Reviews (119)

  • For some lightweight creature feature you could do a lot worse than this movie. Enough creepy scenes to make it entertaining without been too gross, and a few jumps too. The spider effects looks great.

    Copy due to imdb word limit

    For some lightweight creature feature you could do a lot worse than this movie. Enough creepy scenes to make it entertaining without been too gross, and a few jumps too. The spider effects looks great.

    For some lightweight creature feature you could do a lot worse than this movie. Enough creepy scenes to make it entertaining without been too gross, and a few jumps too. The spider effects looks great.
  • Gone is the charm and comedy of the original Ghostbusters. This one doesn't even stand up to the first reboot from this cast. Paul Rudd playing exactly the same character as he does in the Antman movies is just tiresome. This film lacks humour, lacks a decent story, and sadly lacks much in the way of action, which for a film just shy of two hours makes for a painfully boring movie.

    Like so many movie franchise continuations today, this is a case of the movie studios flogging a dead horse, or milking a barren cow. I actually despair that some people actually enjoy this heavily flawed movie. Hopefully no more.
  • 20 April 2024
    Historically inaccurate, poor direction and too jumpy. It almost feels like a farce rather the an historical drama, with such lines as, 'You think you are so great because you have boats', from a meeting that never actually happened.

    I was actually looking for ward to this movie, but I cannot think of anything positive to say about it other than it looks OK.

    Repeat... Historically inaccurate, poor direction and too jumpy. It almost feels like a farce rather the an historical drama, with such lines as, 'You think you are so great because you have boats', from a meeting that never actually happened.

    I was actually looking for ward to this movie, but I cannot think of anything positive to say about it other than it looks OK.
  • The trailers definitely tried to show this movie as a comedy, which it really isn't.

    There is nothing wrong with any of the acting or the story, but this is a drama not a comedy, and anyone watching it for comedy will be sadly disappointed. Perhaps if you are amused by foul language it might raise a few more smiles, but that's not to say that the film isn't worth a watch.

    Can't really think of much else to say to say so copied and pasted to reach the limit required.

    The trailers definitely tried to show this movie as a comedy, which it really isn't.

    There is nothing wrong with any of the acting or the story, but this is a drama not a comedy, and anyone watching it for comedy will be sadly disappointed. Perhaps if you are amused by foul language it might raise a few more smiles, but that's not to say that the film isn't worth a watch.
  • 30 March 2024
    Why has this awful movie got a such a decent score on here? Are people blind or just stupid? I'd say this must have been written by a ten year old if it wasn't for some of the violence, so not really a kids movie. Didn't mind the visual effects, but the script was shockingly bad, although in all fairness there really isn't much of a script. And I'm sorry but Milly really does not make a convincing action heroine.

    This is yet another fine example of script writers running out of ideas and borrowing so many bits for far better movies to cobble together any old nonsense to give an actress a movie a star in because Netflix have promised her a film or two to sign to them.
  • I didn't mind the original movie, it had some good action and a bit of humour too.

    This remake/reimagining just goes too far with everything. The fight scenes are so over the top and brutal and poorly shot, as in lot's of close up's, shaky camera's, and out of focus camera work. No humour whatsoever, and whoever thought it would be a good idea to offer Connor McGregor and acting role must have been on something when he did. McGregor cannot act, and is barely legible when he does speak. He really came a cross as a complete waste of space in this movie. Yet another fine example of movie studios lack of imagination at coming up with new stories so just rehashing older ones, but not as good as the originals.
  • 16 March 2024
    First of all let me start by saying I love Matthew Vaughn's early work. Kick-Ass and Kingsman, but unfortunately Argylle doesn't come close to either of those. I was really looking forward to a fun ride with this movie, but right from the start it just came across as poorly written, badly executed stupidity. And from the moment they put Elly into the gold dress I couldn't take my eyes off how ridiculous her breasts wife was convinced they were fake.

    The stupid dance action scene was just stupid, and we seemed to have one climatic ending after another, leaving me praying that it would finally end. Because at over 2 hours long it really does drag on and feel even longer.
  • The show itself isn't too bad. It's a lightweight crime mystery show that is perfect if you want something light that won't tax the brain too much. It's not aggressive or nasty and no bad language. Pleasant characters, well acted and nice settings it comes across as a gentle show from the past. But the thing that I really hate with a vengeance is the god dam awful theme music. Whoever chose this music should never work in television again. It's some god awful throwback to the 60's. Every time I hear it it makes me angry. Keep the show going by all means but I beg you on my hands and knees to change the theme tune.
  • If you want to hear the opinions of theatre lovies and some very rich people, then this might be the film for you. But it bears no reality to real life in Britain. Apart from two London taxi drivers it talks to no working class or middle class people. The film also strays no further than London and the affluent south. This is probably one of the worse documentaries I have ever seen. It's not funny, it's not clever, and in no way whatsoever it's not a reality.

