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Night Court: The Duke's a Hazard
Episode 12, Season 2

The Script's a Hazard
This is a review for the twelfth episode of the second season of the new Night Court. This episode is called The Duke's a Hazard.

Another awful episode. Hahaha. I will not be watching the season 2 finale. I am sick of this season 2 trash. This show should not be renewed for a third season. Garbage should be swept off of the air. I liked season 1 reasonably well and am proud to own it on DVD. They shouldn't bother releasing season 2 on DVD. It is a travesty. If I have no interest in a season 3 except for maybe an episode where they have Kapil Talwalkar return. Otherwise, I will not watch a third season episode if it comes to be. It should not come to be, that's for sure.

Thanks for reading my Night Court reviews. It has been "something" watching these. Over and out.

Night Court: Wheelers of Fortune
Episode 11, Season 2

Nostalgia Nonsense
This is a review for the eleventh episode of the second season of the new Night Court. This episode is called Wheelers of Fortune.

As I said before, this season sucks. I am utterly sick of people almost solely utilizing nostalgic qualities to make a movie or episode of television. Get over it! Make something new! I can watch the old stuff any time I want. Quit shoving wholly recycled scraps down my throat.

I have two positives to point out for this episode. The first is that Kate Micucci does pretty good as a guest star.

Also, the stuff near the end with Dan and Abby was a little interesting but at the same time it was like beating a dead horse. The same dead horse that has hovered over the show like a spectre since the revival's inception The rest of the episode is crap. Thank you.

Next time, I will be reviewing the twelfth episode entitled The Duke's a Hazard. Stay tuned!

Night Court: Chips Ahoy
Episode 10, Season 2

This is a review for the tenth episode of the second season of the new Night Court. This episode is called Chips Ahoy.

Hahaha! It sucks. That is this episode. The best thing about this episode is Gurgs proving.her loyalty to her boyfriend. This episode really sucks. What a waste. People bothering to write this. That is just silly. I guess people have not had enough of awful writing. I guess that one day they will have had their fill. Let's see what are the names of the Marx Brothers. Groucho, Chico, Zippo Harpo. I believe I'm missing one. Oh,well.

Next time, I will be reviewing the eleventh episode called Wheelers of Fortune. Stay tuned!

Night Court: Taught and Bothered
Episode 9, Season 2

This is a review for the ninth episode of the second season of the new Night Court. This episode is called Taught and Bothered.

I am sick of Season 2. This season is terrible. I will not be watching Season 3 or the season 2 finale for that matter. The season finale looks to be the pits.

This episode has zero redeeming qualities. Hopefully, the show is not picked up for a third season. Sure, a few episodes of the season I gave a 4/10 but that's not even average. Nyambi Nyambi doesn't work in this show. Get rid of this show. End this show. I have season one on DVD and I am glad to have it but they shouldn't even bother putting the second season on DVD.

Next time, I'll be reviewing the tenth episode entitled Chips Ahoy. Stay tuned!

Night Court: Broadway Danny Gurgs
Episode 8, Season 2

That Title
This is a review for the eighth episode of the second season of the new Night Court. This episode is called Broadway Danny Gurgs.

Like with most episodes in the second season thus far, the plot is very boring and the laughs are scarce but you do get a few chuckles.

The reason I give this episode a 3/10 compared to the common 1 or 2 for this season is because the main ensemble does okay. As does guest star Richard Kind. In a lot of these season 2 episodes, Melissa Rauch and Nyambi Nyambi give terrible performances. In a lot of these season 2 episodes, John Laroquette seems to be phoning it in due to the fact he is given no worthwhile material. Lacretta is reliable in most episodes but hasn't been given much to do this season. India de Beaufort's performances are hit or miss this season but when they hit they really hit. This is contrary to season one, where she typically gave bad performances.

