
IMDb member since April 2016
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    8 years


Drama: The Web Series

Very entertaining web series
An amusing yet serious collage of fiction and reality, "Drama" provides viewers with an all-inclusive look into adolescent life, taking oneself on a transcendent journey to the screen. Brilliant cinematography accents this low-budget work while keeping its distance from the content itself. A diverse cast appeals to the many facets of our daily and lifelong goings that bring truth to the story in more ways than one.

The Badlees: Renew and Rewind

The Badlees take New York
The Badlees continue their effort to fight the record company establishment with their latest collection of poignant, earnest, heart- felt American rock and roll. The self-released "Renew" has a slightly harder edge than some of the bands earlier, more acoustic-based material, but the band hasn't lost it's way. The focus remains on the voice lead singer Pete Palladino gives to guitarist Bret Alexander's tales of love and longing. The CD's title is in reference to the bands spiritual rebirth. After a hiatus that saw each of the groups members involved in side projects, the band reunited to decide their future and thankfully chose to continue their partnership. The tight harmonies and skillful musicianship on display here confirm the band still has plenty of great music to share with their fans.

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