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Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama 2

Kent Roudebush should be fired
I am a sucker for trashy cinema so I have found myself watching more Kent Roudebush films that I should. I don't know why anyone keeps letting him write. Kent ruined the Evil Bong series and now Kent is ruining Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama.

I did not laugh once. The film is a mere 1 hour long but they still managed to jam about 10 minutes of the first film into it. The dialogue is horrible, and the pacing is intentionally slow to fill the gaps because the screenwriter didn't provide enough of a story, neither visually nor in dialogue.

Skip this and skip Kent Roudebush from now on.

Alien Goddess

I love bad movies, but this was unwatchable.
I got about 26% of the way through before I wanted to give up. Instead my friends and I sped the film up to 1.3x speed. This made the acting much better. The lines are read out robotic-ally (without emotion), slow and often stilted. I don't think the acting suffered due to a language barrier. Some of the actors/actresses clearly spoke perfect English. And others struggled partly because they added affectations that they don't normally have, and of course, most just can't recite their lines with any acting abilities.

Everything about this film was annoying. Instead of creating scary monsters and scenes, often we're left with poor lighting and annoying sounds. Those are our cues to know something "scary" is occurring. The near constant strobe lights. The affectation that the actor with the wig used. So many aspects of this film were clearly designed to annoy. I supposed if you want to be annoyed, this is a good thing?

We ended up watching the entire film, but I wouldn't suggest this film to anyone, not even if you love bad movies. The highlight of the film, from a cinematography standpoint, comes at the end, but it's not worth sitting though to get to. Everyone agreed that this film was easily one of the worst to get through.


Hard to follow boob and blood fest
I loved Kill Her Goats, same director/writer so I gave this one a shot. Muck has lots of boobs, great practical effects (albeit the dark lighting helps), and an ending that is underwhelming and leaves the viewer confused.

The biggest problem is that the film switches between flashbacks and the current timeline without any indication of which is which. So, you're left asking yourself whether this happened in the past or if it's happening right now. I think the film would have been easier to follow if they hadn't started in the middle of the film and then flashed back to how they go there (intermingling the present along the way).

Without spoiling anything: The ending is... anticlimactic and there's no real understanding of whether theories about the marsh were right. Especially given what they ended up finding in the marsh.

I guess this film was supposed to have a prequel. I can see why it wasn't made.

My friends and I enjoyed this film enough to watch more from this director. But we enjoy "bad movies" and watching them while telling jokes MST3K style. All the skin and blood helped keep the movie (mostly) from getting boring.

If you haven't seen this nor Kill Her Goats, I'd suggest skipping this one and watching Kill Her Goats instead.


This goes to show how much difference a director can make
This film stars a lot of the same people that are in Murdercise. So I figured it would be worth a shot. Sadly, the acting is so bad that if you speed up the film to 1.2 speed most of the cast will start sounding human again. Otherwise, lines come off stilted and poorly timed. With huge gaps between lines - as if the actors and actresses are being prodded into their lines by someone off camera. I have to assume the director just let all this poor timing be filmed, and then the editor had no choice but to keep the slow pacing because the film barely cracks the 1 hour mark as is. So if you cut anything you'll be left with a film that is too short for American standards. I love bad movies, low budget movies, but I hated this.

Drew Marvick was great in Murdercise (7 out of 10 stars from me) and he comes off pretty well here, but his character doesn't afford much acting - just laughing and killing. And why wasn't his laugh a variant on "Ho Ho Ho"? Seemed like that laugh was teed up for the role.

The uber scene was one of the hardest parts to watch, but the "party" wasn't much better. Good luck.

Baby Cat

A masterpiece improved by the constraints of funding
Fawn Winters and Natalie Cotter both do a terrific job of selling us on the romantic journey of falling in love with a cat. The story is deeper than one might expect, both emotionally and with some unexpected plot twists. Without giving anything away there are multiple moments where the viewer really buys into Fawn's acting and character. So much so, that some scenes are shocking.

The social commentary is hard to miss, but it is neither pushy nor judgmental. Socks gives us a visual taste as they weave the commentary into the narrative of how to treat someone who identifies as a cat. Can you just lock a cat indoors if it's been an outdoor cat for years? Jay and Chris, both give us a good look into the, more readily, relatable social commentary on work/life balance.

I've watched this film, twice within a week, both with friends. The director accomplishes a lot on, what is clearly a thin budget. They turn their lack of budget into a strength by using farce - Mel Brooks would be proud.

I hope to see more from Scott Hillman. Including, hopefully, a Baby Cat prequel and/or sequel.

Due West 2: Our Sex Vacation

This movie was never made
This movie does not exist. It was only ever a poster. Unfortunately, the idea was never picked up. So don't bother looking to see if you can find it. It doesn't exist. Which is unfortunate. The first movie was great, with or without 3d. Fun writing.

If you are looking for something similar, try Naked Ambition 2 (also in 3D) and the original Naked Ambition. Both written by Hing-Ka Chan.

If you are looking for more Daniella she's in quite a few movies. But she never got undressed again after the first Due West movie. She's still as beautiful as ever though.

I wish I had more to say about this movie. Sadly, it doesn't exist.

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