
IMDb member since September 2016
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Sullivan's Crossing

Wow I was so hopeful
Had every intention of getting into a new Robyn Carr series along the lines of Virgin River. What a disappointment this was. Made it to episode 3 before calling it quits thinking I was just not getting into it yet. To be honest - Maggie is terrible. There is nothing likable about this character. Is she supposed to be vulnerable because of being blamed for a death that wasn't her fault and that's why she is so dull? I think she just doesn't have any spark of life in her. By episode 3 I was hoping someone would throw sourpuss in the lake and wake her up. The rest weren't bad but just no real chemistry here among the characters. I guess I just don't care enough about them to want to see where they are headed. What a shame.

Civil War

It was strange
Watched this last night and wasn't what I expected. When I think post apocalyptic I think of emp type warfare where we lose capability to have the comforts we are so used to such as cars and electronics and phones and computers. I see that this would cause the world to break down quickly in its efforts to survive with no more supply chains, many would die due to lack of food and medical treatments alone. But this movie was more about the loss of journalists during a civil war between states here in America caused by a poorly capable president and anarchy amongst the people. It may be a vision of what could come our way in the future and yet it was as much about the loss of feeling in journalism when you cover violence day in and day out. It only becomes about the picture regardless of the loss of life and the numbness that sets in. Frankly if I wasn't sick to death of the media already this would make me hate it more. Stepping constantly in front of soldiers, being dragged out of harms way because the picture is more important putting others in danger so you can be the winner of the best depiction of death. By the end I felt confused by the purpose of the story and pissed off that the reporters were so callous about the death surrounding them of not only the fighters but each other as well. This was one of those movies that I wished I had waited for streaming instead. The rating is more for the actors than the storyline. Kirsten Dunst has never been much on my radar but she did a great job making me dislike her for her choices that it seems she regretted too late. The young Jesse did a great job of being the eager young thing who learned too quickly and the rest of the gang to be honest were what gave the movie some heart because they showed some emotion. Worth a watch but don't pay at the theater for it. Your going to need a minute to think it over at the end.

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare

Call me crazy but I loved it
Aside from the blood and violence I actually thought this was a great story. Bonus that it actually was true. Loved the actors, not just the stars but the rest of the cast as well. They did a great job. Some I knew but several I didn't and now should be watching for them. Wish they had left it hanging to do a sequel since it appears these guys went on to work on other missions and rise up the military ranks. Never was much of a Guy Ritchie fan, always thought his movies were a little strange but may have to try again after this one. Yes it's a bit quirky as is his usual but also funny and scary. If you like lots of explosions and action this is a movie to watch.

The Program: Cons, Cults, and Kidnapping

Subject matter is important but docuseries is poor.
This is a poorly made series and some of it feels forced. If it wasn't such an important topic I probably would have skipped it. The behavior of the group making this lends to a bit unprofessional. The foul language was unnecessary to get the point across and the dancing and drinking made it seem more of a revenge film than a documentary. Having watched one of these from Canada involving the kidnapping and death of many indigenous kids put into a facility and badly abused, this pales in comparison. Regardless of the quality it is a weighty subject that affected thousands of children and still happens in ours and many other countries and therefore deserves investigation and exposure if warranted.


Omg I love this
Just watched the first episode and loved it. Can't wait for more. Justin just found another hit series- good for him. I may need him to find a missing dog or two as well. Love his support staff/handlers that find the cases for him. They are funny and smart. Enjoy the pace of the show, it's quick and yet easy to follow. The back story with his family seems to have some important meaning and I'm normally not a fan of time jumps but I'm sure it will reveal more than just the trauma he survived. A mystery in a mystery type of show it seems. We get to see where his compassion for people in pain comes from. I may need to read some more of the books.

Good Grief

Such a good movie
Really surprised me, it was such a good heartfelt movie. Dealing with loss and grieving comes in all forms. At first it seemed a little pretentious. Rich gay men living the good life and yet no matter what you have pain can still find you. Finding out that the person you trusted the most had kept secrets from you feels like a betrayal. Having great friends who will be honest with you is worth its weight in gold. The movie did drag in a few spots but luckily was easy to get back into it. Mr. Levy is a great writer and has showcased his talents well in the projects he works on. He has such a quiet sarcastic wit that I enjoy. Now if we can just get schitts creek back or at least a spin off I would be happy.