Here, the whole main ensemble does okay, Melissa Rauch seems to bode well here, imbuing the Abby character with a rare instance of a more negative demeanor that helps combat the heavily saturated cheer and sappiness that most often causes her character to drown. John Laroquette is not phoning it in because he is given something to do here. Lacretta is also given some material. India de Beaufort once again gives a good performance but this time it's not a great one. Nyambi Nyambi is Nyambi Nyambi Nyambi so he is not up to the caliber of previous court clerk Neil played by Kapil Talwalkar. However, he picks a one off style schtick that benefits him well and makes his performance stand out slightly compared to his usual.

Richard Kind does fine with what he's given but the given frankly is not good.

Beyond the plot being boring and the jokes being far and few between, the script is wholly unoriginal with nearly all the plot beats seen coming from a mile away. Today, stories need to surprise you in some way, not be subject to the imprisonment in the tedium of convention. The best joke involved the mention of a "cozy trap." Next time, I'll be reviewing the ninth episode called Taught and Bothered. Stay tuned!

Night Court: A Crime of Fashion
Episode 7, Season 2

It's a Crime, that's for sure!
This is a review for the seventh episode from the second season of the new Night Court. This episode is called A Crime of Fashion.

Just like with episode 5, the 2 redeeming features of this episode are both related to the Olivia character. Once again, India de Beaufort surprisingly gives a good performance as Olivia. The other plus is that Olivia has several nice outfits on display in this episode as well as a kooky one. John Laroquette seems to be phoning it in this time around and I don't blame him. They are giving him nothing to work with.

This is another terrible episode. I give it a 1/10.

Next time, I will be reviewing the eighth episode of season 2. It is called Broadway Danny Gurgs. Stay tuned!

Night Court: Wrath of Comic-Con
Episode 6, Season 2

More Like the Crap of Comic Con
This is my review for the sixth I of the second season of the new Night Court. It is called Wrath of Comic Con.

First of all, let me say Abby being annoyed and irritated by a friend from her past is a great idea but the execution is horrendous. The only worthwhile line to come from it is the one about"catching the dodgeball with your mouth." The Comic Con plot really sucks but I do like Wendie Malick:s Catwoman costume.

I actually think every single actor's performance was terrible in this one. The script was also bafflingly bad as if it was seemingly done on purpose.

I recommend skipping this one. I give it a 1/10.

Next time, I'll be reviewing the seventh episode called A Crime of Fashion. Stay tuned!

Night Court: Hold the Pickles, Keep the Change
Episode 5, Season 2

Hold Almost All Of It!
This is a review for episode 5 of the second season of Night Court. This episode is called Hold the Pickles Keep the Change.

This episode is crap in almost all ways. Surprisingly, I think the two saving graces of this episode both concerned the character of Olivia. First of all, India de Beaufort actually gives a very good performance as Olivia which is something that I usually can't say. The other thing is that Olivia has a very nice outfit.

A few other moments in the episode could be construed as good points but they are lesser retreads of past highlights, particularly Dan's conversation near the end with Abby closest to the deserving of some praise.

Still, this episode is a real clunker on almost all fronts. What a shame. It justly deserves my rating of a 2/10.

Next time, I will be reviewing the sixth episode of season 2 entitled Wrath of Comic Con. Stay tuned!

Night Court: Just the Fax, Dan
Episode 4, Season 2

Fax and Fiction
This is a belated review for Episode 4 of season 2 of the new Night Court. This episode is called Just the Fax, Dan This is the first episode to feature Nyambi Nyambi as the replacement clerk for Neil. In the first three episodes of season 2, the Flobert character was filling in the vacancy. Neil was played by Kapil Talwalkar who did an excellent job with his role. Kapil Talwalkar should not have been dropped from the series. That being said, Nyambi does okay in his debut performance. However, after that, up through episode seven, he does a terrible job.

The two standouts here from an acting standpoint are John Laroquette and Lacretta who are fine performers as usual.

The script this time around is frankly a little boring but the mystery angle manages to keep one watching. There are a small handful of laughs most of which are courtesy of Lacretta as Gurgs.

All of the other performances in the episode range from bad to okay One thing I must say is that the episode wrapped up in a fairly satisfying way. This is the best of the first seven episodes of season 2 but it is still subpar TV. A 4 out of 10 it is.

