Reviews (8)

  • This based in true events serie is one of the best production coming from Spain this year. The casting and actors are all at their best, most of them I expect to see again in the coming years due to this success. I have to mention the choice of music which is perfect to create the thrill of the story, it gives the right 80s rock, punk and folk atmosphere and social background.

    The serie tells the story of narco trafficking in Galicia (north of Spain) in the 80s and how it changed the economy, society and politics. The serie focuses on the families and clans that went from being cigarettes smugglers to become narcos and the consequences of their decisions.

    Watch it if you are looking for a thrilling narco story on an unique setting.
  • This is a good crime thriller that keeps the audience attention until the final scene. I only found myself out of the movie in a couple of scenes that they could have been shorter, for instance when the main actress and her ex husband meet for first time. I think that is the only negative I found in the film, the rest of the scenes are there to move the story towards the conclusion and they do it well.

    Overall I was immersed, intrigued and surprised with each of the twists in the story. Watch it if you like crime thrillers.
  • I wonder what makes people to write a one out of ten rating for this movie. It is not bad at all. I like sci-fi, I enjoy stories with a good twist and with a moral message with hypothetical scientific scenarios. The movie got rhythm and yes probably the action scenes are not the best as those in Marvel movies or other high budget productions, but that's all.

    I decided to watch this movie because of amount of 'too' bad and 'too' good reviews, when I see such disparity in ratings I somehow feel attraction. I must say I didn't regret to watch it. Not at all.
  • I enjoyed this title, the cinematography is excellent, the story is thrilling with a good number of twists, the actors are believable -Raúl Arévalo's role is intense and balance-, the music choice is perfect for the atmosphere the plot wants to create. On the negative side, I would say the story is not the most original but that is not a reason not to enjoy the film.

    I recommend this film to those looking for an atmospheric thriller with a hint of magic realism.
  • It is quite hard to tell what Thelma is about, I'm still not sure wether the movie is drama, thriller or fantasy but I have enjoyed all the way through while trying to get into the emotional world of the main character Thelma.

    The music and the cinematic experience are thrilling. The movie makes you ride towards a unique experience in cinema. This movie is enjoyable and thrilling from the beginning to the end.

    The movie talks about many things; family, love, youth, religion but those too many concepts somehow might lead the story to lack that punch to make the story brilliant and unforgettable.

    Do not miss this film, it's a great movie experience.
  • I just discovered Koreeda's films and I'm surprised, and angry with myself, I didn't know about this great director and storyteller. The film is a wonderful story about parenthood in which its hardship and beauty are well balanced.

    The story drives the audience into the lives of two (almost antagonistic) families who had to go through a tough situation together, a situation imposed by a third party in the past. Koreeda tell us the story by examining these two very different families. By portraying these almost antagonistic families the story creates contrast and allow the characters to grow an evolution while they discovered themselves.

    I will not say more... watch it if you are looking for touching, delightful and well directed story about family and love.
  • I rate this title 8/10 because it is a rounded script with intense characters played wonderfully and an intriguing and sometimes funny script. If you are like me that finds most of the movies quite unoriginal with lack of creativeness this one will surprise you, in a good way. I will not say anything more about the plot, I just recommend to sit down and let the story drives you. I just feel sad that there are not more inventive and creative movies this days and it is also sad that studios prefer to produce genre movies that follow the same patterns and boring characters again and again without much risks. I highly recommend this title to those searching for good and creative stories.
  • A good movie is that one that grabs the audience from the very beginning and engages them fully throughout its duration on the screen. Spiderman movie is correct in most aspects, but somehow, at times, I found myself thinking about the technicalities of filming rather than feeling completely immersed in the story. The plot is just not good enough to let you enter and connect fully with the story being told. That might be because I'm not the target audience –the movie is a teenage movie probably targeted to teens– but that doesn't mean an adult will not enjoy it and have a good time too.

    From the technical point of view, the film is excellent, the lighting and camera work gives a realistic feel to the story that helps the viewer to believe whatever happens on the screen. The writing is funny, and got the right rhythm and perfectly mixes comedy and action the way Marvel does so efficiently.

    The actors are believable and make the characters to feel real on the screen, although the drama in the story is not enough to engage the audience fully. A little bit of drama would have helped the audience to connect deeper with the characters and would help the story to be more engaging. I'm not a Spiderman fan and I can't really compare this Spiderman to the one in the comic books, but I would agree the movie is a very good depiction of the character as we know from popular culture.

    Now I would like to ask myself a few questions; did I enjoy the movie? yes, I did, would I pay to watch it again? yes, maybe, does it entertains? yes, great, is it a classic, a movie you will remember as something which contributed to my knowledge and understanding of the world we live today? no, not really… But, who cares, this is a product meant to entertain you and have fun, so just sit, relax and enjoy.