
IMDb member since November 2016
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Halo: Inheritance
Episode 7, Season 1

I fast forwarded through most of the episode and I still feel like I wasted too much time on this episode.

I've honestly liked the show up until this episode. I never saw the point of including Kwan after the first episode, everything her character has done has seemed pointless. The only saving grace was she was around a cool character in 66 and her scenes were relatively short. That made this episode that much worse by spending all the time on her.

I just hope the creators listen to the people with problems with her. This isn't a "boys not liking 'strong' women" scenario. There are tons of strong women in this show who are incredibly interesting and who deserve much more screen time than Kwan Ha. The show would be in a much better place if the character and this rebellion angle just ended full stop. All they accomplished here was making something that felt like a filler episode in a short first season. To take from another property "This in not the way."

Tokyo Revengers: One and Only
Episode 21, Season 1

Melodrama overkill
This series has been really good up until this point. This episode, however was completely overdone and melodramatic to the point of almost being funny. I think that if they hadn't tried to force an emotional reaction from the audience, the entirety of the story could have been delivered in less than five minutes. The series is great, but this episode is horrible to the point that it actually makes me not want to see what comes next. Very poorly done.

Ted Lasso: Beard After Hours
Episode 9, Season 2

I'm sure I've seen something worse than this.
That being said, I can't think of anything worse right now. Given how excellent this series is, this episode stands out as glaringly horrible. Ted Lasso is a show that's so good that I enjoy watching the episodes several times. I'll never watch this episode again. Pure trash.

Grimm: The Ungrateful Dead
Episode 1, Season 3

Great, but...
I love this show. I've watched the whole series all the way through several times. I enjoy just about everything about the show, but Juliette is just the worst. She's bad in a lot of episodes, but this episode especially highlights how annoying she can be. I really like Bitsie Tulloch, and without getting into spoilers, I'm really glad that they found something better for her later in the series. Because here, she's just the worst. Overall, still a good episode, though.

Boy Meets World: The Eskimo
Episode 13, Season 5

The show really dipped in quality this season.
This season was overall, pretty bad. The situations kept getting more and more implausible and the character's personalities seemed to just morph to whatever the story needed rather than be consistent for their characters.

This episode was especially ridiculous. Feeny would know good and well that he couldn't require someone to get tickets to any game for a grade. And any situation where a teacher "inspires" a high school student to push past his comfort zones and cross state lines to follow a whim, is a situation where a teacher should be fired, not praised. Bad, bad episode.

How I Met Your Mother: Slapsgiving 2: Revenge of the Slap
Episode 9, Season 5

Honestly one of the worst episodes of the series.
Somehow the writers of the show were able to take one of the funniest things from season two and turn it into one of the least funny things in the entire series. All of the jokes fall flat in this episode. Everything dealing with slap number four seemed to turn all five main characters into caricatures of themselves. It all culminates in a scene where they are bequeathing the slap to each other in the spirit of the season. I find that part of the episode so insufferable that I have to fast forward through it. The main plot with Lily's dad is equally bad. The line, "Family isn't a right. It's a privilege that has to be earned." is a really sad way to look at the world and seems to encourage holding grudges against people. This episode is one that I'll be skipping on all future series rewatches. One of the worst of the worst.

How I Met Your Mother: Slapsgiving
Episode 9, Season 3

An alright episode that would have been great without the song.
I enjoyed the idea of the slap bet initially, but as they continued on with it, I felt it definitely had diminishing comedic returns. The song was just too over the top. Barney's moans of pain being used for the song honestly made no sense. It seemed more like the type of thing that was made to be a joke, but make no narrative sense. I prefer when jokes also make "in-world" sense. 6/10

Doctor Who: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Episode 2, Season 7

This episode gets a two from me for one reason:
Brian. I love his character and everything about him. Unfortunately, everything else in this episode was absolutely horrible. There wasn't a single thing I enjoyed and I think this could easily be the worst episode of Matt Smith's run. I would have given the episode a zero if possible, but Brian bumps it up a couple of notches.

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