Next time, I will be reviewing episode 5. Stay tuned!

Night Court: Form Fetish
Episode 3, Season 2

What a fetish!
This is a review for the third episode of the 2nd season of the Night Court revival. This episode is called Form Fetish.

After a horrendous start to this season with two 1/10 episodes, episode 3 raises the bar for the second season. Not very high, mind you. Heck, not even to the halfway Mark but at least this time the episode has left the gates and not floundered at the starting line.

Just like with Season one, it is extremely obvious what works and what does not work in each individual episode. In this installment, the main positives here are the performances of John Laroquette and the two actors portraying Linda and Bryant. These three do very good in their roles.

Lesser points of worthy note are the passable script and the reliable performance of Lacretta as Gurgs.

The main negatives here are three very usual culprits. The performances of Melissa Rauch and Olivia de Beaufort are quite weak here. Also, the aforementioned passable script should have been vastly better written than it is.

Don't get me wrong. Some of these jokes landed. This episode was a pleasant sight after those last two disasters. Still, I can only grant this episode a 4/10. Like every episode of the revival, it's messy and this episode was messier than many.

Next time, I will be reviewing the fourth episode of season 2. It is called Just the Fax, Dan. It airs January 16th on NBC. Stay tuned!

Night Court: The Roz Affair
Episode 2, Season 2

This Episode Sucks
I recently wrote a review for the standalone Christmas Episode of the new Night Court which aired December 23. I thought that that episode was terrible. I marked it as a 1/10 but the review here on IMDB shows it as me awarding it a 10/10. Let me say it right here in my review: I am giving this premiere episode a 1 out of 10 in spite of what it may end up showing.

Flobert is once again the clerk, just like he was in the Christmas episode. Flobert should be at least one of two clerks for this new season. Kapil Talwalkar, who was Court Clerk Neil in season one, will not be appearing in this season. This is a big disappointment for me because he was my second favorite character. He is written out in a blink and you will miss it moment where it is mentioned that he moved to Tahoe with his girlfriend.

This episode, to me is a1/10 just like the Christmas one. Unless this season shapes up, I think that this might be the final season of the new Night Court.

I will be reviewing the next episode which airs January 9th. Stay tuned!

Night Court: A Night Court Before Christmas
Episode 1, Season 2

Bring Neil Back!
This is a review for the new Night Court's standalone Christmas Special which has aired before the season 2 premiere. Season 2 premieres January 2 at 8PM on NBC.

Let's get to the main point here first. Court Clerk Neil is nowhere to be seen in the special. He is the second best character in the whole revival. I am not sure why he is not here. The Murray Flobert character from the episode Train Court is here in his place. I'think that there will be a character that will be filling in for him in other season 2 episodes but I don't know if he is a permanent replacement or not. I don't even know for sure there is but my guess would be Dwayne Colbert because he appears in two different promotional stills for the season 2 premiere The Roz Affair in court like attire with two of the main cast members. Neil appears in zero of the eoisode's promotional stills. Bottom line: season 2 better have some episodes with Kapil Talwalkar as Neil.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, this was a terrible episode. Three jokes landed. The squid one was the funniest.

The entire main ensemble sans the Murray Flobert character did terrible and they all seemed to be portrayed very out of character. Dan and Olivia in particular were extremely out of character in contrast to what season 1 showed us.

The episode was just a waste of time.

Next time, I'll be reviewing the season 2 premiere The Roz Affair. Stay tuned!

Night Court: The Honorable Dan Fielding: Part 2
Episode 16, Season 1

Pretty Bad
This is a review for the season finale of the first season of the Night Court Revival While I gave the first part of this two parter mild praise, I openly admitted that I had only ever liked a two parter once before this. This Part 2 is the second worst episode of this revival thus far, only being better than the beyond awful entry The Apartment.

The whole main ensemble does an awful job here. This is the first time where each member of the ensemble did a terrible job. The script was awful but at least the conclusion to these events wasn't terribly cliched. All of the rest of the cast does terribly except... Pete Holmes as Rand. He delivers a very likeable, fairly funny performance as Rand. That surprised me.

