
IMDb member since August 2005
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    18 years


After Yang

Such a beautiful film
I love films with great dialog. Sometimes the words in a file are the quiet moments between the spoken phrases. After Yang conveys so much in between the spoken words with it's visual and expressions. Expressions of on how we say goodbye. Expressions on how life has new meanings based on how we has lived our past. I love how this film says so much with those moments and how the all add up to the delivery of this movie. I love drama. I love SciFi. I love the humanist movies. After Yang was, and still is a satisfying part this weekend. No I will need to go and fist some other of Kongonada's works to experience.

Needle in a Timestack

Excellent adaptation of the Silverberg original.
Excellent adaptation of the Silverberg original. Be prepared to leave this movie in the same way Silverberg leave you as a reader for many of his stories. Which is to say the direction and production has done its job well.


Excellent Pinball movie Cheese. Sucky music.
Nothing like 1970's era gaming cheese for some mid-week entertainment. A lot of this movie has over-the-top dialog. Even for it's era. Sit back and enjoy this mindless movie with a bucket of popcorn for some fun pinball times. As with any movie like Tilt, there are many grains of truth stretched beyond their limits. Ignore the frayed cloth and you will enjoy the film.

Coming 2 America

I love Cheese and Music but, AVOID THIS MOVIE!
Coming 2 America is a want of time. This movie is too aware of itself and too full of itself. A shallow script that feels like a project of some celebrity fangirl/fanboy that has worked in writing screenplays maybe once of twice before, and is being forced to write to the ego of the performers instead of the spirit of the characters and the movie. This results in the entire movie feeling forced. As if nearly everything in the movie, including the singers, is a series of paid shorts loosely strung together. Such a waste of talent. Even worse, a waster of the viewers' time and money. I'll sum it all up with three words. AVOID THIS MOVIE!

Starship Troopers: Invasion

Save you money and time, just move one to a better film
2002 video game tech supported by a sub-rate very predictable script. A script that has none of the fun the original movie had. This flick is a waste of plastic and a useless drain on our power infrastructure to produce and playback. CGI T&A did nothing to mitigate the dren this movie is made of. The voice and overall voice acting also does a lot to drain what little energy Starship Troopers: Invasion managed to incorporate into the production. A very poor thing to say about what is basically an action movie. AS for the run time I cannot say I was doing anything but dreading another second of the movie. At every major interlude I found myself looking at the clock and waiting for it to be over.

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