Such a good movie
Saw Tommy Lee and wanted to watch this and so glad I did. Slow start but picks up as it goes along. I love the New England area and this was no different as the setting was beautiful ocean views in harbor towns. Two brothers with different fathers grow up in the same town years apart. The younger brother wants desperately to spend time with the older one and it all starts out great but trouble soon follows. This movie packs an emotional punch about what family means and the things they do to each other and for each other. It also shows us that our kids don't necessarily want to live the lives we want for them and we need to listen to what they are saying. Worth watching.


Better than expected
This was far better than I expected considering it was a kids animated film and not Disney. It had some cute moments and funny parts. It had some lessons learned and emotional heart tugs but overall it was just a nice, fun movie. Brought three kids under 7 and two grown men and we all enjoyed it. The ending leaves room for more adventures and possibly a sequel which might be worth watching considering what we have to choose from these days. It's great to have shows that deal with kids issues today like fear, anger and so many emotions that they don't know how to handle. I love that they can see a character deal with things they feel and a healthy way to work it out. Worth going to see.

The Whale

Not what I expected
First let me say Brendon Fraser was/ is an excellent actor to be able to carry that entire movie. Unfortunately the movie itself was slow going and not really to my liking. The miserable child that suddenly cares about him at the end does not get my sympathy just because she was hurt by his leaving. Many come from broken homes and don't behave like that but I get we are supposed to understand that her parents failed her. Anyway I could not figure out who the nurse was but she looked familiar so of course I had to look her up. Surprise she was from a great Netflix show - The night agent-and played a great part in it. That show plus this movie makes me think Hong Chau has a bright future in acting.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Not as great as I hoped
Having read some reviews giving this movie a big thumbs up I couldn't wait to see it. First, it's long. About 2 hours and 20 minutes. Don't drink a full bottle of water at the start. The story is mostly about rocket and his abuse before he joined them. Everyone gets to talk about their feelings. A random need to find grandpa pops up for star lord. Still lots of action adventure as they fight their way through the raccoons abusers ship to get a code to help him survive a chest wound after said abusers wanted him back to learn how to make more. Sadly strange and creepy storyline. A few funny moments for comic relief. I see a possible spin off for Mantis as she had a bigger part this time around and seems to be the only one that hasn't done an interview saying goodbye and they will be happy to move on ( at least not that I've read). Things tied up ok in the end for the guardians but was basically anticlimactic. I could have waited for this to come on streaming instead of spending bucks but the special effects was probably worth the price of admission. Sad to see the end but we'll see what comes down the pike from Marvel.

The Night Agent

Loved it
I thought this was a great show! It's a convoluted spy series that had me finding the traitor then changing my mind then going back again to my original theory which was correct but with more involved. Peter was the perfect newbie to the game with a heart and rose was his perfect sidekick. She was smart and fearless and trustworthy and I hope they keep her in the series because she is great with him. They had a good chemistry as well as the banter and sarcasm. I think they played well off each other. I'll miss Diane because despite her behavior I enjoyed her toughness. I will anxiously await season 2 in the hopes Netflix doesn't ditch another good series.

Three Pines

Beautiful setting
Only two episodes in and enjoying it so far. Didn't realize there were books but may get to them at some point. Couldn't wait for CC to die myself so interested in who killed her. Love the characters and happy to see Alfred Molena in the lead. Last thing I saw him in was a Spider-Man movie a while back though I'm sure he's done more since then. Love that the missing indigenous woman are being showcased and the issue brought to the medias attention as there are now many mentions and shows being dedicated to this issue ( Alaska Daily and more). If it helps resolve any of the losses for theses families then theses shows are a success no matter what.