Well, that wraps Season One of this Revival.

I'll give the next season 10 Episodes to achieve greatness. If it doesnt, I will be leaving this show behind. So, when the season 2 episodes release in the future, I'll be reviewing at least the first 10 here on IMDB.

Newhart: The Way We Thought We Were
Episode 12, Season 1

Newhart Season 1 Episode 12 - Splarshy Review.
I plan on reviewing all of the episodes of the first and second seasons of Newhart plus an additional four episodes in the series that I feel are worth reviewing.

This episode is called The Way We Thought We Were.

Even in these first two seasons before the show became completely unwatchable with the exception of 4 episodes after season 2, a lot of these episodes do not really give one much to talk about. That is the case with this episode.

Bob Newhart and Tom Poston just give okay performances this time around. The George Utley character is not well suited for romantic storylines. Steven Kampmann does great as Kirk Devane but is given very little to do I give this episode a 3/10 because it is watchable but the horrendous script, almost non-existent laughs , and the poor performances of Mary Frann and Jennifer Holmes make this episode very much not recommended.

Next up is the thirteenth episode entitled The Visitors.

Stay tuned!

Newhart: Sprained Dreams
Episode 11, Season 1

Newhart Season 1 Episode 11 - Splarshy Review
I plan on reviewing all of the episodes of the first and second seasons of Newhart plus an additional four episodes in the series that I feel are worth reviewing.

This episode is called Sprained Dreams.

Even in these first two seasons before the show became completely unwatchable with the exception of 4 episodes after season 2, a lot of these episodes do not really give one much to talk about. That is the case with this episode.

Bob Newhart gives a good performance. Tom Poston gives a good performance as George Utley. The inn setting is maintained and that dependable laugh track is on hand. The main positive however, is the fantastic performance of Steven Kampmann as Kirk Devane. He is the best part of this episode and any episode in which he is included. I did also find it interesting that actor Stephen Furst had a small part in this episode.

The main negatives here are the terrible script, the low number of laughs and the poor performances of Mary Frann and Jennifer Holmes. Despite the fact that Leslie is the focus of the episode, Jennifer Holmes mostly squanders the opportunity to truly bring her character to life but there are flashes of brilliance that she brings to the screen. Unfortunately, these moments are ever so fleeting.

Next up, I'll be reviewing the twelfth episode. It is called The Way We Thought We Were.

Stay tuned!

Newhart: The Senator's Wife Was Indiscreet
Episode 10, Season 1

Newhart Season 1 Episode 10- Splarshy Review
I plan on reviewing all of the episodes of the first and second seasons of Newhart plus an additional four episodes in the series that I feel are worth reviewing.

This episode is called The Senator's Wife Was Indiscreet.

Even in these first two seasons before the show became completely unwatchable with the exception of 4 episodes after season 2, a lot of these episodes do not really give one much to talk about. That is the case with this episode.

Boy, is that the case here. Not much to say.

Bob Newhart gives a good performance and Tom Poston is extra hilarious here. The inn setting is maintained and that dependable laugh track is on hand. The main positive however, is the fantastic performance of Steven Kampmann as Kirk Devane. He is the best part of this episode and any episode in which he is included.

The main negatives here are the terrible script and the very poor performances of Mary Frann and Jennifer Holmes.

Next up, I'll be reviewing the eleventh episode. It is called Sprained dreams.

Stay tuned!

Newhart: No Room at the Inn
Episode 9, Season 1

Newhart Season 1 Episode 9 - Splarshy review.
I plan on reviewing all of the episodes of the first and second seasons of Newhart plus an additional four episodes in the series that I feel are worth reviewing.

This Christmas episode is titled No Room at the Inn.

Even in these first two seasons before the show became completely unwatchable with the exception of 4 episodes after season 2, a lot of these episodes do not really give one much to talk about. That is the case with this episode.

