
IMDb member since August 2016
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Kartoffelsalat - Nicht fragen!

A complete and utter waste of time
"Kartoffelsalat" (Potato Salad) is the worst movie I have ever seen (and probably will ever see). I had hopes, that after Ashens had been able to produce a feature film on a small budget, Torge Oelrich (who had a 1M € / 1.1M $ budget) could come up with another decent movie to show that YouTube is serious business. These hopes were crushed.

"Kartoffelsalat" starts out on some slapstick gags and puns that could have been in Airplane! or the Naked Gun. One or two of those gags are decent, but then you realize that this is the only thing this movie has to offer. Pun after pun after pun, none of which catches you off-guard or is even remotely funny. The plot remains unaffected by these lousy jokes, but as it is just a (sub-)standard zombie-movie-plot, there's really not much to talk about. But it's not even the bad acting, partially bad editing, unprofessional audio, out of focus/blurry images, and stupid-as-hell plot that annoy me the most. It's the audacity. The audacity to promote this movie with tons of German YouTubers' names, only to lure their fans into watching this. 90% of these YouTubers have cameos where they get to say one or two lines of dialogue and that's it. I actually feel sorry for those teens who thought they could see their idol on the big screen, but only got their money taken right out of their pockets.

"Kartoffelsalat" has nothing to offer as a movie, and the more context you know, the worse it gets.

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