
IMDb member since November 2016
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One Piece

Can say that this is the best live-action adaption I've seen. Not 100%, but decent
As the title says, it's worth watching and overall is pretty good.

8.5-9 out of 10 overall because it stayed true to the original story(mostly...explained down).

Acting - 9/10 Soundtrack - 10/10 (especially Buggy's theme) Scenes - 9/10 (some were simply meh, even for someone that doesn't know the world/plot and too many close-ups that felt odd sometimes) Plot accuracy to the manga/anime - 8/10 (They made many changes, but still kept them in the style of Oda...mostly...some of them...)

There are enough changes made to it that it has some different plots and settings, but it was expected since these are the limitations of a live action(budget, actors, time, physics and so on). That, nonetheless, doesn't explain how they changed a few parts that made it seem worse(for those that know it and for those that don't, even them getting to agree that it was better in the original after I told them the changes). Some I understood because of the said limitations, but honestly, they butchered Nojiko as a character with her first scene. Felt so wrong and bad even for those that didn't know the original story. They said that the scene was "cringe" and "out of place".

Overall it's a decent show for both OP fans and those that aren't familiar with it. Good casting of the main characters and mostly all secondary ones(with a few exception, but it was to be

It's worth a watch and I hope for season 2. For the fans that already read/saw the manga/anime they know that it doesn't compare with it/them, but it's good to see a live adaptation that is decent and not totaly trash like almost every other one made over the years. Let's not forget about the former worst rated movie on imdb that was dethroned this year after 14 years of holding the crown of worst movie and worst adaptation ever.

Person of Interest

Simply well done. Action, thriller, plot, small jokes whatever you want you have.
I gave 10/10 because it's one of those tv shows that you can either binge or just take your time and I enjoyed it. If you rewatch/watch it nowadays you'll get to remember (or learn for the young ones) how it was before the smartphone was mainstream.

It's a typical conspiracy theory tv show, but well written with a good start, story and ending. One good thing in front of other shows like this is that you get an explanation for most things that would seem "easier" to be done in some circumstances, but not done so because of said reasons.

The actors play well their characters and most of the main ones get their evolution progress, changing and adapting to a new lifestyle and life goals.

I love the little easter eggs, small jokes and references throughout the show and I think I caught most of them when I watched it. The jokes, nicknames and some funny situations are a good way to change the pace of some events.

There are those flashbacks, memories, cutscenes that, combined with one of the main actors, give you a little vibe of "Lost"(another great show).

Soundtrack wise it's decent for it's era and balanced.

Overall a 9.5-10/10 for me and for whoever likes the shows from the 2005-2015 period.

Heart of Stone

Generic and average, but decent.
It's a generic plot that can be seen by anybody without knowing what the movie is about in the first minutes. Spies, "super-weapon", villain, critical point, explosions.

Casting wise is decent, but nothing extraordinary, Gal Gadot being the star literally. She plays her character good, but since it's a pretty generic type of character and the movie is based mostly on action scenes, the character development lacks overall so it's not a hard type to play. I don't know how many of those action scenes did Gal do herself and how many were stuntwomen so I would say it wasn't that hard to play if she didn't do the stunts, all things considered.

I don't mean to make it sound bad, but I was hoping for something more from this movie after reading the plot and main actress. She did her job well, so the parts that were lacking would be a few mistakes in takes, logic(even movie logic) and a useless character that should be something, but is nothing more than a dissapointment that you see only in movies that have a imdb rate of 4 or bellow. Yes "King of Hearts", that's you(all kings if that matters, but this one got the most screen time and background). Such an important role(s) in that world(the kings) and the setting for them seems like from a 3rd rate movie from the 1920's with how they act and what happens to them. I know there is a "strike" from writers, but that shows that a good producer is the key because if the script is crap at least a good producer would make them rewrite it so that it's good or simply change it himself.

