
IMDb member since August 2016
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The Batman

An oddly high number of 10 star reviews. I guess everyone really wanted emo Bruce Wayne, awkward soundtrack, 3 long hours and an entire film set in poor/no lighting. I'll admit it wasn't for me. The theater I was in looked bored, people checking their phones and a few ducked out early. Only a handful applauded at the end. Huge disappointment honestly.

Everything's Gonna Be All White

Awful and accomplishes nothing
If the goal was to further divide people and stir up animosity, this still fails. The great majority are united in how much they reject this film's message. Its a bunch of people venting about how much they dislike an entire race of people. The 10 star reviews are from the very few people just as angry and bitter as those in the "documentary." Its shameful that Showtime made this documentary and let alone aired it.

Santa Inc.

Nothing good to say about this. Annoying unfunny lead actors who throw in cursing and crudeness to make up for a lack of humour. None of the jokes are even a little funny. The message is woke, annoying and typical of Hollywood these days. Seth Rogan has hit an all time low with this pure nonsense.

Storm Rising

Reed Timmer's enthusiasm for weather is unmatched
Storm Rising recaptures alot of the magic that Storm Chasers and Tornado Chasers managed to showcase nearly a decade ago. Reed Timmer has a passion for weather that is nearly unmatched and at times is just as entertaining to watch as the tornados and hurricanes. Reed and Mike do extreme weather like no one else can.


F9 Felt like FU to the "Furious" fans
Everyone knows each movie since 5 has been more over the top than the previous. All have been solid though with the exception of F8. F9 is more like a giant FU to the audience. We've got Dom's evil super spy brother, a backstory told through momentum killing flashbacks, Han is back from the dead(after faking his death with a hologram), the 3 guys from Tokyo Drift building spaceships and giant magnets. Dom and team survive seemingly impossible scenarios over and over and Roman even brings it up during the movie after a truck lands on him. Was that a 4th wall break? At one point one of the bad guys mentions X-Wing starfighters and the Milenneum Falcon. At the rate we're going F10 will be set on the Death Star with Dom facing off against Darth Vader. Showing Brian drive up to the old house in a Skyline at the end was nice and would be a nice way to mark the end of the franchise. But unfortunately there's a couple more on the way.


A very solid Film
There are points where this film feels similar to Senna showcasing the same style of behind the scenes footage and with old interviews with Michael. The film's primary focus is his early career up until the 2000 World Championship. The remainder of his career from 2001-2006 and 2010-2012 is shown in a 6-7 minute sequence mostly skipping his 4 other Championships, his dominating seasons with Ferrari and his 2006 battle for the World Championship with Fernando Alonso is not mentioned at all.

Mixing in footage of Michael with his family and friends does a pretty solid job at giving the viewer a glimpse of the man rather than just the driver. This is aided by the accounts of personalities such as Mika Hakkinen and David Coulthard. Perhaps another 30 minutes to unclog the later portion of his career would have given the film and look at his career a more complete feel. Despite this its still a very good look at one of the greatest sportsmen ever.

Untold: Malice at the Palace
Episode 1, Season 1

Good look at an infamous moment in NBA history
Hearing Artest tell his version of what happened that night and the effect it had on his career was the strong point of the documentary. Reggie Miller also gave a great account of the events. It would have been nice to see more about how that one night affected the NBA. The dress code David Stern implemented was briefly mentioned but every game after that and to this day feature more security in the Arena as a direct result of that game. I think more of that would have been more impactful in telling the story of this night than some of the Jermaine O'Neal lifestory stuff early on.

Top Gear America

Poor effort by Motor Trend
This iteration of TG was made for a streaming service and it shows. Camera work is awkward. Seems like every episode, or at least the 2 I could sit through were filmed in the middle of the desert. Its as if 95 percent of their budget went to buying/renting the supercars. The hosts aren't funny and seem awkward together. History Channel's 2010 version started off iffy but became pretty enjoyable as the series went on. That may happen here but it would take a considerable amount of work to get there.

Car Masters: Rust to Riches

Wasn't impressed
All these ten star reviews must be bogus accounts or from people who have never seen anything on Motor Trend Network or Discovery. The builds are nothing to write home about, the crew seems mismatched and the "jokes" don't land. Nothing on the show is believable especially the amount of money people pay for their builds. I like car shows and wanted to like this show but its just bad.

The Patrick Star Show

The Patrick Star Show
This is a show about Patrick Star producing a show. Animation is good but thats about as much good as I can say about it. Little to no actual comedy. Slapstick antics are over-the-top and at an all time high even for a show starring Patrick. Spongebob makes an appearance in episode 2 along with Squidward so its not even a true standalone piece for Spongebob's sidekick. Giving this 3 stars is very very generous.