Christmas cheer which usually makes any episode of a sitcom classic, can help only so much here First for the positives, Bob. Newhart gives a great performance as does Tom Poston. In fact, Poston really does amazing here, supplying George Utley with a vulnerability and a sadness in the most convincing of ways. The part where George has a heart to heart conversation with Dick is very touching. The inn setting is maintained and that dependable laugh track is on hand. The main positive however, is the fantastic performance of Steven Kampmann as Kirk Devane. He is the best part of this episode and any episode in which he is included.

The main negatives here are the mediocre script, the low number of laughs, and the poor performances of Mary Frann and Jennifer Holmes.

Next up, I'll be reviewing the tenth episode called The Senator's Wife Was Indiscreet.

Stay tuned!

Night Court: The Honorable Dan Fielding
Episode 15, Season 1

This is a review for the fifteenth episode of the first season of the Night Court Revival. This episode is called The Honorable Dan Fielding Part 1 Ah, a two parter. Let me let you in on a little secret. I have only once ever kinda liked a two parter in television. There was one on the fifth season on the Bob Newhart Show that I somewhat liked. That's it. I usually abhor two partners because all the content could easily fit into one episode if they didn't drag their feet and purposefully make scenes way slower than they need to be.

That being said, I find Part 1 to be pretty decent. Not even quite average mind you but no episode of this series so far is above average.

I think the whole cast does good in this episode with the exception of Olivia. The jokes are hit and miss. The same can be said for the writing in general.

I actually don't mind scenes being long and drawn out in this one. This is the first time in the Revival that we are able to chill and contemplate along with the characters, letting their mere presence wash over you.

This allows us to understand these characters (with the exception of Olivia) better.

Next time, I'll be reviewing the sixteenth and final episode of the season entitled The Honorable Dan Fielding Part 2.

Stay tuned!

Newhart: Some Are Born Writers... Others Have Writers Thrust Upon Them
Episode 8, Season 1

Newhart Season 1 Episode 8 - Splarshy Review
I plan on reviewing all of the episodes of the first and second seasons of Newhart plus an additional four episodes in the series that I feel are worth reviewing.

This episode is called Some Are Born Writers... Others Have Writers Thrust Upon Them.

Even in these first two seasons before the show became completely unwatchable with the exception of 4 episodes after season 2, a lot of these episodes do not really give one much to talk about. That is the case with this episode.

The two main guest actors this week are worth noting for their interesting connections to this series Our two main guest stars in this episode play man and wife. They are portrayed by Earl Boen and Judith Kahan respectively.

Earl Boen played Dr. Peter Silverman in the Terminator movies. He even played the character of Mayor Dodds in a later 1985 episode of Newhart called Candidate Larry.

Judith Kahan is Steven Kampmann's real life wife. They married the year prior to this episode being made and are still together to this day.

Besides these two guest stars, let's look at the other positives in this episode. Bob Newhart gives a good performance. Tom Poston gives a good performance as George Utley. The inn setting is maintained and that dependable laugh track is on hand. The main positive however, is the fantastic performance of Steven Kampmann as Kirk Devane. He is the best part of this episode and any episode in which he is included.

The main negatives here are the mediocre script, the low number of laughs, and the poor performances of Mary Frann and Jennifer Holmes. Also, there is a scene near the beginning of the episode where Dick is helping Joanna put away groceries. This scene is an embarrassment because it is a big step backwards from Bob's previous sitcom The Bob Newhart Show. There is an episode from The Bob Newhart Show called Change Is Gonna Do Me Good where similar ideas are expressed that are similar to this scene. Change is Gonna De Me Good handled this scenario probably fifty times better than what we got here. This grocery scene feels like regrression and it is the blandest type imaginable. Let's not forget Bob is playing a character in Newhart that is somewhat similiar albeit nowhere near as nuanced and believable as Bob Hartley. Still, having the character unlearn basic things that the previous character knew is intolerable in most cases.

Next up, I'll be reviewing the ninth episode. The Christmas entry called No Room at the Inn.

Stay tuned!

Newhart: The Perfect Match
Episode 7, Season 1

Newhart Season 1 Episode 7 - Splarshy Review
I plan on reviewing all of the episodes of the first and second seasons of Newhart plus an additional four episodes in the series that I feel are worth reviewing.

