind of films, you should give it a try.


One star for the set - that's it about this movie.
This movie is so bad that I am not able to express it in words.

I give one star for the set ("Beelitz Heilstätten").

Obviously this was meant to be some kind of "Blairwitch Project" mixed with today's social media centric society, taking place in a decent location.

It was hard to stand watching it to the very end. Sometimes I found it even stressful to watch, not because of the horror or tension, but because of the cutting and camera work. It felt like being done by an ADHD suffering person who just had ten espressi.

The acting was so bad and all the characters so unlikeable and interchangeable, almost from the start I had a deathwish for everybody in this movie, die! Die! Die!

And the twist in the end was laughable at best.

Don't watch.

Wszyscy moi przyjaciele nie zyja

The trailer looked funny and promising BUT...
...this was almost the most funny scene in this movie.

I like funny movies. I like black humor movies. I even like college humor.

This movie tries to be a bit of everything - but it failed completely.

The beginning however was still ok, but once it went to the plot what actually happened the evening before, it starts to fail blatantly.

Everything was so uninspired, bad overacted or just dumb humor - like from a 6 year old child. Also, although I would not consider myself as being uptight, I found most of the sexual scenes (or scenes with sexual references) quite cringeworthy, just because they were so stupid.

Don't expect any real plot in this movie, it is just a series of small episodes, some of them connected, but most of time not.

Also how most of the people died is completely stupid and even not funny at all - nothing you have not seen before.

Die Känguru-Chroniken

Very boring and stupid - don't watch if you liked the (audible) books
This movie is even worse than I expected. Even with *no* expectations this movie isn't any fun.

In contrast to the (audio) books which *are* funny, the movie is not because of the stupid story and very silly jokes. The situational comic from the books is not transported to the movie.

The movie looks like it has been written by a child without understanding the philosophy behind the Kangaroo Chronicles.

It is so boring, I fell asleep while watching. The only thing I could like in this movie is the animation of the Kangaroo which is quite good.


Trust all the other 1-star reviews - this is really bad
I watched this one because it was suggested by Netflix to me. Why the hell did the get it into their program? Wasted time at best.

My first thought was also that this looks like an amateur / school / student project, at least it is carried out like this.

The very bad German synchro (even worse than the one of "The Package") was as crappy as everything else in this film. Either bored or overacted voices, poorly performed, most probably without an sound supervisor.

The story begins as a typical teenager-lake-slasher movie. A few teenagers are on their way to go camping on a small lake in the wild.

But already during the first few minutes of their stupid conversation in the car, I wished them death instantly - a car crash would have been perfect and would spare every viewer to waste any more time on this flick.

As the story continues, it doesn't get better. Everyone "acting" (Dr. Evil quotes here) completely stupid - the "story" is a complete mess, the motivation of how everybody is acting is unclear.

The only one thing in this movie which justifies the one star I had to give, is the small twist in the end.

So if you are looking how to NOT do a movie, watch this. If it was me to judge this as a school project, I would rate it as F+.

"Crystal lake", how funny - NOT.

The Hateful Eight

So boring - waste of time, money and good actors
Hi, this is my first review written ever here, because I am angry. Angry about this film, and the waste of time, money and good actors.

On the up side, the actors did their best and technically this film is done very well. The Although at the "what happened before" scene in the end, I found the acting of Judy quite childish over-acted, but I guess that was for some reason done by QT.

On the down side, this film is so boring that I have to force myself to not turn it off and do something else instead. We all know that QT movies can have quite long dialogs, but in all other QT movies, these dialogs are good - intelligent, bizarre or kind of sarcastic. But here the dialogs are just boring.

So the set is. White snow and the dark room of the bar. No surprises here.

The story is quite predictive, some parts did not make any sense to me (eg. the scene where they put the rope to the rest room - after that scene it is not referenced once). As it is QT movie, you know at least in the end there will be much of violence, so you wouldn't be disappointed for this.

There are no characters to really like in this movie, so you will not care if anybody is killed.

Do yourself a favor and watch "The good, the Bad and the Ugly" another time, it is quite more entertaining than this flick was.

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