    What an abysmal waist of time. What it if you wish but please do not think this is what Britain if like. As a brit I can only apologise for this nonsense.
  • This is better than many recent Statham movies. It's a fun Saturday popcorn movie than puts no pressure on the brain, but entertains with buckets full of action. Statham does what he does best, keeping the dialogue to a minimum while doing his usual, I can beat anyone persona on full tilt.

    Is it a sensible movie, no. Is it fun to watch, yes.

    I do wonder how much longer Statham can keep making movie like this, been 56 years old. But I suspect this movie will be successful enough to spawn at least one more. And if it does I'll be there to watch it, what's not to love about a bit light weight action movie.
  • I thought the first Aquaman was mediocre, but my god this one is so much worse. The story is just so stupid, the humour at times borders on stupid, like how we all laughed at the baby peeing in his mouth not once but twice, NOT. Some of the CGI was so bad it was almost like watching a cartoon, thank god I didn't waste any money going to see this at the cinema. If this is what the youth of today class as entertainment then hell mined them. The sooner that DC and Marvel start loosing big chunks of money, the sooner we might actually start to get some entertaining movies, because certainly isn't one.
  • Nothing that we haven't seen before in the Indiana Jones movies, but my god this one was badly done. The writing was average at best, but some of the CGI was so poor it looked like animation you were watching. I thought the previous one was bad, but it looks like a masterpiece compared to this one. Definitely in my top 5 for the worst movies of the year. I actually take satisfaction that this movie lost money, it might actually get across to the film studio that they can't keep chucking the same rubbish out time and time again unless that have a strong story and are willing to spend whatever is required on the CGI to actually make it look half decent.
  • 31 December 2023
    Heard a lot of hype around this movie, but honestly I only managed 45 minutes of this drivel before I turned it off.

    I read the writer/director filmed it in the ratio because she thought it would give the audience the view of someone peaking in. But all it did for me was make it look very old fashioned, so much so that the time setting of the early 2000's just felt completely wrong. It had the look and feel of a movie from the 60's. At just over two hours long I would expect to be hooked by the movie within half an hour, but there was nothing to hold my attention after 45 mins, no build up, drama, suspense, comedy or anything else. Such a waste of some decent talented actors.
  • 23 December 2023
    How on earth this got commissioned is beyond me. This isn't funny in the least, it's just incredibly stupid. Gave up after 20 minutes of the first dreadful episode. The script is just so awful that I think a 10 year old could have done better. I don't know how they managed to convince the cast that this could be good for their careers. Thankfully I missed this when it was released in 2018, if it did get released then? But seeing only 20 minutes of this show now, makes it the outright winner was the worse thing I've seen this year by a mile. If this is what Tom Davis thinks is funny, then I'll be avoiding his stuff from now on.
  • Not having read the books I looked at this as something I may well enjoy, having enjoyed shows like Game of Thrones. And so far three episodes in I am thoroughly enjoying it. It's dark and at times very violent. The sets, direction, and acting are all top notch, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. There are obvious characters in, the ones you just know are going to betray him, but tell me a show where you don't get this. All in all I'm very happy with this show so far, and it's nice to see all episodes available to watch right away on ITV X, rather than having to wait for one episode a week.
  • What made Ardmans Chicken Run so successful is that while it is arguably a children's movie there is plenty of clever adult humour in it to appeal to many adults. However this second one is totally lacking in anything other than a child's movie, and probably a child no older than about 10 years.

    I was a big fan of the original and had been looking forward to this as a Christmas highlight, but after over 30mins of poorly written drivel with virtually no humour what so ever, I could take it no more and turned it off. This really does not bode well for the Ardman/Netflix collaboration for a new series of Wallace and Gromit stuff. I just fear that the Netflix writers/producers just don't get the British humour that made both Wallace and Gromit, and Chicken Run so successful in the first place.
  • 27 November 2023
    This was an enjoyable ride, but nowhere near as good as The Boys, from which this is a spin off. It lacks the dark humour that made The Boys such a good so. And is a much darker story. That said it was still worth watching with a good cast of characters and well acted. And like The Boys there are still plenty of characters to distrust, just nothing to compare to Homelander. It will be interesting to see where season 2 leads us. Hopefully it will be more of a cross over with more of the characters from The Boys in the next season. It did feel like The boys characters should have been in this show.
  • I would say that this film is perhaps a little overlong, but that's nothing new for Nolan, but overall I enjoyed this movie. Well acted and filmed with style, there was nothing I disliked about this movie. I did read a few reviews that said the sex scenes were overly explicit and unnecessary, and then found myself surprised that they weren't at all. Don't understand how anyone could be offended by the sex in this move! I knew very little about Oppenheimer other than he was the man behind the bomb, but I found his story and the way he was treated by the American Government both fascinating and shameful of America for the way he was treated.
  • As a fan of the John Wick movies I was looking forward to this show, but overall I would have to say I was disappointed in it.

