
IMDb member since July 2016
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Movie with a soul
I randomly bumped into one scene from this movie, and it made me put it on my *to watch list*. As someone who likes the apocaliptic genre, I must say this is one of the most interesting films I watched in this category. I can say that the movie is pretty realistic for this topic, meaning you won't be seeing some crazy, scary, pumped-up zombies running around and making everyone scream, like it's usually the case. This one is made in a totally different tone, with an accent on more common and *every-day life situations of a regular, not super cool, strongest hero family*. It's happening in a steady tempo, with a known ending from the beginning, where the atmosphere is being built up in such a nice way, and the decision-making of the main guy is so intense and *again* very realistic that it made me think about how I would do the things if I were at his place. Freeman did a great job, and again, he lived up to my expectations as a very good actor. The tone of the movie is kind of sad, but again, as the result is expected, I still got a satisfying ending. For fans of this genre, I recommend giving this movie a chance.


Solid one..
This is the kind of movie that you know the expectations before you even start watching it, and from there on, it can eather be as expected or a total failure. Greta is, in my opinion, a solid movie that had my attention for the most of the time. There were even few totally unexpected moments that got me surprised, so I had to go with a strong 6 for this one.

As I said, I wasn't looking for some great, plot twist kind of a movie, so based on my assumption, I got everything that I needed. Movie is not too long, story is built in a good, steady way. One thing I didn't like is the fact they rushed with revealing the point of the story very early and in a bit clumsy way. Think that those moments could have been covered in much better way and movie could have been better if so.

Acting was fine as well, especially by Huppert, she did it in a kind of dramatic way, which gave the story some creepy atmosphere, and had me being cautious for most of the time.

If you are in the mood for some easy, quick, solid movie, then this one might be a good pick for you..

The Last of Us

Full package
One of the best shows I watched in a long period. I hate reading bad reviews by people who are obviously not on the level to appreciate the effort of doing something different and refreshing from a bunch of boring, same/lame stories from this genre.

A very good adaptation of an amazing video game. Yes, there are differences and yes, show is potrayed in a different mood from the game, but that is the point. Final product is unique. Everyone, people who played the game and the ones who didn't, had a chance to feel an unique idea, something unexpected, some surprising parts, differences in character traits, it wasn't predictable and anticipated. And that is the main reason I love this show.

I shouldn't even talk about the cast. Acting was amazing, it was so natural and easy-going that I could feel the atmosphere at some parts and could imagine myself being in that apocalyptic time. Nothing was forced, dialogues were so casual, everything overall was on a very high level.

Only objection I have is that story started very steady and super detailed, and with two filler episodes, I feel like they could have at least two more episodes to cover climax and ending in the same way as it was on the begining.

If you are one of those who expect to see the video game fully televised in every single detail and with zero tolerance for changes, I suggest to stick just to the game. But if you want to enjoy a very good story from the very good game in a special and unique way, I recommend it 10/10. Enjoy!

Deep Water

What the heck?!
Affleck and de Armas.. Without knowing what the movie is about, you have to expect something good. What we got is one of the biggest movie disappointments of 2022.

How someone can bait us with great cast and mysterios/interesting story and give as an absolute crap.

First part of the movie gave the hint where it's all going. Everything was so random, without any point. The core of the idea was really appealing, an emotionless marriage with perverted and obsessed sides. They could do anything they want with this unussual topic, and I'm sure they chose the worst option by far. The ending was even more bizarre.. guy randomly showing up out of nowhere without any context just so that they force some action, and then 'the best' part of the movie - a race between bike and a car. I mean, if I read about those two scenes before the movie, I would think the genre is a comedy.

I also expected more from Affleck, even in the bad scenario like this one. I have a feeling the guy played the same character in three last movies I watched. Even tho he played the man with pretty low emotions, I needed more from him.

In general, I expected a lot and unfortunately saw pretty much nothing..


