
IMDb member since July 2016
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Jay and Silent Bob Reboot

Jay and Silent Bob for those at the beginning...
Like Jay and Silent Bob and Kevin Smith, those who saw Jay and Silent Bob at the beginning in Clerks are now very much middle age. This film reflects it. A star studded finale and what seems to be a handover of the torch to Kevin Smith's daughter Harley Quinn.

The Informer

After Ragnarok. The Old Gods die. New Gods appear. One is named Joel Kinnaman
I love this guy. Ever since the epic The Killing tv series. And that one cyber-punk film with the really hot Austrasian. It's a good film. Good cast. Wasnn't bored for a moment which is unusual, and why I still haven't seen ET or Titanic.


If you like John Wick ...
... as a really hot Russian Blonde from the Magadalan Oblast region of Russia, sort of close to Alaska and undoubtedly full of important Russian folk, this is awesome. It's a Luc Beeson film and he delivers. As always. I remember when Natalie Portman was just a young actresses twinkle in Luc Beesons producer daddy eyes. How far she has come...

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

Paint By Numbers
JJ Abrams is a legend. Best guy EVER next to Peter Jackson. But what the hell is this schlock?

The Umbrella Academy

Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Wickedly eclectic soundtrack. McLovin it. Ellen Page throws us another curve ball after her superheroine stints in Xmen and Super. Super was her body, Xmen her shadow, and now she reveals her ghost.


A "WOKE" nightmare.
According to one "WOKE" blogger an "intellectually ludicrous and philosophically empty" film. That would make Joker laugh ... they just don't get it do they... Joaquin has taken on the impossible task of breathing life back into Joker after Heaths legendary occupation of that "unsafe space". And just like Lazarus, Joker rises from the dead. Joaquin is the only actor who could ever have pulled this off. It is an outstanding performance. In the old days, when the Oscars actually rewarded talent, this would have been a sure bet for best actor. Now the Oscars are "WOKE", not a chance. Joaquins physical transformation for this role stunned me. Not as shocking as Christian Bales for The Machinist, but impressive. In an attempt to get the public NOT to see this film, the "WOKE" have spread disinformation that mass shooters dressed as Joker are targeting film screenings. And Joker laughs again.


It is Bourne in soul. But not in spirit. It is something different. But damned good.
The Bourne Franchise was born with Matt Damon and died with Matt Damon's middle age. Matt doesn't have the stamina to be a middle aged action hero unlike Liam Nesson, Antonio Banderas or Keanu Reeves. He did such a stellar performance in the role, no-one can replace him. Treadstone is a thread of an idea from The Bourne Franchise. A sliding window. Where the writers can take the theme and create their own new franchise. It works. It works well. Not just one mini-bourne. But many mini-bournes. Great ideas. Great actors. Great action even referencing Mother Bourne on many occasions. What is not to love? This is a re-imagined re-boot worth your time.

The Rookie

Season 2 Is all about Sarah Shahi
Our equal favourite femme fatale from Person Of Interest, I am torn between her and Amy Acker, my misanthropic menage-a-trois dreamgirls, is back on homeground. Dark humour. I hope they let her run with it, and we know the mighty Nathan Fillion will do her justice.


Like a Guardian Angel, Netflix offers salvation to the doomed.
Thank you Netflix. Just as "Serenity" gave us back our "Firefly", and the SyFy Channel gives us back our Sci-Fi, Netflix has given us back our "Lucifer" ,True to the original concept but with some real added value in mythological story-telling. Eve was an interesting charachter. I had her pegged at being Lillith until named as Eve. Lauren German as gorgeous as ever. But mein gott did she look absolutely stunning in the masquerade party sequence with the dark eyeliner egyptian eye of Ra Schwarzze Sonne sequence. Lucy is at his glorious best and worst demon and daemon self. A true Lokian trickster. Eye candy for all the future mother mary's rocking and rolling around on molly in a meaningless existence. The Norse Vikings had a concept of the biblical "End of Days" termed "Ragnarok". Our world will be destroyed at the end of time, but the world will be reborn and a new time will be birthed. Lets hope "Lucifer" will be reborn into the New World of Netflix. Season Five. It does have a devilish symmetry to it. It takes 5 to make a pentagram. A Glorious Gesture to Netflix is to keep giving the love, so they keep giving the love back to us. The Gods of Hollywood abandoned us decades ago. Netflix is the better devil I know.

Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek Afiirmative Action
I can only assume the executive producers are Soros Obama and Clinton. Like everything the neo-liberal fascists focus their "superior intellectualism" to, this is just atrocious. How the hell did the Star Trek franchise end up in the hands of these liberal lunatics? Thank Our Lord Captain James Tiberius Kirk the movie franchise is still in good hands. This is just an absolute insult to Star Trek, the franchise, and the fans. And absolute Sci-fi heresy. They should all be burned at the stake for being witches. I am going to have to binge watch Battlestar Galactica and Firefly to relieve myself of the regurgitating reflux I have experienced from the 4.37 minutes I had to watch this imploding black star of death. This is Ragnarok. The beginning of the end. Jx

Dead Hooker in a Trunk

True Grindhouse. Not Big Bucks Pretentious Hollywood Kill Bill SHITE!!!
Heil From New Zealand, Soskas.

The Soska Family have collaborated to produce a pretty cool true low budget Grindhouse film. The opening sequence had me fooled into a Gothic-noir film, which I would love to see them try next. But very quickly you realise it is a different ride indeed. I particularly love the way realism is just cast aside without explanation. Nothing is predictable from scene to scene. The Soska sisters were mesmerising. I have only watched half of Kill Bill, and none of Kill Bill 2 because they were such desperate attempts at Grindhouse but with a ridiculous budget. Rather watch this instead. The Soska Sisters are my new fave next to Mary Death of course. I do love my Mary Death...



Even Nick Cave, Henry Rollins and the Reggae Elvis impersonator Dread Zeppelin would approve.
Subversive, irreverent, but still with heart. Through art you find the path to your heart. Cannot recommend this series enough for now. Very interesting team involved. Strikes me a a spiritual condemnation of religion that suits me quite fine. And yet a desperation to find spirit or soul in the wastelands. Like The Fisher King. The Queen must always return home. Jx

What Happened to Monday

7 stars for 7 Noomi's
This is all about Noomi. And she is formidable. 7 characters and all unique.She holds your attention the first two thirds of the film. Then it all goes sideways. Less about her acting ability and more about some confuzzled socialist propaganda. A real shame. The film dies when it is not focused on her. Noomi looks fit as hell. The Alien reboot would have done well to place her as Sigourney Weavers 2.0. Terminator as Linda Hamiltons 2.0. Rocky 2.0. Whatever. Would love to see Noomi in a big budget action heroine lead role. She has the chops for it. Jx

Faces in the Crowd

Grossly Under-rated
A great film on a tight budget exceeding all expectations. Milla does indulge such films.I suffer a mild form of facial displeasure so I am biased in my relationship to the film. I struggle to recognise my own family, forget about friends or co-workers. It is all a bluff. It is always about unique features. Recognise that which is unique. We lie in order to find truth. Not a flourishing existence. No flowers blooming from us. The film is worth watching. Full of plot twists and whodunnit? Jx


Cat fight is legend and legion. 3 acts. Much like the 3 Norns or the 3 Furies of fate of Norse and Greek mythology. Cycles of time and repetition. It is a black comedy. Bloody funny though. Sandra Oh and Anne Heche were perfectly cast. The script, acting and direction are great. The action scenes are INSANE. Sandra Oh and Anne Heche getting brutally violent in what are totally hardcore cat fight scenes. Not what you would expect from such acclaimed actresses. Which is why it works so well. Alicia, man I haven't seen her in a film for so long I didn't recognise her. Ariel Kavoussi was a genius addition. The 3rd story. So cute and adorable. I can see blue bunny becoming a meme. The rating is low. But If you like quality black humour, quality action, quality direction, and quality acting I recommend this. In addition, it is a female orientated film. A not too squeamish girl will love it. And it is deliberately challenging in political opinions folk hold. You are left if you are poor, right if you are rich. And how those roles rotate depending on wealth. A brutal commentary on society. Watch it. It is of the caliber of Tarantino's script for "True Romance", and with Tarantino his early films and scripts were great, or Luc Beesons "Leon", and the array of films that just break the mould of expectation. Jx.

Michael Moore in TrumpLand

Traitor or Treasonist?
Treasonist. Not in all of history has a traitor or a treazonist been hailed as a hero? Sorry Anonymous, with your Guy Fawkes masks, Guy Fawkes Day is actually a celebration of the King's survival against the attack. Which considering your atheism is a paradox, since it was a religious act of terror, a Catholic assault on Anglicanism. But who cares what a liberal or progressive thinks. You really don't think too much. But really? When in history has a traitor or treazonist been hailed as a hero? Never. Stalin is despised by those who lived under Soviet Rule. 50 million dead. Che Guevara is despised in his birth place of Argentina. They destroy every attempt to resurrect his name in honour. Mao killed 100 million of his Komarades. All your heroes are traitors and treazonists. And what does that make you? A hero? No. Try coward on for size. I suspect that will fit.

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