
IMDb member since November 2016
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Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial

Should Be Required Viewing For All U.S.Voters
This documentary series should be required viewing for all U. S. voters, for the upcoming presidential general election. The series follows the origins and development of Hitler's Third Reich. It is an excellent primer for the study of World War II.

There are some foreboding parallels that mirror today's political climate in America, at least on one side of the aisle. As in Nazi Germany, there are remarkable similarities here in today's America. Germany citizens were effectively brainwashed by Hitler's rise to power, hoodwinked by his charismatic promises and speech deliveries. In the final analysis, Hitler cared not one iota about his country's citizens, only his conquest of territory and warped thinking of Aryan ancestry. Today in America, there are similar undercurrents among some of America's would-be voters. They are being blindsided by dictator-like developments, promising a nation to be made great again.

As the adage goes, those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

The Social Dilemma

Incredibly Important And Relevant Documentary
This film should be required viewing for anyone who uses social media; for any online advertiser; for anyone who votes in political elections; for any parent; for any teacher. Technology can progress at dizzying speeds but many developers fail to predict all of its ensuing ramifications. Witness the current mental health crisis of the post-Millennials, with skyrocketing depression, anxiety and suicide attempts. Witness the current divide between the political left and right in the U. S., a division which threatens to tear our country's democracy apart. Witness the extreme monetization of our digital media, including the online advertisers who support them. Society needs to get offline to first have a discussion of that which they can agree on, namely the truth, which is not the same thing as artificial intelligence. Barring that, our civilization will only speed headlong into chaos and anarchy.

Kærlighed for voksne

A Tangled Web
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive." A frustrated middle-aged married man has an affair with a younger colleague from work. One night, he receives a text message in bed. His wife suspects something. The man attempts to resolve the matter. One of them fails and the other does not. This Danish mystery thriller has more twists than a Hitchcockian turnstile. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Needless to say, this viewer was kept in the dark until the very end, and then he still wasn't sure. But was it really the end? Only some of the characters will ever possibly know.

The Assistant

Clever Stylized Thriller
An innocent man is wrongly convicted of drug possession and trafficking. After serving his prison sentence he seeks revenge for the death of his wife and son which occur during his incarceration. Not having much success on his own, he meets a strange man who turns out to be his benefactor. This new friend gets to the meat of the matter, in more ways than one. Great film for martial arts buffs.


Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
Docudrama loosely based upon a true story of how Nigeria prevented Ebola virus from spreading by patient zero. This should be required viewing for all antivaxxers and naysayers about the COVID virus. A cautionary tale about ways mob mentality can take over, when science is disregarded, or when good health loses to other priorities. All of society really wins when reason prevails.


Action-Packed Thriller
I generally don't go in for action movies. However, this one was a cut above the rest. The action sequences and special effects were truly exceptional, but almost too fantastical. But there was a human drive that seared all the way through, as the protagonist tries, and does, fulfill his mission, to finally include a reunion with his wife and daughter.

Purple Hearts

Happy Endings Still Happen In The Movies
A modern-day tale of seemingly star-crossed lovers against all odds. An aspiring female musician reluctantly enters into a marriage of convenience with a young new Marine shoving off for Iraq. The marriage occurs the day before his departure, with his intention of securing military medical benefits for his new bride, who has Type 1 diabetes. As time wears on, life doesn't go according to plan, including the subject of love. However, all's well that ends well, and this reviewer's rooting for the couple pays off.


Fresh Adult Mini-Series
I was pleasantly surprised by this new rom-com miniseries airing on Netflix. A refreshing and unabashed look at the daily trials and tribulations of gay life in the Big Apple. I've come to respect the lead character of Michael Lawson, as portrayed by Neil Patrick Harris. He, along with the other actors in this series exhibit a great chemistry, and help the storylines pass very naturally, as their daily lives intersect. This reviewer was about to suggest that this series be continued for future seasons, when all of a sudden his wishes were granted (he hopes). Thanks, Netflix!

Pirate Gold of Adak Island

A Team Effort
This documentary/reality series details the fortune in gold that was buried on Adak Island, off the coast of Alaska, in 1892. The island's mayor makes a vow to search for the gold, in the hope of helping the island's ailing economy, and enlists a diverse team of experts to search the island for it. After many false starts and dashed theories, their teamwork pays off, but in an unexpectedly small way. However, there remains more area to explore after they first obtain legal government permission to do so. Stay tuned.

How to Change Your Mind

Just What The Mental Health Crisis Needs
I found this to be a very hopeful and inspiring documentary, regarding the renaissance of psychedelic drugs for the treatment of the most critical mental illnesses. Research on four different drugs has been given the green light to resume after initial trials in the 1950s and early 1960s. These drugs are being proven to genuinely help with long entrenched maladies such as PTSD, depression and anxiety, providing real and lasting help to those so afflicted. Should be mandatory viewing for policymakers involved with overhauling America's mental health delivery system.

