
IMDb member since November 2016
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L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo

Not for me but can see why people like it
The only film I've seen from Dario is suspiria and loved it so I decided to give this ago. It's a pretty good murder mystery but I kinda checked out in the middle of the film. It just seemed abit slow paced and not much happening until you get to the end. My mate said that most Giallo films are like that so it's probably my taste. I don't think it's a bad film at all and I can see why most people love it but it's just not my cup of tea.

St. Agatha

Was a okay film until....
I was enjoying the film and it can get intense at times aswell. But when a film makes a mistake so big I can't just ignore it. Sure there's a few problems that you can just shake off but right at the end when they lock the villain in a coffin with maybe 8 different locks that you have to twist to unlock...only for the cops to show up and manages to open the coffin without unlocking anything like it was a cupboard in your kitchen. So when I saw that it immediately ruined the film for me unfortunately. Will probably never watch it again but I'm always up for watching Darren lynn Bousmans films just incase there's a okay one in his filmography. Maybe.


Well that was brutal
I could never watch this film ever again not because it's bad but because on how disturbing and brutal it is. Very tense and very bleak till the bitter end if you are look for some disturbing horror this will be one to watch .....maybe just once.

Psycho Goreman

So funny from start to finish
I got recommended this ages ago and without reading up on it I've finally watched it and this had me in stitches from start to finish. One thing I love is practical effects and this didn't disappoint. Quite heartwarming in places I just had lots of fun watching this...people need to see this movie and I would recommend the directors other film the void too ...both awesome.


Best director out there
Denis has got to be my favourite director so while I was waiting to go to the cinema to see dune I decided to search out for this film. This is the true story about a college shooting In 1989. Denis has a way of making you feel for the characters without knowing much about them and knowing what happens to some characters ( the story is told in the eyes of 3 people ) I gotta say it bought tears to my eyes. Such a tragic story told beautifully and obviously my heart goes out to all the victims and their families. Top marks for one of the greatest directors about.

Midnight Mass

Mike Flanagan knocks of out of the park again
This is a great little mini series that builds up likeable and one very unlikeable character. For the first couple of episodes doesn't feel like any horror elements are gonna happen at all more like a drama about a small community on a island with some religious plots but as you watch more it soon becomes clear what's going on and turns into a vampire movie...I haven't watched all of mike Flanagan's tv shows this will be the first and after watching it I feel like I need to go back and watch the rest of his work. Flanagan Is a brilliant story teller that doesn't need to spoon feed you about what's going on , instead leaving you breadcrumbs to figure out what is happening on the island. All in all a great little tv show and would recommend it to horror lovers and lovers of drama also.

Katakuri-ke no kôfuku

Absolute bonkers...I loved it
Let me start by saying it's not for everyone and there's a lot going on. I'm probably gonna butcher trying to explain the film so I will just say you really need to see it to believe it. I would describe it as a night of the living dead film but the musical. The first 5 minutes in will definitely let ya know what ya getting into but I just think the film is so weird and wonderful. Would definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it.

Brad's Status

A by the numbers film that leaves a impact
I've been on a Ben stiller hype at the moment watching films like while we're young and the secret life of Walter Mitty, but this film probably has stillers most real and best performance he has given so far. It helps that he's got a good teenage actor working together with him as his son. Although the film is by the numbers and the message of the story hits you on the head with a hammer, brads status more than makes up for it with some great performances all round that's full of comedic , charming and tearful scenes.

Molly's Game

If you liked the social network then you will love this
I always look forward to anything Jessica chastain and Idris Elba do next and this film doesn't change that thought at all. These two work tremendous off each other making the conversations feel so really that it doesn't feel like a film most times even Kevin Costner was brilliant as mollys father. The directing was on point and the script was never boring or slowed down even with a 2 hour and 20 min runtime. If you liked films such as I'Tonya and the social network then this one will not disappoint

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