Reviews (3)

  • I caught the pilot of this show today without very high expectations, but it was actually really great and really amusing, with a fun soundtrack and interesting setting. Brooke Elliott is great as Deb in Jayne's body, the switch she portrayed between the characters was subtle but apparent, and she is very likable. The supporting cast are also all very strong. The writers do well in drawing the audience in, I already care about these characters after one 40 minute episode. Having told myself I am going to watch much less TV, and dropping about 50% of the shows I used to watch regularly, the fact that I plan to continue watching Drop Dead Diva shows how entertaining the pilot was. I'm looking forward to seeing more of what this show has to offer, and I hope it continues to deliver and develop into a great series.
  • People have complained that this film is about an "average family/mediocre people/average life" and that is why it's boring, but that isn't what's wrong with it. Watching a film about an average family growing up can be really interesting, but in Marley and Me there was no connection between Aniston and Wilson as a couple, you heard none of their back story, the kids weren't given individual personalities, and overall the family doesn't seem like a family, just like actors pretending to be one. Partially the blame does go to Wilson and Aniston's acting, but overall I feel it was a problem with the script not having developed them as characters and stories too. The funny dog anecdotes didn't translate well to screen, whereas I'm sure the book is very funny and heartwarming to read. The film doesn't even achieve what the plot line says "A family learns important life lessons from their adorable, but naughty and neurotic dog", what life lessons did they learn? Where were they shown in the film? That film I would have enjoyed. The film was just underdeveloped, it doesn't matter that it was about an "average family living an average life" it could've have been a funny, heartwarming film, but it wasn't.
  • I absolutely adore this movie. I loved the book, and the movie is a nice version of it. I saw it on TV about two years ago, but since then it hasn't been on and is fairly vague in my mind. I HAVE to buy the DVD soon, as it's a necessity for my collection. People with kids should buy this as it's a great way to introduce them to the world of Louisa May Alcott, but it's not just a film for youngsters. It even made me tear up, which is almost impossible for me, definitely a feel-good film. Lovers of the film Little Women will like this one too, they're very similar in different ways, minus the more famous actors that LW has. I'd give it a solid eight out of ten, highly recommended, and a great family film.