Les liaisons dangereuses

Love Conquers All, Despite Social Media
This sweet French film is perfect for these sultry summer days. Set at Victor Hugo High School at the coastal town of Biarritz in the south of France, two suitors vie for the hand of Celene, portrayed by an excellent Paola Locatelli. Over the course of the film, her heart and life are involved in a tug-of-war set in motion by various actors with seemingly nefarious purposes. However, in the end, true love does win.

Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World

Exhilaratingly Incredible
This 2017 music documentary currently airing on Netflix is one of the most eye-opening comprehensively succinct programs that I've ever seen. It basically connects all of the rock musical genres together and shows how they evolved as they did. As a fairly astute student of American popular music, I will claim that I was sorely lacking, as far as knowing the degree to which indigenous peoples music formed the American fabric. A must-see for any American music buff!


Austin Butler A Dead Ringer For Elvis
Austin Butler has resurrected Elvis Presley to a tee, in this excellent biography of the music icon. He nails Elvis' speech patterns, mannerisms and swagger of the King of Rock and Roll like no one else ever has. Helen Thomson is cast as Elvis' mother Gladys, in another pitch-perfect role in the looks and acting departments. Finally, Tom Hanks' portrayal of Elvis' manager Colonel Tom Parker lends a wistful, storytelling quality to the film. This viewer is of the opinion that this film will surface during Oscar buzz season. Enjoy!

Seven Seconds

One Of The Finest Netflix Mini-Series Dramas
On a family suggestion, I decided to watch this 2018 Netflix drama mini-series. It was one of the best such series I have ever seen. All connected with this project are to be given the highest commendation for such hard-hitting realistic storytelling. I long to see more such excellent stories from Netflix in the future. Maybe true justice really is blind.


Society At A Crossroads
There are those who are trying to thrive, and then there are those who are merely trying to survive. In this thriller set in Johannesburg, tension gradually rises to a crescendo, as these factions literally intersect at the very end. And all that is left is the truth.

La ira de Dios

Are There No Coincidences?
This is a very disturbing film. I could not be sure if what I was seeing happen on screen was the result of divine intervention or a series of tragically unfortunate occurrences. Had the title writer character Kloster made a Faustian bargain with the devil or was the will of God being portrayed? This viewer lost count of the seemingly tit-for-tat plot sequences.

The Old Guard

What Price Immortality?
A kind of morality tale for the ages. Does the end justify the means? Or vice versa? And does love still conquer all, if it comes later rather than sooner? You be the judge.

Yolun Açik Olsun

All's Fair In Love And War (Or Not)
One man's bittersweet memories take him on a journey through his time spent in war and its aftermath. The human mind can manufacture its own reality to shield its owner from the truth, for the benefit of his sanity. It can also navigate to the other side, to achieve genuine redemption.

A Perfect Pairing

A Perfect Movie
They still make happy endings in Hollywood. Victoria Justice proves this, in her lead role as Lola. She, along with this film, is a breath of fresh air to this viewer. All's well that ends well.


Bittersweet Memories
A man comes to terms about the relationship with his late father in this poignant film set in the beautiful Tuscan countryside of Italy. Sometimes it takes someone else to point out our true selves.

Our Father

Life Imitating Art?
Astounding documentary, which grows only more incredulous as time ticks on. A religious perversion, and unlikely cousin to the current political conservative movement's attempt to overturn the landmark 1973 Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision? You be the judge.

La svolta

Honor Among Thieves
A chance encounter between the film's two protagonists sets in motion a series of events that are foreseen and unforeseen, in this simple and direct well-told story. The building tension in the film's last part is fairly palpable, as we see the thief meet his denouement.


Hitchcockian Thriller
Our decisions affect our futures. But those decisions also come with consequences. Several characters in this film come to an intersection with each other and decisions are made. Unfortunately, some of the decisions made could never have been foreseen by those who didn't make them. This excellent melodrama has clearly drawn actors, along with an otherworldly Herrmannesque film score, which combine to make this film comparable to Alfred Hitchcock's best work. A truly refreshing film for intelligent adults.

The Adam Project

Destined To Become Future Classic
The subject of time travel has always fascinated me. This film addresses it in an intelligent yet heartwarming manner. There is the right mix of drama, science fiction and even comedy, along with a number of dialogue lines which may be forever remembered. Plus it doesn't hurt that the film has an excellent music soundtrack. Kudos all around!

Non mi uccidere

One Of The Worst Films I've Ever Seen
This is without question one of the worst films I've ever seen. It seemed to be a stringing together of scenes that made no sense. There was no cohesion to the plot. It couldn't even decide what genre of films it belonged to, whether it is Night Of The Living Dead, Romeo and Juliet, or The Terminator. Don't waste your time with this one.

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