
IMDb member since June 2016
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Kong: Skull Island

Decent monster flick with many, many technical problems.
Quite a few issues I had with it, but overall I enjoyed it. LOVED the shots, the imagery, cgi for the creatures and Kong. Sam L. Jackson and John C. are American treasures. Enjoyed most of the characters, surprisingly except for Loki and Captain Marvel. Really took me out of it at times, those two. No spoilers but I love who we discover who the true antagonist is. Also, don't leave. In classic Marvel fashion, post- credits scene, DO NOT LEAVE. The editing - really annoyed me as well. And the humor. Jackson and John C. both had only one moment that made me actually laugh, and I feel like both lines they delivered were ad libbed. The many many slow-mo action shots got under my skin as well. I noticed this film also borrowed a few shots, classic pieces of imagery from Jurassic Park. The many many slow-mo action shots got under my skin as well. The bad writing and line delivery, and Hiddleston, Kebbel, and Larson's characters were just bad.

Patriots Day

Absolutely incredible film, powerful!
I'd been hearing of the push-back against this film from Boston journalists and writers over Mark Wahlberg's character being created for the film itself, to add more of an emotional connection than what we'd already have. And after seeing it, I completely understand, especially considering there were plenty of real people involved, real heroes whose stories were told. But that aside, this is an absolutely amazing film. The tension from scene to scene had me on the edge of my seat, biting my nails. And I remember this tragedy, in my dorm room freshman year 2013 after my last class that day, watching CNN all day and night. Today, again, in a packed auditorium of adults tearing up at the film's end - the Memorial section, the 9 year old child who lost his life that day - powerful moments captured, the heart, soul, anger, courage, as well as the look into government and media involvement. Peter Berg does it again. I highly recommend checking this one out asap.


Phenomenal film!
Incredible film, but I didn't expect anything else from Denis Villeneuve. And Amy Adams carries this cast on her shoulders with her performance, I wouldn't be surprised to see some award nominations next year for this. A very thought-provoking, intelligent film about alien contact that doesn't rely on explosions or an action hero to get its point across. And with a superb ending and important message, I HIGHLY recommend this film to you, along with Hacksaw Ridge this weekend. If you want something loud, an Independence Day or some cheesy 90s action flick, this won't be for you. This is more Contact, or Close Encounters. And probably the best film score I've heard all year.

Doctor Strange

NON-SPOILER - Could have been so much better.
First off, I liked the film. It's good, not great. Excellent visuals obviously, but this film was definitely dipped into that Disney glaze. Having read the comics, Doctor Strange is a dark character, dealing with his demons, and he faces dark situations. There was entirely too much comedy in this film. I felt like I was watching a Disney comedy at a point at it took me out of the rest of the film, because I knew the stakes wouldn't be there anymore. A LOT of the comedic relief just did not work and really should have been left out, and this film would have been damn-near perfect, with the perfect tone fitting the situations surrounding them. GREAT score, some fine action sequences, GREAT cast and performances across the board, and superb written dialogue for Chiwetel Ejiofor's Mordo, Benedict Wong's Wong, and especially Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One. She stole the show for me, which is saying something, because I was on the fence about her casting from day 1. This film starts off mature, for adults, but then turns into a child's Disney film.

Suicide Squad

A beautiful disaster...
I walked into this film with 0 expectations. From a film-making perspective, this film is a mess, edited so poorly and chopped up to no end. Warner Bros. execs need to stop screwing with their directors and just need to let them make their films! GREAT action! The action sequences in this film are definitely highlights, but an overuse of slow-motion shots takes away from it a bit. The beginning of the film, specifically the character introductions, were very nice to see. It looked and felt like pages of a comic book right there on the screen!The film essentially had a 1st and 3rd act, and it seemed like much of the 3rd act's villain was meant to be there, instead of within the first half hour of the film. Many of the characters had multiple motivations toward the end. Generic villain plot with beam in sky we've seen in Avengers, TMNT 1, MoS, Fant4stic, and again just this summer with TMNT 2 and Ghostbusters. Why can't we get an original story where the villain doesn't need a device???

Independence Day: Resurgence

Why even make this??
Just saw it in the theater and it really is bad, as expected, but I was not ready for this crap-fest. Some of the worst written dialogue in recent memory, my god. They kept trying to 1-up the epic speech from the first film, but why?? Why try to 1-up that speech more than once in this one film?!

Aside from the horrible writing, at least Goldblum and diet Hemsworth are OK as far as acting goes, and the narrative actually isn't bad. It's a shame the story gets overtaken by the awful lines and their delivery from the other 99% of the cast. EXCELLENT cgi work done on the aliens and the technology though, and even the action sequences. Go see The Shallows instead, or see Finding Dory again.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

Fun film for the kids and die hard fans!
This film is to Secret of the Ooze what Star Trek Into Darkness is to Wrath of Khan as far as relationship goes, but this is miles better than Ooze. So if you liked Into Darkness and are a die hard TMNT fan then you will have so much fun with this film. Better than the first by far, more turtles and action, still faithful to their personalities, less human characters.

Bebop and Rocksteady, Casey Jones, a REAL Shredder, and my god, Krang is amazing in this. The trailers were all also cut very well and do not reveal much at all. Bringing Bebop and Rocksteady, Krang to life honestly should not have worked in live action, but it did. Check this one out with friends or the kids.

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