This episode is called The Perfect Match.

Even in these first two seasons before the show became completely unwatchable with the exception of 4 episodes after season 2, a lot of these episodes do not really give one much to talk about. That is the case with this episode.

This episode is definitely not perfect.

As for the positives, Bob Newhart gives a good performance. Tom Poston gives a good performance as George Utley. The inn setting is maintained and that dependable laugh track is on hand. The main positive however, is the fantastic performance of Steven Kampmann as Kirk Devane. He is the best part of this episode and any episode in which he is included.

The main negatives here are the terrible script, a nearly complete absence of laughs, and the poor performances of both Mary Frann and Jennifer Holmes. Jennifer is given material to work with for the first time in this series but still squanders the opportunity Next time, I'll be reviewing the 8th episode called Some Are Born Writers, Others Have Writers Thrust Upon Them.

Stay tuned!

Newhart: No Tigers at the Circus
Episode 6, Season 1

Newhart Season 1 Episode 6- Splarshy Review
I plan on reviewing all of the episodes of the first and second seasons of Newhart plus an additional four episodes in the series that I feel are worth reviewing.

This episode is called No Tigers at the Circus.

Even in these first two seasons before the show became completely unwatchable with the exception of 4 episodes after season 2, a lot of these episodes do not really give one much to talk about. That is the case with this episode.

As for the positives, Bob Newhart gives a good performance. Tom Poston gives a good performance as George Utley. The inn setting is maintained and that dependable laugh track is on hand. The main positive however, is the fantastic performance of Steven Kampmann as Kirk Devane. He is the best part of this episode and any episode in which he is included. Also, despite the fact that the script is really weak, there are some very funny bits. The best of which involves Bob telling of his visit to the circus as a child. "I want tigers! I want tigers!" The two main negatives here are the performances of Mary Frann and Jennifer Holmes. Mary just does worse than awful. Jennifer Holmes is beautiful but is given basically nothing to work with.

Next up, I'll be reviewing the seventh episode entitled The Perfect Match.

Stay tuned!

Newhart: This Probably Is Condemned
Episode 5, Season 1

Newhart Season 1 Episode 5 - Splarshy Review
I plan on reviewing all of the episodes of the first and second seasons of Newhart plus an additional four episodes in the series that I feel are worth reviewing.

This episode is called This Probably is Condemned.

Even in these first two seasons before the show became completely unwatchable with the exception of 4 episodes after season 2, a lot of these episodes do not really give one much to talk about. That is the case with this episode.

As for the positives, Bob Newhart gives a good performance. Tom Poston gives a good performance as George Utley. The inn setting is maintained and that dependable laugh track is on hand. The main positive however, is the fantastic performance of Steven Kampmann as Kirk Devane. He is the best part of this episode and any episode in which he is included. Speaking of which, it's great that this episode give us some back story on Kirk. This is the first episode of many to come later that wisely put the main focus on Steven's character. The script is decent this time around due to the fact the episode achieves quite a few laughs. This is due to them using Dick"s aggravation with Kirk to elevate the humor. Despite their differences, Steven Kampmann and Bob Newhart have great onscreen chemistry.

The two main negatives here are the performances of Mary Frann and Jennifer Holmes. Mary just does worse than awful. Jennifer Holmes is beautiful but is given basically nothing to work with.

Next up, I'll be reviewing the sixth episode called No Tigers at the Circus.

Stay tuned!

Newhart: Shall We Gather at the River?
Episode 4, Season 1

Newhart Season 1 Episode 4 - Splarshy Review
I plan on reviewing all of the episodes of the first and second seasons of Newhart plus an additional four episodes in the series that I feel are worth reviewing.

This episode is entitled Shall We Gather at the River?

Even in these first two seasons before the show became completely unwatchable with the exception of 4 episodes after season 2, a lot of these episodes do not really give one much to talk about. That is the case with this episode.

