
IMDb member since October 2016
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    IMDb Member
    7 years


Kenpuu Denki Berserk

Not all anime are for kids
This anime is excellent. If that is all you are looking to know, then by all means go watch it right away. The reason i like it is because of the feeling of existential dread i feel because of it. It covers topics like destiny and god in a little bit different way then we are used to i.e. they dont openly slap you with the ideas they want to explore, it is a very subtle approach. The characters are interesting, unexplored, in the sense you do not know what they are thinking, everything is shown through action ( subtler approach again). I found this relatively realistic, and genuinely refreshing. This implicit explanation of the world and characters make you just keep watching with more and more questions you want to be answered. The last episode is truly the culmination of the series and it will make you feel something ( for better or for worse). If you want something different and new, this anime is for you.

Juuni Taisen

I watched the show in day, basically binged it. There is nothing that i found particularly good or bad. The concept is kind of unoriginal and the characters themselves are bland with only a few defining attributes which becomes boring after a while. It is a good idea executed in a very uninspired way. The show is rather fun to watch and it keeps pulling you to watch more ( without cliffhangers) but all in all it did not leave a big impression on me and it did not make me think about it afterwards. If you are bored and just want something to pass the time, this is excellent for that occasion.

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