
IMDb member since October 2016
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I was a little bit disappointed by the lack of emotions provoked by Dunkirk but nevertheless, was stunned by it's visuals
I was expected way more out of the performances and plot of Dunkirk; instead of a conventional story with character development and a problem to solve,the movie plunges us onto Dunkirk amidst the carnage. This isn't inherently a bad thing as the horrors and tragedy surrounding the event are presented accurately and respectfully- we the viewer,fully understand the struggle faced by British, Belgian and French soldiers during and leading up to the crisis caused by the Nazi invasion of France.

There is no connection with any of the various characters throughout the movie, so the element of suspense ceases to exist. This is probably the most heavily criticized factor of Dunkirk and whether it can be excused or not is down to the viewers preference. Personally, I love more story driven filmic experiences with well animated characters; as Dunkirk lacks this, something that I believe to be intentional, I cannot help but feel a little disappointed.

Despite this, I still enjoyed the movie, watching it for my birthday at the cinema with friends. The visuals and cinematography are impeccable which is to be expected from Nolan and his team. I also have a great interest in the World Wars and all the costumes and vehicles seemed highly accurate.

In conclusion, Dunkirk portrays to a masterful level, the terror that marked end of the Phoney War and plunged Europe as well as the rest of the world into another conflict ending millions of lives world wide. Being in the center of this chaos, there is no time to fully understand what others are thinking, what kind of people they are, who they may leave behind. We can only watch and hope for their safety.

Fateful Findings

Neil Breen is pretty much an older, less sexy Tommy Wiseau
If you review this as a film- it's acting, it's dialogue, it's plot and it's cinematography- Neil Breen's movies resemble Wiseau's 'The Room'. Everything is so amateur and leaves the viewer questioning the director's sanity due to how he could see this as a complete movie.

Neil fully resembles Tommy; both are under the illusion that their movies are masterpieces due to the fame garnered when in reality they're just well known due to their odd existence. Neil is also the main character of his films, in this case, Fateful Findings, further supporting the argument that he's just gone a little bit crazy because of his midlife crisis .

If you expect a comprehensible movie, you're looking in the wrong place. If, however, you're looking for something to laugh at with a few friends, this is a great movie to watch. Honestly, I enjoyed it; Fateful Findings is so unaware of what it truly is, making it a thoroughly hilarious experience. Now, I am being a little vague with what this movie is about and that's because it feels like a soap opera- there really isn't a plot, just 'social' interaction. So many things happen at the same time- Neil's character Dylan is hacking the government, then a friend of his is murdered. he also spills his coffee in one of the most exaggerated, immersion breaking, attempts to act I have ever seen.

If you want a film for cheap gags- 10/10

If you want a real film- 2/10


I don't quite understand the message of this movie
As far as contemporary kid's films go, this film is what you should expect; it's relevant to young children with it's jokes, references and song choice and the visuals are somewhat pleasing. A young child will love this movie for sure but for an adult it can be a bit of a pain to sit through due the aforementioned features.

Now, the reason I watched this film is because my younger sister turned it on at a relatives house whom we were visiting- I decided I may as well watch it too. Towards the beginning, I had no interest in the film of course, until a bit later on, I try to search for the message of the film. The ogres or whatever- the deplorable looking guys that eat the trolls- spontaneously start singing "Clint Eastwood" by Gorillaz. This is what really confused me because this is a song about smoking weed to get happy, and those creatures likewise,eat the trolls to be happy. So my guess is that the song choice was intentional, a belief backed up later by the film when the main protagonist says some tripe about 'not consuming things to be happy'. Is this film a 90 minute advert on not doing drugs? I guess my mind looks too far into stupid superficial things when I'm bored.

If you're looking for a good family movie, just watch Kubo.

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