The Woman in the Window

Decent film, typical ending
I thought this was a pretty solid film to start. Nothing award winning but solid with a pretty talented cast. In the end of the film though, I felt like I was watching another "Scream" movie. Someone reveals they're a psycho killer and a violent fight ensues. A solid psyhcological thriller turned teen slasher within the last 10-15 minutes. Amy was great and I think its better than alot of reviews here suggest but the ending was cheesy.

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

Becoming Drawn Out
I think the subject matter of this show is interesting but nearing the end of season 2 its becoming a drag. Its clear that the ranch is a strange place but nearing the end of season 2 we're left with even more questions. The experiments are interesting at times yet the interviews with witnesses are bizarre. Some claim the place has extraterrestrial activity while others claim that portals and wormholes have opened up on the property. Which is it? A handful of experiments suggest a natural explanation for some of the things that occur. Some of the investigators have seen things and a frantic chase scene occurs but what they were chasing is almost never on camera save for a few blurry shots of a UFO. The lastest episode featured a supposed thunderstorm that was seen on camera but not captured on camera. Phantom weather now. Too much drama, spooky music and bizarre claims with no evidence. This is becoming drawn out like another similar show on History Channel.

Kevin Can F**k Himself

Solid has good potential
I was excited to watch the 2 hour premiere of this show and it didn't disappoint. It definitely gets better in the second-half of the two-hour debut particularly in the more serious portions of the show. The multi perspective format is unique and it really is something watching a scene cut from a bright laugh tracked sitcom to a dark drama. You're watching two very different shows at once. While that gives KCFH some uniqueness it feels like the sitcom parts are a bit overused or perhaps overdone? I know Kevin is supposed to be portrayed as a moron but its obvious by the time the first sitcom scene ends. We get it, The King of Queens was corny. I'd be fine seeing a little less of the sitcom portion of the show because I think the gritty drama is the series' strongpoint. I would even go as far as saying that this is better classified as a drama than dark comedy. Still, after just 2 episodes I've seen enough to warrant tuning into the remainder of the season.

The Flight Attendant

Actually finished the 1st season....
Unlike most reviewers here I did finish the entire 1st season. But even the folks that said they got through 1 or 2 episodes and quit pretty much got it right. Main character is dumb and always drunk. Makes it really hard to care about her. As the season goes on we get the entire package; clunky flashbacks, espionage, british villians, a secret agent who we never knew was a secret agent and so-on. It feels like this was written for Disney Channel and at the last minute was given the HBO treatment of adding excessive amounts of booze, a little sex and a bloody corpse. Its an overused formula that doesn't work here.

The Handmaid's Tale

Pretentious, Unrealistic and Depressing
The first season of this show is pretty good but starts to drag after that. Very little happens to the point where I think this entire series could have been wrapped up in 1 season consisting of 12 to 15 episodes. Alot of filler time is spent on close-up shots of June/Offred looking ominously into the camera. The show's dark and dreary nature also makes it something of a chore to watch. The nearly 1 hour run time per episode doesn't help. The over-the-top torture/execution scenes get old fast and only reiterate the drearyness of Gilead which was very apparent from the first episode. There's also alot of inconsistencies such as the Waterford household seemingly not having electricity. All lighting is candle light, fireplace or natural light from a window yet the commander has a laptop and later a phone? The entire society is based on largely erasing the past but somehow the government has intelligence regarding people's past occupations and relationships? June has attempted to escape so many times that its hard to believe she would still be alive. 4 seasons in, and it seems like this is still being produced simply to convey a message about social and political issues. I kept watching hoping that I would be pleasantly surprised by something but I was only disappointed.

Ford v Ferrari

Ford V Shelby?
As someone who enjoys motorsports and LeMans racing in particular I was very eager to see this film. As far as historical accuracy, they just about nailed everything except for the Rolex 24 scene which is set in Daytona, Florida but was filmed at the LA area Auto Club Speedway. This makes sense and isn't a huge issue unless you are a racing fanatic such as myself. As for Ford V Ferrari, at times you really forget that Ferrari are the main antagonists. Ford V Shelby would be a more accurate albeit less marketable title. My issues with the film are that runtime is a little long and few scenes are somewhat cringy(Miles and his wife driving down the road and Miles and Shelby getting into a fight). Its Hollywood so you expect it but the movie could have done without both of those 2 scenes. Still as far as movies about motorsports and sports in general this sets the standard.

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