To sumarize it: -generic plot -good setting(world) -crappy at details -good main actress -overall, decent scenes with mistakes at a few of them

Soundtrack 8/10 Plot 6/10 Characters 3/10 Scenes 7/10 (decent fight scenes, not awesome, not bad, generic otherwise)

The Flash

Some might say I'm a hater...I'm not
Overall a fiasco. The only reason you might wanna watch is because of the actors listed and characters aproached in this storyline. I had low expectations, but man...this got them 6ft deeper.

The reason/spark/motive of how this all starts is well known from comics, the tv show and even the trailer/ads for this movie. No matter how low your expectations are they managed to make even this feel cheap and unnatural.

The plot is lacking with not substance to the story and feels like a suitcase that holds clothes for two people and was closed using an elephant. To be more precise it's rushed with too much time spent on useless scenes and too less on the actual content/acting. Also full of small plotholes here and there on many scenes(it shows that it wasn't thought through from start to end, just pieced together).

I don't know who got the idea of that "acting/persona" for the younger version, but I've seen people with real life medical problems that look more normal than that "character" played by ezra. If he tried to play a disabled person(brain mostly) he got it right. Those screams are so annoying and without a reason/purpose. Overall the acting was sub-par at best and I feel bad for the good/decent actors that got dragged in this movie.

Soundtrack was so-so. In some scenes makes you feel like you watch some 2001 comedy(but it's a serious scene) and sometimes is just there. Nothing spectacular, but also not necessary bad. The 2001 comedy refference is mostly because they try to make it a funny movie with jokes at every corner, but most of them are delivered bad/wrong or shouldn't be there.

In conclusion, for anyone that wants to watch "the flash" should go watch the tv show(as much as they want from it). It won't have those great names(like in the movie) and it isn't the best tv show or anything, but it's infinitely better with more action, plot, history, twists, crossover, comedy and acting than this movie.

Mr Inbetween

Pleasantly surprised
Worth a watch. Really dissapointed that it's underrated, not by the rating, but by the nonexistent marketing(at least internationally).

It's well written, nice scenes, not too many filler scenes and loved the fact that they don't spend hours simply telling you the background, but leaves you to discover it through the story in a nice and easy to digest way.

Decent soundtrack, well written and cut scenes, good acting and not once I felt that they spent time for a useless line/scene/character just to make it longer like most shows do nowadays.

Overall i'd say it's easy a 9.5-10 for how well it was made.

Loved the last scene(especially for it's soundtrack) and all I can say is GG Scott. I'll follow up to see what you'll make in the future and check what other projects you worked on.

The show leaves you with "a bit of this and a bit of that".

Alert: Missing Persons Unit

Decent idea, too rushed, unpolished and so many plotholes
Watched two episodes to be sure that it wasn't just the pilot.

Decided to give it a shot because of Scott. It is almost decent, but the whole show feels rushed and like it's always something missing. They bombard you with all this info and many logic plotholes that are there just because they didn't bother to think about it/probably greenlighted as "good enough" (mostly about investigations themselves where timelines and the characters actions are sketchy).

To give an example an be careful this is the spoiler that is contained here in this review: in the second episode they have a live video with a crime. Somehow they get to the miracle number 68 minutes as deadline from some point and they have enough time in 68 minutes to go to the crime scene(from HQ), spend a few minutes aresting someone, get back to HQ, interogate the suspect and somehow go at the location in the video on time to save that person. All of that in the middle of the day. I barely can wrap my mind how tight that schedule was and somehow they don't even seem to rush that fast in the cars en-route to the victim. Not to mention when there is such a "time sensitive" case in front of them they are interrupted by a colleague at the beginning of the investigation and go just to have a talk about another case unrelated and a pointless conversation that could have took place after this one was over.

Not a bad show, but it isn't a good one yet. Maybe if someone else gets the helm in the next episodes, but after two episodes I feel like I could watch something better.

Teen Wolf: The Movie

Well...not so well (done). Decent idea, but rushed and stuffed.
To keep it short: -watched it because I am a fan of the show -mediocre script, lines, cuts, scenes, new characters(old characters that are simply brought back just to stand there...yes I'm talking about Liam) and overall everything because it is rushed to pack everything in one go. It wasn't enough to make a series so (probably because of money too) they just stuffed everything in a movie.