It looked promising at the begining, but story went in the most predictable way. The point of the movie is totally missing, idea is so weak, zero creativity...and no, I don't expect every movie to be something special, new and refreshing, but come on, don't make movies where the bad guy is the person closest to the main character, it's becoming anoying. Actors did okay job, and some starting parts of the story were good, but everything other then that was pretty bad. There were also a lot of small mistakes in the movie, unlogical events that were randomly added, character reactions on some actions didn't make any sense. Overall it looked pretty idealess. Low recommendations from me.

Getting On

A pleasant surprise!
I found this show so randomly by seeing one scene on socials, so I googled it and decided to give it a try. Plus I never watch this type of series... And then I was thrilled, it's so easy for watching, so casual, acting is so good, it's kind of relatable as they are showing lives of 'normal' people who are working same job every day and it's showing their struggles, their small happy moments, their bonding and fights. I didn't have any expectations and idea was to watch something to kill the time, and I ended up laughing so much and the only bad thing is that they canceled the show too soon. One of the best comedy shows I watched definitely. I saw Laurie Metcalf for the first time and she did an amazing job, facial expressions, the way she walks, talks, makes akward jokes, everything was brilliant. High recommendations if you wanna enjoy casual, short and very very entertaining show.

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Wake up Marvel!
As a huge Marvel fan, and a person who probably won't be objective with MCU, I couldn't give this film bigger rate unfortinatelly. It had really great potential and expectations were pretty high for a starter movie of a new phase, but final product was only basic. Story and it's development were good, I can not find some obvious bad things, but for a franchise as big as MCU is, this must be better, it's not an option any more. Standards were set pretty high with movies like Infinity War and Endgame and from that moment there were not a move that left me speachless and hyped the way I want to be after watching Marvel. Thematic and side characters are something we saw many times in previous movies, we need something new, refreshing, not jokes like having a guy who looks like broccoli. Movie that introduced villain like Kang is, needs to be more serious, a bit darker, more mysterious. Spare us with stupid and meaningless dialogues, lame motivational lines that 6 year olds find non amusing. With few honorable exceptions, everything seems to be the same with Marvel lately. I will only hope this will change in a near future and that MCU will hit new highs.

The Menu

Medium expectations, high results
I just watched this movie and I ended up with a huge discussion with my friends about it, which impressions were various. So my conclusion is, you will either love it or you will think it's not worth the time. For me it's definitely the first option. When the movie make me think about it over and over again, with picturing all the details of it, for me it's a special one. The Menu is for sure unusual experience, a brilliant satire with a lot of symbols hidden throughout the whole act. Story about the man, the artist whose dreams were gone and turned into a business. His final work was supposed to be a masterpiece, a reminder of who he was meant to be if he was a free man. One reason that ruined his final art was the only thing that made him smile and made him remember his purpose and joy. Hoult, Fiennes and beautiful Taylor-Joy did their job on a very high level. Many reasons to give it a try with this movie, it will not leave you indifferent, I promise!

Game of Thrones

Game changer
I'll start with one and only bad thing I can say about GoT and in my opinion, only reason why it's not an absolute 11 and that is of course the ending. If they divided last season into two, and finished it in slow but graceful way it would be a classis. Even without that, this show is one of the best I have ever watched. The hype, the dynamics, AMAZING characters are something that will be hard to achieve for a long time. No tv show can make whole world talking about it and now even being a topic of general knowledge all around the globe. Everything about the show was spectacular, effects are brilliant, acting is on a very high level, atmosphere of the show was heart stoping, literally, ending of the first season shows us what kind of things we could expect. I even didn't dislike the ending, I think it was in a way very interesting, the only thing is that they accelerate it and the story changed so fast from the climax to the end. The conclusion is that if you are in 5% of people who didn't watch GoT, and you want to do some quizzing (xD) then you know what you have to do. One word: Masterpiece!

The Walking Dead

One of the best in the zombi genre
Definitely run much longer then it should have, but I was stuck with it and would probably watch it even if it had like 10 more seasons. I might be subjective, but for me one of the best series of this genre. Few seasons were not that good but overall very good in many ways. Many interesting characters (antagonist especially, as in my opinion good antagonist are 35% of the full impression), a lot of interesting stories, both in general and those for individual character development, many great twists ( I will just say 'Negan' )... I would recommend it for sure to anyone who wants to give it a shoot with this type of show.

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