
IMDb member since November 2016
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    7 years


Viking Destiny

Gods and pile of tosh
If your expecting a good story well written and brilliantly acted out you've come for the wrong film. Terrance Stamp and Will Mellor must be skint. Two quality actors, one steaming pile of dung. The acting is terrible, the script is worse and as for effects I think they spent the budget in the bar. I tried to give it no stars but IMDB won't accept that.


Promising start, wait before you slate.
I've never written a review like this before,and by the time I'm finished this probably won't get posted but here goes.

At the time of writing this there are three post's two of these seem to do nothing but slate the show using the book Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter or the 2007 film Shooter for references.

I have never read the book although I must confess I have seen the film.

To me it seems that there are three questions to answer about this program.

1. Is it like the book? Only in the basic story line. An author can spend years writing a novel and can thousands of hours of research in order to create the story. No film or TV adaptation has ever been exactly like the book its impossible to get that much information into the limited time, just ask anyone who has read The Lord of the Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire. Also visual adaptations are the imaginings of someone else its the readers imagination of the writer's description that makes a book better and more personal.

2. Is it as good as the Film? Only time will tell. But a $61,000,000 budget for every 125 mins of screen time, (the length of the film), is something very few TV shows get. Also the films cast had many household names to boost it.

3. Is it enjoyable? For people who like this sort of action type programs the answer is probably yes. My answer in question 2 was not to belittle the cast as they seem to be doing a fine job portraying their characters, many of whom have been portrayed by other actors before, and they are trying to put their own mark on them. And lest we forget they are trying to pad out into a series what Hollywood condensed into 125 mins and still make it enjoyable for the audience.

In short my advice is to enjoy it for what it is a pleasant way to pass an hour a week, there is a lot worse out there to watch, and if you find it is not to your taste don't watch it. Ultimately viewing figures will decide whether it's good or bad and if it's the latter the TV company will axe it.

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