
IMDb member since August 2005
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Godsmack: Changes

If you like drums as much as me then this is the metal DVD for you!!!
I watched this movie on Halloween 2004 after a night of bar hoping and party's. When the night was winding down at my buddies place with a small group of friends old and new a few started arguing over what DVD to put on. I did not understand why we usually would watch and listen and sing along to Alice in Chains Mtv Unplugged (another favorite pick of mine).I knew of Godsmack but did not think they were that special, but Changes got put in and after some minor complications with the remote control missing and figuring out how to do it manually they put on the most amazing part of the DVD truly the greatest thing I have ever seen done with drums. It was so good we watched it again a second time I got goosebumps. Why is it so great cause just when you think it's over it keeps on going and keeps getting better I wish I could have one of those drum sticks! Batalla De Los Tambores is the seen and the rest of the DVD ain't that bad either for drummer fans a must see a must own!!

Baby Beethoven: Symphony of Fun

A great DVD for any baby and their parent
I really enjoyed this DVD and I know my sons did as well. I think its great and love that it does what it says and delights and stimulates your babies mind! Its something that you can watch and listen to together or just get a few minutes for yourself. I did not think that my 4 month old sons would really watch or pay attention to anything on the TV but they did and they even started to get excited about watching it and started to baby talk and laugh along with baby Einstein baby Beethoven symphony of fun I think its great for all babies and their parents way to go Disney great DVD! I want to buy the whole collection and plan on giving baby Einstein DVD's and products as gifts at baby showers from now on. The only down for me was motion sickness but I get that from almost everything that is not steady or still, no matter what I love these movies!

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