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Let your hair down for Tires
Alright. I watch classic films from Kurosawa to Hitchcock to Kubrick. But I also have enough of a sense of humor to just kick back with a cold one and have a full belly chuckle to some high school level raunchy humor - this show scratches that itch for me. Don't go in expecting revolutionary script writing. It's about dudes being dudes trying to matter at the tire shop around the corner. Shane Gillis, Stavvy, Schulzy, and that other guy from the podcast do a decent enough job to make you at least smirk. If that appeals to you, then let your hair down between panic attacks and you can take yourself less seriously a half hour at a time.

The Iron Claw

Terrible storytelling supporters but great cinematography and acting
As a writer, you must have a perspective on a story and emphasize that whether directly or indirectly either in abstract or non-abstract fashion. This film falls flat as a basic chronicling of a very complex family structure and their downfall; it is devoid of any cohesive perspective that should have been confluent throughout its script.

The audience is left confused as to which character is the focal point of the theme of this story - is wrestling the curse? If wrestling is the curse, then why? Or is the father's overzealous ambition the curse? If so, why is he that way? As it is unclear what the father's immediate reaction was to the death of their firstborn child, we cannot assume if that is why he is so overbearing with the family. If Kevin is the focus, then we certainly miss his entire childhood and don't get to know his origin and background in the family. The mother also seems to be a very strong yet muted character - what is her background?

The overemphasis on the wrestling shots ate up far too much screen time and many important characters were left unnecessarily muted. Ultimately, we have another film that is somehow applauded by critics yet has more plot holes than actual substantive story. A snowball effect of positive reviews certainly warrants a critical look at the "critics" of the film industry and what their true motives are. This film is worthy of being streamed at home, but sadly not worth the price of its ticket.


Cannonball size hole at the center of this film
Filled with brilliant cinematography, costumes, set design and captivating acting by Joaquin Phoenix, this film has been on my watch list for several months now. Alas, the gaping hole at the center of this tour de force film is not Napoleon's rise to power, rather, the missing element is the inception of Napoleon's ambition to rise to power.

After all, this film is titled in his name; you'd think Ridley Scott would want to explore what made Napoleon tick before he made the world fear his name. So, we patiently await the director's cut hoping for cinephile satisfaction. Until then, Ridley won't get off scot-free this time.

Beau Is Afraid

F*d up family relations and misleading critic reviews
At its core, this film is about toxic family relationships that spiral out of control and manifest in crippling ways for the duration of people's lives. Aronofsky illustrates the deficient mother son relationship and the absent father son relationship that causes over dependence and deep-seated insecurities, these make up the central theme of the story. As the main character progresses through the plot we see the effects that failed parenting has on children from substance abuse and abandonment due to neglect and even death.

I don't see this as Aronofsky's masterpiece nor do I see it as the best film of the year thus far. This is more about Aronofsky's catharsis, coping with and expressing his own issues surrounding his reltionship with his parents and his own child. Unfortunately, there's a reason why fewer theatres are showing this film and even fewer showings are selling out: it's a deeply abstract film that is mich longer than it needs to be. The trailers and critic reviews are extremely misleading as the film is neither shocking nor terrifying.

I See You

How to ruin a decent plot
A fundamental rule that should never be broken by even the most amateur of writers is you do not flip your protagonist into an antagonist without showing your audience how that character descended into evil. The affect of skipping that part of the character arc is you alienate the audience and have written in vain. Always remember this with stories: The journey is far more important than the destination. This movie would make a decent novel as long as the writer of that is better than the writer of this film's script. I just cannot believe that people blindly praise whatever comes out on Netflix these days.


An amateurish imitation of "White Lotus"
This show tries DESPERATELY to be a southern Californian "White Lotus" type of show, even copying its style on the episode intros, but fails miserably. Far too many plot holes in this show. Major character events just happen and you only see the aftermath. The writers just didn't give a damn about showing you specific scenes because they didn't care, but that's the complete opposite of good writing. I won'tadd any spoilers but this show terribly disappoints and would rather cover socially relevant issues in the most direct boring way when actually good writing could'vemade it stands out from the rest. A complete waste of time.

Creed III

Weak writing pandering to the audience leads to a mediocre movie
Beautiful cinematography and costume design allows the production for this movie to masquerade as a god film, but pay close attention and you see the holes in the writing. Damian Anderson, the villain, shows promise for great depth that ultimately goes unexplored. All we see instead is more about Creed and his never-ending insecurities. What could have been a writer's feast turns out to be a greasy fatty fast food flop. Not really worth the money, honestly. But because it's the flashy sexier version of Black Panther, crowds will come out. Respect to Jonathan Majors; his acting, albeit lacking in well-deserved screen time were the only brilliant moments of what could have been a truly spectacular third film in this trilogy.


Had my doubts put to rest
Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford is why i originally watched it, but i was completely floored by the quality of acting by the entire ensemble cast. Truly amazing writing and so refreshing to finally have a quality series not fixated on superheroes and super powers. This series is restoring my faith in quality writing, acting and directing.

Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford is why i originally watched it, but i was completely floored by the quality of acting by the entire ensemble cast. Truly amazing writing and so refreshing to finally have a quality series not fixated on superheroes and super powers. This series is restoring my faith in quality writing, acting and directing.

