
IMDb member since August 2005
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Dark Harvest

Absolutely LOVED it!
Went in with low expectations. Read the mixed reviews on her and watched the trailer which looked ok, but nothing special, but it's set on Halloween and it's Halloween so I put it on and I'm so glad I did as I think it might be my favourite movie of the year!

It felt like an old fashioned creature feature. Pumpkinhead with vibes of 'Society', 'Children Of The Corn' and a bit of 'Stand By Me' sprinkled on top.

The visuals were great, acting was good, gore was perfect and had a rockin 50s/60s soundtrack!

I honestly don't understand the negative reviews and also do not care as this film was great and I highly recommend a watch!


This short film was absolutely BRILLIANT!! I wasn't sure where it was going at first. No spoilers, but starts off like Scream meets The Purge and than it just exploded in to something completely different and original which is extremely hard to do in the slasher genre nowadays and left me NEEDING MORE! This seriously needs to be made in to a feature film and would make a kick ass franchise!

I have seen some of the directors fan films on YouTube before and he is incredibly talented but this was so original but with a lot of nice little nods to other horror favourites thrown in. You can see he makes movies with pure love and passion for the genre and the talent to back it up! Can't wait to see what Brian does in the future! 10/10 from me!

Masters of the Universe: Revelation: The Forge at the Forest of Forever
Episode 5, Season 1

Sorry for the headline, but I am so sick of these toxic fanboy movements online all the time to boycott or to just destroy a franchise! Snyder Fanboys attacking Godzilla vs Kong, Star Wars "fans" who hate every Star Wars movie and now sad old pathetic He-Man fans attacking this new series! It's PATHETIC!! I grew up with the classic Masters Of The Universe series. I had all the toys, the pyjamas, the duvet cover and anything else that had He-Man on it when I was a kid in the late 80's and I absolutely LOVE the new series. You can tell that a lot of love and passion went in to it and I for one want to say THANK YOU KEVIN SMITH and everyone involved in bringing this series to life!!

Benny Loves You

I absolutely adore this movie! Made on a shoe string budget, made with just a couple crew members and 4 years spent carefully editing and adding in special effects and Karl Holt has delivered a movie that rivals big budget horror movies and entertains all the way. You can tell Karl Holt has an obsessive eye for detail and a lot of love and passion for bringing his Benny to life! Can not recommend this movie enough if you are a fan of movies like Gremlins, Child's Play and Bad Milo!

Scare Me

Absolutely original and amazing character driven horror comedy!
I see a few negative reviews here and all I can say is that I think they didn't understand what sort of movie this was going to be before they watched it! Even when I read the plot I thought it was going to one of those horror anthology movies consisting of several pre existing horror shirts with an added subplot to connect them all, but it's not one of them at all. It's basically a 3 man (1 woman) character driven play like you would see in the theatre. 3 characters telling scary stories which they are making up on the spot with them acting them out with no actual visuals. It's one of those films that could either be a hit or a tots miss all depending on how good the writing is and the talent, comedy timing and charisma of the actors telling the stories and that's what this movie has in bucket loads! This was such a unique and original movie and I was never bored and finished it wishing for more. I honestly can't wait to see more from Josh Ruben!

Halloween at Aunt Ethel's

Silly, fun low budget horror comedy.
I see all the hate on this movie saying it's the "worse movie ever made" blah blah. If that's true then those people really haven't seen a lot of movies. Is this movie brilliant? NO! Is it the "worse movie ever made"? HELL NO! If you are not in to low budget horror comedy b-movies then don't waste your time with this and especially don't waste your time putting up a snotty review. If you are then this movie is a lot of fun. The acting isn't terrible, the jokes are silly and it doesn't take itself seriously!

The Power

WOW! How have I never heard of this movie??
I checked this out really just to support an online friend of mine who has a small part in the film and I was pleasantly surprised with how good this film is! It's a low budget British indie horror film which is a slow burner character driven psychological horror about a satanic cult. I'm not usually a fan of slow burners, but the performances and very dark theme meant I never got bored and the finale was extremely dark and shocking. I highly recommend it


I enjoyed this so much!!
I wasn't sure what to expect from this and from what I had heard I didn't think this was going to be my sort of film, but I was WRONG!! This was so much fun and such a unique and entertaining short film. Check it out 🖤

Hail to the Deadites

"Groovy" love letter to the Evil Dead franchise
Watched this at the Fantasia digital film festival and WOW! If you are a fan of Evil Dead or even just superfan/collector of any type of cult interest then this is right up your street. There have been many films/documentary's about Star Wars/ Star Trek fans, but this is the first about The Evil Dead franchise and the die hard fan base that goes with it. Check this out 10/10

Punisher: First Round

Very good adaption!!! Thomas Jayne was good, but Corey Sosner is better!!
All the Punisher short films I have seen have been a waste of time! Some young bloke with a cheap Punisher T-Shirt he bought down Camden market, so I was not exspecting much when I heard about First Round! I WAS WRONG!!! Yes, some of the acting was not great. Yes, some of the dialogue was out of sinc! And yes, it was shot on the usual cheap digital camera!! But the film on a whole was brilliant!! Corey Sosner was perfect as the Punisher,Eric Von Sydow was perfect as Wolverine and The Kingpin was white!! The costumes are top quality, the attitudes and personalities of the characters are perfect, the script was good. What more could you want?? It proves once more that only comic book fans should direct comic book adapted movies. Hollywood and amateur alike!!!!

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