    As a prequel I was hoping for a story about how the continental became the home of hitmen, but instead they gave us the story of how Winston came to be the manager of it. So straight away that took away any jeopardy from Winston's story.

    Out of the 3 movie length episodes I actually found the second one the best as it developed a decent story and character building. But overall the actions scenes were lacking compared to the movies, and I found the whole final actions scenes somewhat badly played out and too over the top.

    I actually think that part of the problem with series today is that by using a different director for each episode, it lacks a flow as the different styles just make each episode feel a bit messy and disjointed.
  • Another show making women out to be these pathetic weak creatures who are afraid to speak out.

    The abandoned conned woman given numerous chances to scupper the mans deceitful plans bottles it and just gets herself further involved with the people she is trying to save.

    I actually loath this show with a vengeance for it's depiction of women in this show. After two episodes I had to stop watching it because it made me so angry.

    This is another fine example of poor shows from the BBC, a corporation that used to have a reputation of good quality TV. I really think it's time the BBC bosses got the boot.
  • 26 September 2023
    I gave this two episodes before giving up on it. The whole concept of someone been cheated on and staying with them to get revenge just seems so stupid to me. It just makes the cheated on person seems so pathetic and weak, that you loose all feeling for them. Stalking the other women and then trying to scupper the other women meeting up with her husband just makes her so pathetic and needy. I really hate this type of so called drama where what they show is a women so frightened of been alone that she will tolerate this going on rather than accepting that her marriage is over. Or even worse, trying to kill her husband because he cheated on her. It's pathetic.
  • This movie could have been written twenty years ago it felt that old. It was like some old fashioned TV Movie, the sort of thing the TV companies churned out in there hundreds. Less than half an hour into this movie, both the wife and I had figured out who the guilty parties really wasn't difficult. One scene where a lady says she likes York because it is so quite, was laughable for anyone who has spent any time in certainly isn't a quite city. There were numerous references during the movie to the history of Miss Willoughby which leaves you feeling like you've missed others movies or perhaps a TV series. Ultimately this is just another off the conveyer belt movie that offers nothing new or exciting, and even as something familiar it falls well short of decent entertainment.
  • I don't know if this is Disney's influence, or just that the script writers are running out of idea, but this just feels like a poor rehash on the TV show. Some of the CGI, especially in the opening scenes with batman were so poor it looked like a game. The lead actor just doesn't carry the role well. I just could get past the first hour of this woeful film before giving up on it. I do not think anyone past the age of 40 could enjoy this movie as as it is simply so poor compared to so many movies that have gone before. It really feels like both DC and Marvel have past their best. I could not recommend this film to anyone.
  • A show set in 1990, and written like something from the 70's. This is just so old hat and just another example of the BBC been stuck in the past. Gave it two episodes and only broke a smile once during these episodes. It's just lazy writing and not in the least bit funny. Not a likeable character in the whole thing.

    Now just repeating the above due to the 600 character rule... A show set in 1990, and written like something from the 70's. This is just so old hat and just another example of the BBC been stuck in the past. Gave it two episodes and only broke a smile once during these episodes. It's just lazy writing and not in the least bit funny. Not a likeable character in the whole thing.
  • How on earth was this script was green lit is beyond me. The whole movie is garbage, from poorly written script, awful acting, some dodgy CGI. And music that simply doesn't fit.

    I loved the first two Guardians movies, the sharp witty dialogue, the comedy of the Marvel universe. But for some unknown reason James Gunn decided to do away with this hit formula and instead take us down a darker route. Parts of the script just made no sense, the music seemed to be picked at random and chucked at the scenes. The failed experiment animals been kept alive for so long just made no sense, and considering this villain was such a genius, why the hell has he attached metal spider legs to a rabbit and wheels to a walrus. When Gunn submitted this script and people read it, he should have been sacked.
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