
IMDb member since September 2016
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House of the Dragon: The Heirs of the Dragon
Episode 1, Season 1

bad casting
There is no this show! I couldn't feel attached to any of the characters or even the plot!

Where to begin??

Bad casting and acting!

The girl has the same poker face in all her scenes.

Her uncle is overacting.

The king weak! Not give me the vipes that he is one.

It is just a disgrace to game of thrones world in everyway

i hope its get better in the next episodes, but i doubt that .from which i seen in the first episode, it is not promising i dont like it at all.

If there is one good thing in this show i think it will be using the game of thrones sound track! And that's it sorry.


I did not see a biography film about Marilyn Monroe no. I didn't

Did the writers and the producers of this movie know the meaning of biography ? It should be about all the angles about Marilyn Monroe not just focus on one side of her entire life !!!!and flash back it all the time! We are not stupid we get at first time .

This film is just a well looking blond look like Marilyn and feel sad all the time and keep repeating the word dady!

6 out of10 because they did a great job in makeup .

When i saw Netflix in the opining I should've known not to expect something great. And lower my expectations.

Update I just knew that this movie is based on a book. And its all fictionalized from the writer !! Really? Since when you can write fiction about a real person? No a dead real person!! That is not just stupid its insult to her.

The Batman

too much drama
This is a sleeping pill film. Robert Pattinson didnt give me any vibe thats he is batman or even bruce wayne . Bruce is not that gloomy and dark

There is only one batman and that is Christian bale. Take a page form him

And about the whole story of the film it is too boring. Overacting. I didn't get emotional at any scene.


is this a joke??
This film is not based on Jane Austen its based on Netflix agenda. They try to make classic novel modern they Failed try to make it funny they make me sick to the stomach its bad in every way don't bother and watch it, watch the BBC version. Do not watch this crap.

Resident Evil

enough with this
Hey Netflix stop using resident evil story for your crap series 100000 time iv said if u dont have a good story dont make a show ! Or better dont come near resident evil characters! Ever its not just about the stupid story, no but also overrated actress and dont let me start on albert wesker u really ruined everything thank god there is a game i can back and play to forget what i just watch!

The Time Traveler's Wife

stupid much?
Didn't see the point from this series! So he keeps back in time in a very stupid way with no purpose but to put me out of the storyline if there is one

.seriously there is a good music background, fine actors and that's it.

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

WHAT IS this
Disgrace. To the original characters . That what is. Why bother and call it resident evil ?why use Famous names like Leon and Jill if you know nothing about them ,the actors you bring looks and act like nothing to real Leon and Jill. And don't let me start on the story if there is one that i miss.

I cant say that I'm disappointed because I didn't have expectations. At all.

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

well done
I don't usually like action comedy movies but this one is the exception! There is comedy without exaggeration there is a great music and songs and a great actors with a story that kept me interesting.


WORST version
I wish i didnt knew that there is a remake of Emma what the hell they were thinking by making this film?!!! Emma one of my fav novel. they managed to make this version as bad as they can! ruined the main characters in every way.. there is enough movies and series about Emma dont need remake in the first place. why not remake pride? or wait if it will be like this one they better not to think about it

La casa de papel: Plan París
Episode 8, Season 4

what is this!
This review about the whole season not just this episode Rubbish dont worth my time which i have a lot of time indeed the show was beautiful in first. there was a point a story to watch. but the hunger of more seasons ruined the original plot and the characters and dont let me start talking about this poser called "Palermo" worst new character ever

You: Love, Actually
Episode 10, Season 2

too much!
I dont like so many things in this series but first let me say im done watching season 2 is all i can take this from this pointless drama...

ive heard there is going to be a third season or 4 ? really not for me

the ending or the beginning of season 3 i guess not very promising in fact too dump to believe

i dont know what the writer needs to get from this seen in the end of the episode or why make it like its Thrilling or something BUT ITS NOT...far from it i guess it will be the ending in every final season -_- anyway im not just talking about the ending the whole story line not that good or even deep

The Walking Dead: Swear
Episode 6, Season 7

it was Definitely One of the worst episodes so far shame on this!!

this show was perfect to me and now they ruined it with this boring empty stupid Storyline.. The script writer must have been totally devoid of ideas when he wrote this one

Tara..?? Oh really i could care less about her and the other guy with her I had completely forgotten them why on earth bring her character to the show؟ in the end it was a whole episode of nothing

regardless I don't want to quit watching

I'm still a fan still watching

but I really hope this isn't where the show is going

best regards

Berusaiyu no bara

the best anime ever
The rose of Versailles....lady oscar

(The rose of Versailles one of the best anime ever made for so many reasons. everything was amazing the story line (which it is half real) was perfect! the soundtrack pretty amazing!! the drawing of the characters ♥very beautiful

i hope i can see or find another show who is talking about french revolution :))))))))

My Last Day Without You

Ken Duken on of the most talented handsome actor i have ever seen to be onset i do not like ( My Last Day Without You )or any story similar to that ,, Actually, I just picked it to watch because it has one of my

favorite actor in it ♥ sure his performance in this film is amazing

so emotional i give him 10/10 but the whole movie i'm sorry to say that 6 is enough :/

like i said before it is not my type of movies.

no much suspense Just like the other romantic movies of this type !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Bad Eggs
Episode 12, Season 2

how silly
the most stupid Episode ever!...

ooh wait as far as i can remember there is

another Episodes got on my nerves too

this show about vampires, why they included stupid things beside


when i was a teenager i used to watch this show and now re watching season one and two only because ..after season two its not the same to me cause angel will never turn into angelus again :(

i love when angel turn into Angelus its possible the one who can write an

amazing story line like this write such a silly thing like Bad Eggs!!!

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