
IMDb member since September 2016
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    7 years


Larry Charles' Dangerous World of Comedy

Amongst the best documentaries analyzing comedy ever made.
Deep, profound, touching and real. It really was an amazing watch, kudos to Mr. Charles, once again he has presented a masterpiece. Plus, Larry might be the only person willing to go this far to further deepen our understanding of humor, and for that, he has my utmost respect.

The Wire

Forget every show you though was good.
I don't think I can even write a review for this show, any statement I would make would be an understatement.


Complex and Multi-layered Storytelling, Multidimensional Characters and A Shifting Timeline.
It's a very fulfilling series, with a tempting, complex storyline that unveils itself at a bludgeoning pace, slowly at times leaving you in dire need for answers and rapidly at times, throwing so many answers at you that you haven't even asked a question for yet. The timeline is harsh and unforgiving, you will have to wait for answers and when they come, you may not be satisfied, but you will and -I can't stress this enough-, WANT MORE. Once you start, you really can't stop, it will navigate you through a sea of cliffhangers, masterfully crafted to give you just enough info to hook so you would stick through with it, not enough to numb you and bore you, just enough to make you want more. Deep characters and great pace of character development. Everything you would wish for in a show, not to mention how compelling and addictive the show is. Just watch it.

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