
IMDb member since August 2016
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    IMDb Member
    7 years


The Pale Door

Not too bad
I found it ok, reminded me of From Dusk til Dawn however what I found distracting was that the "outlaws' looked too clean and the "outlaw clothes" looked very clean and brand new.

Two Sentence Horror Stories

Should be titled two sentence stupid stories instead
Boy is this series boring and predictable. I can't believe I watched all eight episodes of this dreck. The thing is, I work night shift so to kill time I found this on Netflix and decided to give it a go. I guess I kept on watching to see if it would get any better. No. It never really takes off. MAYBE there's one or two episodes that are somewhat decent but overall this show is underwhelming and severely predictable. At times even silly. I get they were trying to go for the horror element but it got ridiculous instead. Save yourself some time and brain cells and watch something else instead!


Nothing Special
Dull, lackluster. The ending is underwhelming. This is a movie to watch when you're extremely bored with nothing better to watch.

Halloween at Aunt Ethel's

It's really bad
This is a really crappy movie. Bad script, bad (and I mean BAD) "acting". Don't waste your time.

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