One thing definitely worth noting here however is that this is one of only two episodes of Newhart where Mary Frann gave a decent performance. Now for other positives. Bob Newhart gives a good performance. Tom Poston gives a good performance as George Utley. The inn setting is maintained and that dependable laugh track is on hand. The main positive however, is the fantastic performance of Steven Kampmann as Kirk Devane. He is the best part of this episode and any episode in which he is included.

The first negative is the mediocre script which is way too plot focused to let much character, comedy, or thought shine through.

Jennifer Holmes is beautiful but is given very little material to work with. It might not have made any difference though.

Next up, I will be reviewing the fifth episode entitled This Probably is condemned.

Stay tuned!

Newhart: Hail to the Councilman
Episode 3, Season 1

Newhart Season 1 Episode 3 - Splarshy Review
I plan on reviewing all of the episodes of the first and second seasons of Newhart plus an additional four episodes in the series that I feel are worth reviewing.

This episode is called Hail to the Councilman.

Even in these first two seasons before the show became completely unwatchable with the exception of 4 episodes after season 2, a lot of these episodes don't really give one much to talk about. That is the case with this episode.

First, with the positives. Bob Newhart gives a good performance but I must admit it is not really up to his standard. Tom Poston gives a good performance as George Utley. The inn setting is maintained and that dependable laugh track is on hand. The main positive however, is the fantastic performance of Steven Kampmann as Kirk Devane. He is the best part of this episode and any episode in which he is included. Also, the character of Dora Wanamaker is entertaining and reminiscent of the type of characters that appear on Bob's far superior sitcom The Bob Newhart Show.

The first negative is the terrible script which is way too plot focused to let much character, comedy, or thought shine through. Also, the performance of Mary Frann is terrible once again. Jennifer Holmes is beautiful but is given very little material to work with. It might not have made any difference though.

Next up, I'll be reviewing the fourth episode entitled Shall We Gather at the River?

Stay tuned!

Newhart: Mrs. Newton's Body Lies A-Mould'ring in the Grave
Episode 2, Season 1

Newhart Season 1 Episode 2 - Splarshy Review
I plan on reviewing all of the episodes of the first and second seasons of Newhart plus an additional four episodes in the series that I feel are worth reviewing.

This is the second episode of the first season entitled Mrs. Newton's Body Lies A Mould'ring in the Grave.

I said in my previous review that I very much prefer The Bob Newhart Show over Newhart. The Bob Newhart Show is character driven whereas Newhart is plot driven and The Bob Newhart Show is way better written in general.

I also said in my previous review that I think that Kirk Devane is the best character in Newhart. This holds true for the complete tenure of the first two seasons before actor Steven Kampmann is unceremoniously dumped from the series, taking alny quality the series had with him with the exception of four episodes. That's right. After season 2, there are still six seasons to go but only four episodes of quality to remain, with anything even remotely interesting, funny, or thought provoking. Now that I've put a much deserved damper on the series as a whole, let's take a closer look at this series second offering.

Aside from the aforwmentioned Kirk Devane character, other positives in this episode are the performances of Bob Newhart, Tom Poston, and Guest Star Bill Quinn. Also the comedic references about turning someone into a badger are a highlight. This also marks the first appearance of Larry, Darryl, and Darryl in the series. They are always a treat in these early excursions before they were bumped up to being series' regulars at the start of season 3 where , with the exception of one episode made later in season 3, they lost nearly all of their thunder. Other positives here are the fairly decent script, a decent laugh quotient, the maintaining of the elaborate inn setting, and the implementatiion of the omnipresemt laugh track.

Just like with the pilot episode, Mary Frann does an awful job. She is basically a non entity and she also has zero comedic timing.

She is also saddled with being a clunky exposition machine here. In fact, Mary Frann only does a decent job twice in this entire series. These two instances will be covered in my reviews. Jennifer Holmes is beautiful but not given much of anything to work with. That might not have made any difference though.

Still, there's enough good stuff here to make this episode decent viwwing. Even the kid from the mortuary is entertaining enough.

Next up, I'll be reviewing the third episode of the first season called Hail to the Councilman. Stay Tuned!

See all reviews