
IMDb member since July 2016
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    7 years


James and Alice

A Feel Good Movie
As some one rightly pointed out there are very few movies that has been coming now which will really stay with us and touches our heart with some sorrow even after days passed. I had to say James and Alice is one that kind of movie which will stay inside us with a warmth cover of sorrow and thinking. Even though the movie is going through some familiar sequence like a normal family cinema but still some where the movie touches our inner soul which we couldn't get rid of easily after watching this wonderful story. Hats off to Sujith who done exceptionally well even in his debut movie as director and Gopisundar for the wonderful music and amazing back ground score.

I have to say all the actors had done their part exceptionally well especially Vedika who had performed some class acting in some scenes in which no one can watch without wetting their eyes. Kudos to Prithviraj as usual and also to the little one who was marvelous. I would recommend everyone to watch the movie because this such a class story which will definitely touch your soul and will not bore you through the whole plot.

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