
IMDb member since September 2016
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How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Fun film
In 2018 Universal released an animated version of the story however it doesn't have the heart or the laughs that this Jim Carey version does.

We all know the classic cartoon version story about "The Grinch" but this film shows us why he is this way.

Lots of heart and there is a message of bullying here that is beneath the surface here. Perfect for family viewing anytime of the year.

Fir Crazy

I think it would be fun working a Christmas Tree Lot
A woman in advertising finds herself unemployed and dumped on the same day. She ends up working on her family own Christmas Tree Lot after her dad can't run it and her mom must take care of him. However she has bad memories of the lot and really doesn't want to be there.

At the same time she is working the lot she looking for a new job. She also meets a man who is seems to be buying lots of trees.

This is AN ABOVE AVERAGE HALLMARK MOVIE. It is heartwarming. Its also not as cliche ridden as most of there films tend to be.

The Curious Case of Santa Claus

Sick & Twisted
This special really is terrible. I am glad aI screened it before I showed my grandchildren. This tells everyone that "Santa" not exactly true. "Santa" to me is what made childhood so special.

This rare special would be of interest to "Biblical Scholars" but in reality I don't think they would even like this.

If want to watch this fine but its "Demented"

Christmas Trade

This was beyond stupid
This film wasted the talents of many people but those were the people with talent that sat down and watched this crappy movie. Acted in an over the top fashion by everyone who has a substantial role. The writing is a cut and pace job from other Christmas Movies as well as "BODY SWITCHING MOVIES". The one good thing I can say about this film was the fact I did not have to pay to see this.

This was one of those films that you can see every plot line telegraphed. There is no element of surprise in this. One does come up as shock is that it is so bad that I was expecting that this was made by Adam Sandler.

Homeless for the Holidays

This is not a fake review
There is many FAKE REVIEWS for this film. They have only rated this one film. That tells me they have something to do with this film because they gave it a rave review. Trust me this is the worse film I saw all year.

When I saw "Christmas Grace" and that was terrible. This week I saw "Homeless For the Holidays" and it was the stupidest film I ever watched from start to finish!

I love Christmas films but I hate terrible movies. I don't mind a film with a message but I hate being bored at this film did bore me because it did everything wrong.

I will make a coaster out of the DVD of this!

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

Lots of fun
Made in 1964 this film is a cult classic. Is it a great film? No! Is it fun to watch? Absolutely. Should you see? Of course. Is it safe for children? Yes.

The plot of this film is that the children of Mars are in some sort of stupor. When a father goes to the supreme leader about the problems his children are having the leader tell s them that "Children are no longer Children on Mars". Eventually the Martians are told about how on earth they have Christmas and Santa Claus.

The Martians then set out to kidnap Santa and they do along with 2 children.

Santa however is facing a problem when he gets on Mars because one the Martians does not approve of his arrival.

If your a child of the 1970's then chances are you have seen this film. It is fun to watch. You can't help but to laugh at the cheap looking "Saturday Morning Television" special effects.

Christmas Grace

That Smell is Coming From Your Television
Christmas time gives us many classic films. The 1959 film "Santa Claus" the 1964 film "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" and now we can add "Christmas Grace".

There is many "FAKE" reviews on this film and this is not one of them. I want to help spread the word that this film SUCKS!

I think people should gather their friends and watch it together. Make a drinking game out of this film. Every time someone says "Christmas Grace" or their is a cheesy moment then they take a drink. You need to do this because, that is the only way you can sit through this crap.

Christmas is about the birth of Christ. I love great films about Jesus but this is not a great a film. It is garbage.

The plot of this is a man loses his business but his faith in mankind after a ruthless company puts his store out of business. The best thing about this film is that you can use the DVD as a coaster to help prevent water rings on your table.

If your looking for great family entertainment looks for another movie. If you hate your family put this on

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