
IMDb member since December 2016
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The Lego Batman Movie

If you don't like this movie, we can't be friends
I'm a 41 year old dad. My kids are adults. I don't watch this movie for them, I watch it for me. I've probably watched it close to 50 times. I can only imagine people who didn't love this movie are sad, lonely people who have no sense of humor.

The Adam Project

10 stars I can't stand haters.
Is this actually 10 stars? No. I guess I just get fed up with whiny people who can't sit back and enjoy a movie without finding something to complain about. I thought the story was solid. Action, comedy, and just enough emotional depth to keep it from feeling hollow. Why people who don't like Ryan Reynolds, still watch his movies, is confusing to me. Honest grade? 7.5.

The Vanishing

Don't understand the negative reviews
Admittedly I am rating this higher than I think it should be rated. I am doing this to do my part in bringing the overall rating up. Many people decide whether or not to watch a movie, based on these ratings and I think more people should watch this movie. Did it have a slow pace? Yes. I thought the acting and story were fantastic. I see people complaining about the claim that this was based on real events. It was. The true story is that nobody knows what happened to the three men. This was simply a filmmakers take as to what might have happened. I have quite a bit of knowledge about what is known to have happened and the filmmakers did a wonderful job of including that in the movie. They simply filled in the blanks with what I thought was an intriguing story, and deep, engaging characters. Please don't let the overall rating dissuade you from watching. The people who didn't like this movie, are probably people who can't appreciate a movie without a high level of "excitement". I would give the flick an 8.5.

Night Hunter

Thoroughly enjoyed this.
I'm really confused. Not by the movie, but by the negative reviews. Good plot, and fantastic acting throughout. Very good serial killer movie.


Well then....
Have you ever been watching "Home Alone" and thought to yourself "You know what would make a great movie? If Kevin was a 13 year old girl, the robbers were Nazi skinheads, and throw in more blood and gore than the entire "Friday the 13th series." If you did, this is the movie for you! But no..... I did actually enjoy the movie. Kevin James killed it (no pun intended) in what I believe is his first villainous role. Lulu Wilson was also amazing.


How is this rated so high?
When looking for a movie to watch, I generally pop open IMDB to see what its rated. I trusted fan ratings until I saw this move. The lead actress did a nice job with what she had to work with but the other acting was underwhelming at best. The movie was slow, confusing, and the ending brought no closure whatsoever. It had potential, but fell flat on its face.

I See You

I have not sat in awe for minutes after an ending in a long time. This was a roller coaster ride. For the first half hour I was enjoying the movie but was not overly into it. As the movie progressed, it became more and more interesting and intricate. The movie ended with a "Shyamalan" esque twist that was wonderful. Wow.

Edit: After I submitted my review, I went on to read some of the negative reviews. I am left scratching my head as to how some people could feel that way about a movie that genuinely loved.

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