The Bear

Definitely not a comedy
Heard about the show and loved "lip" on shameless so had to give it a try. Two days later I'm done with the show having binged as often as possible. Very good show. Eight stars only because it made me so tense with all the screaming! I know this is how kitchens run but holy hell, keeping up that level of stress is just insane. So far I detest cousin (rick?). I'm supposed to find some sympathy for the guy cause not only did he lose his best friend and boss but his wife and seemingly his kid as well. He seems like a suicide waiting to happen but he's such a dick I wouldn't miss him. Yes I get that he's suffering and everything is changing and he's not handling it well but if you refuse help and insist your always right 🤷‍♀️...meanwhile some of the cast was not real likable but grows on you as you get to know them. Looking forward to next season.

The Ark

A little cheesy
At first I was sure I'd last about 20 minutes but by the end of the first episode I decided it needed further review and will give it a few more episodes before giving up. Actually the cast seems to be trying so hard that I want it to succeed. Sure it isn't big budget and has a bit of crappy acting/writing but it does have potential to be worth a season. I watched the Orville and liked it and that was basically cheesy on purpose. This is a more somber space show so far on the level of lost in space reboot with the intent to show us how important this mission is to save their families from a crumbling earth. In todays world it may not be so far fetched.

Black Adam

I love the rock but.....
Rock fan here but also more marvel than dc fan. The optics were great, loved the flash and sparkle and colors throughout the movie. But this just didn't excite me. This was not my hero Dwayne at his best. I get that the character isn't exactly likable but I also didn't really care about him or the people surrounding him trying to work with him. None of them made me care about them or their mission. Everyone was to dark and serious but maybe that's why I'm more of a marvel fan. I want some jokes and sarcasm and I want to like the characters I'm watching and root for them to win. Nope this didn't work for me and I feel bad about that.

The Canterville Ghost

Enjoyed it!
Nice entertaining miniseries (4 episodes). Enjoyable storyline. Certainly no blockbuster theater but good for a few hours a couple evenings this week. Enjoyed the castle and country side tour (I'd visit that). Never heard of byu tv and had to watch on my iPad but found it worthwhile. The courtroom scene was tedious for me and the kids acting was a bit over the top but the young lady and her parents were good. I could see this as a series delving into the fathers experiments more and the kids finding more adventures in and around the castle as well as newly married sister hosting horse riding parties with new hubby and snobby grandma. Potential here.

The Gray Man

I thought this was pretty decent for TV movie. Lots of action and a great star power. It looks like there may be a sequel and I would watch that as well.


The power of animals
When you cant get through rough times in life a pet can amazingly bring you through if you let them. A broken dog and a broken soldier wind up together by chance and make a connection that saves them both from self destruction.

The Gilded Age

Love it
We just started watching the series and are really enjoying it. Only four left and I'm already dreading the end. Is this a one time show or will it be back? We loved Downton and hope that this is the next new series we can count on for awhile.

The Old Man

Love these old guys
Halfway through the first episode I was ready to call it quits. It is painfully slow in a fast moving world and almost put me to sleep. Thankfully I hung in. It gets better. And then it gets even better. The story may be confusing for those not into twisty thrillers involving the intelligence community. Secrets are kept, nothing is what it seems but eventually you start to see the connections. Pay attention because it jumps timelines between young and old.


Externals marathon movie
Went today for this 2 1/2 hour snooze fest. Actors looked promising and I am a fan of the marvel movies so this seemed like a no brainer. It was long and it was tedious. The premise is how the eternals save earth and the human race from their own race/planet? Not sure what to call them as people apparently doesn't fit. They spend something like 7000 years doing it and go through many decades that we get to see bits and pieces of as time marches on. So yes we do lots of time jumps. The group ends up scattered across the earth and are eventually called back together to destroy it but have now made connections and seen humanity and want to give it a chance even as others in the group want to destroy it and return home- which doesn't really exist. Now they start fighting each other. It's quite a convoluted movie. The optics are great and special effects are pretty cool but the story sucks and some of the acting was less than stellar. ( Jolie's storyline was just ridiculous). Hayak was wasted on this as well as Harrington. I had such hopes for this movie but was sadly disappointed. Which means there is sure to be a sequal .


Weird but funny
Stumbled across this one night and had to go back and find it on demand to start at the beginning- what a hoot. I don't like scary shows or blood and gore but this is kinda funny more than scary. If it was really funny I would have given it 10 stars.

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