A miniseries would have been better than to rush everything and get so many illogical actions and plot holes.

The idea behind was not horrible, but how it was done it did a great injustice to the franchise since it could've been handled better.

The Terminal List

Short review.
Drama, Thriller, Action, Plot twist and many more.

Camera, soundtrack, plot, actors, all good.

More tv shows like this should be made.

Really liked that every character had their nuances of grey and the actors represented them good. Kudos. Really hope to see all the books adapted.


Worth watching.
First of all I'll say that this is a review from a fan even if I didn't like everything about it.

I grew with this and can say this about the show: if you want and epic fantasy/horror(a little) tv show watch untill season 5. Past that is for the true fans that sticked with it because of 3 reasons(Moose&Squirrel). There are about 3 seasons that were pretty bad, but spread out and even in those seasons you get some episodes/moments that just get right to your hearth if you love this kind of humour and "comeback lines". There are some seasons that are "ok" and worth watching overall and there are some that are simply epic. You have enough of them and can decide which is which.

Camera work: (gets better by every season) 10/10 Script: 9/10 (because it's stretched sometimes) Soundtrack: If you know it, you know it.... CARRY ON!

Actors: 9/10 (like every long tv series there are some actors that are...meh, but Crowley evens the scales as a character) CGI: 9/10

Overall I recommend to watch it because it has almost everything from horror/gore, family love/bond, comedy(if you like this type like me), epic tales, fantasy and so on. It also has good portions that are worth to bingewatch and filler episodes that go easy when you are tired and don't want something too "hard" to watch.


Overall good
As the title says it this is a review, not a summary. The series is overall pretty good with nice acting and plots here and there. The camera work is done well and the locations vary which gives it a nice feeling.

The one thing I can't get past is that they tried their best with their "facts"(language,locations etc.), but failed misserably at details. I mean they took names of locations and stated that one is 30miles from another while in truth it's 250(the first example that came to my mind and there were many). I mean the series aired in 2019 and there were dozens of free map applications which you could use. I mean with a 10 minute research on any search engine you would solve these things instantly, but they didn't.

Pros: -acting -camera work -plot (a little recycled, but nice overall)

Cons: -no attention to details (this is what makes a good show a great show and they ignored it)

Eight for Silver

Story with potential, but buchered on some places.
Overall an "ok" movie to watch when you are bored. The cgi/makeup is pretty good, camera angles and effects good, nice setting, but there are some issues with how the children and adults dealt with some key moments that are frustrating and mostly not right. What makes this movie to be ordinary at best is that is mostly like a descriptive novel: 90% description and on a few paragraphs something happens.

One thing that bothered me was how they used a language and not even got someone that speaks it corectly to get those lines accurate. I'm not expecting someone to have the right pronunciation or anything like it, but they should at least make corect sentences(grammarly speaking) all the way. From what I heard in the movie, those line could've been translated with google translate.


Dissapointed by another "milk run" for a quick cash
Honestly, it's an unnecessary remake of the original show.

It starts like any other story with "the calm before the storm-->storm-->after the storm", but in this case the "after the storm" piece gets boring and doesn't entertain the viewers at all(you can see the rating it got).

I don't mind the actors not being the best of the best (some are rookies, but we all start from somewhere), but the character dialogues and the scenes around those dialogues are rushed and too slow at the same time (the script/director's fault here) which makes you lose your interest in it almost instantly.

Another thing that gets you since the first half of the first episode is the discrepancy between characters and how rushed each and every one seems to be just to get another piece of useless information and jump to another thing afterwards. This is showed mostly with scenes that are meant to make us, viewers, feel something or empathize with the characters situation, but fail miserably to do so.

Overall my rating is a 2/10 because they had an amazing idea and the first show to learn from it, yet it seems like a college movie project made by some passioned students at best. My dissapointment can't even be written since I would watch right now the old show, with its quirks from that time, and still find it to be better.

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