
IMDb member since October 2016
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Alone Together

Wanted to like it, but lacks everything that makes a comedy good.
After watching the painfully unfunny commercial that Hulu would shove down my throat every commercial segment for 2 weeks straight, I came to hate the show before It was even released. However, I give every show the benefit of the doubt, and wait for the actual release to see how I feel about it. There are several shows that simply have bad marketing and are great on release.

This is not one of those shows. It lacks wit, charm, and any actual humor. It's like someone tried to make an entire show based on "depression humor" often seen online. However, that kind of humor only works online, when used ironically, or when it is used in an actual comedy show, as a stark contrast to its usual upbeat mood.

Compared to many other shows on ABCerr, free-form, it's nice to see a change in style. Their dramas are known for being over-dramatic to the point of being almost funny, and their comedies for being less funny than their dramas. Nobody ever said change was inherently good though. I give the show props for not having a laugh track, but that could be because not even a paid audience would laugh at this. Despite being on free-form, I don't think they are directly responsible for the creation of this show as well, which could explain how different it is, but I'm not here to teach or learn the shows history, just to review the quality, or lack thereof, of the show.

Deadpan humor is one of the laziest routes a show can take if they aren't diligent with their writing and acting, because it often comes off as boring and uninspired. The show could redeem itself if any of the characters were likeable, but the 2 main characters have 0 unique qualities and aren't individually interesting. And all of the side characters are basic cookie-cutter personalities with no personality.

I could go on and on about how boring and uninspired this show is, I can only hope it improves with more episodes. At this point, this show has 2 ways it can go. It could improve and actually get better, or it's projected audience watches it enough to warrant more episodes as its current unfunny state. And if I had to take a guess, the audience is meant to be liberal college students and old people who want to fit in with a younger generation. If there is one thing this show knows how to do, it's to pander to a certain audience. Which is sad, because it's easier to do that than to put actual effort into making a good, respectable show.

I only gave the show 3 stars because I honestly can see the potential In it, but they took the easy way out and tried to pander to an audience instead of actually working to make the show good. It's not too late though, it can always turn itself around. But let's be honest, they usually never do.

One Punch Man: Wanpanman

A Breath of Fresh Air in Anime
It seems that most, if not all people who have left negative reviews for this show have either been incredibly vague in their review, or don't understand what the show is actually about, which leads me to believe that they watched the show for 0-5 minutes max.

While OPM(One Punch Man) takes many jobs at the hero genre of anime, the story itself is nice without being too complicated. For all of you wondering, this show is not about the hero overcoming some great power or evil in order to save the world. This show is about our hero who has become too strong and joins a Hero Association in an attempt to find a someone or something that can match his power because he is so incredibly bored with being over-the-top strong.

It's a perfect combination of action and humor, and I'm writing this as of finding out that A second season has been announced for 2017.

What I appreciate most about the humor in this show is that it is unlike most American AAA-title humor which normally consist of: 1. "Don't do that thing" - *Does that thing 2. "LOUD YELLING THAT'S FUNNY RIGHT?" 3. "oops I hit you on accident" 4. "haha I hit you on purpose" and other (not-so-)great examples.

As for story progression, it may seem a bit nonexistent in the first couple of episodes, but this is just done so we can get a feel for the characters before throwing them into a story, which I greatly appreciate because they actually seem to retain the same personality throughout the show. What's amazing is that the story is practically taken page-for-page from the original artist's online comic.

All-in-all, it's not meant to be a serious show, but they still give you a reason to feel for the main character. While the story is simple, it's exciting to follow and doesn't get in the way of the entertainment.

Pretty Little Liars

I Feel Sorry for Those That Read the Books and expected a Good TV adaptation
While I haven't read the books myself, my wife makes sure to point out differences while we watch it together. From what I understood, the concept behind this show(like many other ABC shows) is pretty good, only to be ruined by terrible writing and acting, and this one is just like all the rest. If you want a TL;DR, I'd say it's a script with many inconsistencies that's poorly written combined with cardboard actors that leave you scratching your head wondering not "who is A?", but instead "why did I ever continue watching this?".

Let's take care of the most obvious flaw first, the acting. I don't know how ABC does it, but they can take just about any actor and make them act like a piece of plywood. Every sentence seems forced or flat and their body-language is just awkward. It's sad to see someone work so hard on several books just to have it ruined by bad acting.

Just kidding, the shows wasn't just ruined by the acting, but the producers' writing as well. In fact, the writing is probably a bigger insult than the acting is, and that's impressive. If there was a Guinness Book of Worst things, this shows writing would be a contender. I've had to watch every episode of this show the day it releases ever since this show began, and I have not seen a single redeeming factor in the writing. Keep in mind, this is disregarding the fact that the writers are trying to influence one of the largest demographics of their show to have an illegal pedo relationship with their teachers, but I digress.

There's so much to cover in the writing of the show, that it would be impossible to cover, so let's just lay down some basics. ABC, you cannot make all of your main characters both "geniuses" and mentally challenged at the same time. I use the word "genius" very generously by the way, because apparently anyone who isn't a main character has the brain capacity of a 4-year old, making them geniuses by comparison. The story is full of inconsistencies and plot-holes JUST for the sake of having a twist ending. If done right, this entire show could have been amazing.

ABC combined their classic bad writing with bad actors and shot out a mess that one could only enjoy if you're dead-set on being a fan-boy.

The Fosters

A Superb Idea Ruined by Bad Acting and Terrible Writing
My wife is an avid watcher of just about anything that airs on ABC now simply because that is what she would watch in Jr. High. Because of this, I've had the "pleasure" of watching these shows, including The Fosters. I'd first like to state that the idea behind the show is very interesting, which seems to be the only part that ABC is good at because every other aspect of this and their other shows are absolutely abhorrent. I've never been a fan of drama shows, but ABC seems to be able to ruin every show that could be incredible if it was done by any other studio or company.

First things first, the acting is down-right awful, there's no way to sugar-coat it. I understand that things need to be a little over-the-top to create drama, but it's almost like watching a middle-school play. However, the acting is nowhere near as bad as "troll 2", so I guess I could count my blessings.

Up next, we've got characters that have absolutely no character. The children are made out to be geniuses in comparison to the parents, yet suddenly change to "dumb as a box of rocks" for the producers to push a story or because drama. No part of the drama or the story seems to flow naturally.

I'd like to take this time just as a warning for anybody like me. I've almost got my bachelor's in Computer Science. Computers and programming are a big part of my life. Throughout the show, one of the kids really gets into the "computers and programming" thing. It's clear that the producers didn't do any of their homework in this subject, because every sentence will leave you cringing and grinding your teeth, especially if they think a child could "program up" a 3-d holographic dance routine choreographed with real dancers in a couple nights using nothing more than Java.

10/10 for a good idea, but a -10/10 on performance and execution, so I'll be leaving a 1/10. I probably wouldn't have rated so low if this was just a once-in-a-while thing, but ABC is notorious for ruining good ideas with their god-awful acting and writing.

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