A Trip to Infinity

Typical eye-catching documentary from Netflix with no intelligence
Simply stated: this doc has mathematicians describing infinity. Math and infinity are two different things. Math is quantified in numbers infinity is not and math can only describe something by quantifying it which is why the symbol for infinity exists and has no real numerical value.

Infinity is better described by astrophysicists as both light and time are deemed useless in a black hole and cannot be quantified through math; also, a black hole is our closest real understanding of infinity.

Also, the hotel manager would NOT finish checking the infinite number of rooms in 1 minute. In a black hole, time has no relevance as every possibility is occurring simultaneously. Thereis no begining or end so the concept of "1 minute" is not applicable. So, Steven Strogatz is terribly out of his league when it comes to explaining infinity. And the same goes to the lady who wants to add the number 1 to infinity.

So, this doc is truly a waste of time and you only get fancy visuals with confused smiling faces from under qualified people throughout.

Trainwreck: Woodstock '99

The hbo doc of this is much better
The hbo version uses better quality footage from woodstock 99, has better interviews, and better behind the scenes footage. Third Netflix version is like a half ass attempt at a documentary. The hbo version uses better quality footage from woodstock 99, has better interviews, and better behind the scenes footage. Third Netflix version is like a half ass attempt at a documentary. The hbo version uses better quality footage from woodstock 99, has better interviews, and better behind the scenes footage. Third Netflix version is like a half ass attempt at a documentary. The hbo version uses better quality footage from woodstock 99, has better interviews, and better behind the scenes footage. Third Netflix version is like a half ass attempt at a documentary.

Break Point

Maria Sharapova that cheating doping crook??
The documentary speaks about great players and young talents coming up in the world of tennis yet were forced to listen to Maria Sharpiva that cheating doping crook who stole feom women's tennis??? Are people that dumb to allow her this role? Maria Sharapova stole from women's tennis because she ised illegal performance enhancing drugs. Don't support her. Maria Sharapova stole from women's tennis because she ised illegal performance enhancing drugs. Don't support her. Maria Sharapova stole from women's tennis because she ised illegal performance enhancing drugs. Don't support her. Maria Sharapova stole from women's tennis because she ised illegal performance enhancing drugs. Don't support her.

Fleishman Is in Trouble

A sensationalized version of life after divorce w/kids
Ride the over exaggerated highs and lows of divorcees in New York and how it affects their kids. The writers presume that you haven't gone through real life relationship challenges and are ready to buckle up for a National lampoons like version of adulthood with responsibilities and consequences. Imagine the cast of american pie and fast forward about 12 years. They don't really think much of the audience and if you're looking for real emotional depth then be prepared to be disappointed.

The show could be better off without the narrator, honestly speaking. The characters have unexplored depth that leaves the viewers wanting more. The use of a narrator serves as a cop out to help you connect better with the characters, but in a synthetic way.

Overall, it's a show to pass the time, but without respecting the intellect of the viewer by dumbing down the complexities of an apparently complex divorce.

Luckiest Girl Alive

A stylized version of a straight-to-tv movie
Endless character building and disorienting flashbacks made this film far more annoying than it needed to be. Although the plot was delicately designed, the telling and then retelling of the same story from different angles was redundant and sloppy. About halfway through you realize you've seen this film before and wonder why you're still watching it; we'll, that's simply because Mila Kunis does a masterful job at portraying the deeply traumatized protagonist. But, her performance doesn't rise above a "job" and into the rarefied air of genuinely and effectively conveying the emotions of her character. That's most likely due to the poor direction and stagnant writing this film suffers from. I've heard "the book is better" hundreds of times before and it couldn't be more true in this case.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

More madness than multiverse
A movie that was expected to deliver fell desperately flat and in a very confusing, surprisingly boring way. I would never have thought this film would disappoint, but, if you read between the lines, it does exactly that. The plot lines are convoluted when the character arcs finally rise and when effort is made to develop a cohesive plot, it's so catatonic you wonder why you even bothered. Of course, Disney and marvel loyalists will force it on everyone else as one of the best in the marvel series; however, truth be told, who cares? The marvel series is floundering and Disney is desperate to squeeze every penny out of it. Good riddance! Bring real film back.


Look at how Fincher creates character relationships
We all know how great a show this is. So, look at how Fincher has created character relationships between Bill, Holden, and Dr. Carr. It's like a father, mother, and son relationship. Look at how Holden hangs off of every word Dr. Carr has to say and is so happy that she's staying on as part of the research team. It's as if Holden views Dr. Carr in a maternal way. And look at how he also tries to impress Bill with his ideas as if Bill is the father figure. It's as if Fincher is showing us the essential family structure that is essentially absent in these serial killers lives. Also, take a look at how Fincher has established Dr. Carr as an assertive dominant figure any time she's interacting with male characters as if to show, not only the sign of the times with the feminist movement, but how men seek out a dominant female to lead them and/or for the male to be willing to respect. But what's interesting as the characters investigations lead them to conclude that assertive dominant overbearing women who emotionally manipulate and humiliate their sons create serial killers and their fractured personas.

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