
IMDb member since August 2005
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    18 years



"B" Movie Ridley
Never thought I would say it about Scott, but once you take the special effects away what you are left with is a really, really poor "B" movie. Poor in imagination, poor in dialog, poor in science and poor in execution.

The gaping holes in the plot cannot be filled by even the best Blarney you may hear from the likes of Lindenhof. Fassbender, an actor who I have a tremendous amount of respect for and is probably the best actor of his generation, did a lot of Scott arse kissing in the marketing lead up to this movie... well, it is was all for naught, his head ends up in a bag in a scene reminiscent of a really bad school play.

Great talent is lost through complacency. Let's hope Scott can find his Mojo and stop believing his own hype... starting with a better script would be an idea.


Best Movie of the past 5 years
Simply put: You have to see it to believe it!!! Fantastic, well worth 10 out of 10.

I saw this movie on Christmas Eve as a friend recommended it to me. This is beyond a shadow of a doubt the best Sci/Fi Action movie in the past 5 years. Cameron managed to create a completely self-contained world which is 100% believable and emotionally involving.

The only weak side of the movie was the story, which could have been developed better. The story was, in essence, a moral tale for a younger audience; I guess it was a trade-off for the filmmakers. Despite this, the movie it thoroughly enjoyable, engaging and, above all, believable.


I registered with IMDb just to tell the world how bad this movie really is!!!
Normally, I have much better things to do with my time than write reviews but I was so disappointed with this movie that I spent an hour registering with IMDb just to get it off my chest.

You would think a movie with names like Morgan Freeman or Kevin Spacey would be a bankable bet... well, this movie was just terrible. It is nigh on impossible to "suspend disbelief"; I tried, really, I wanted to enjoy it but Justin Timberlake just wouldn't let me.

Timberlake should stick to music, what a dreadful performance - NO presence as an actor,NO character. Can't blame everything on Justin: The movie also boast a dreadful plot & badly timed editing; its definitely an "F".

After seeing this, I have to wonder what really motivates actors. I mean, surely Morgan actually read the script before taking the part. Did he not see how poor it was? What then could motivate him to take the part? Money? Of course, acting is at times more about who you are seen with rather than really developing quality work.

LL Cool J is a great actor; he gets a lot more screen time than Freeman or Spacey in this movie and really struggles to come to terms with the poor script.

Meanwhile, the audience goes: "What the hell is going on here? You expect me to believe this crap?"

In short, apart from Justin a great lineup badly executed - very disappointing.

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