
IMDb member since January 2017
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    7 years


White Rabbit Project

Feels like a high budget top-10 list
I'm really disappointed White Rabbit Project ended up as meh as it was. I've always enjoyed the trio's segments on Mythbusters and while it was sad to see them leave the show, I was excited to see what they could accomplish with their freedom on Netflix. Instead, the show feels like a very high budget YouTube top ten list with occasional experiments here and there.

Each episode focuses on a general theme, such as superhero powers. Each of the three have two entries out of 6, generally with one being an experiment and the other being some small research and storytelling. At the end of every episode, the 6 entries are (supposedly?) averaged out and ranked on three criteria, like "how similar is it to the actual superpower." The problem I have with White Rabbit Project is that it doesn't play to the strengths that the trio had back in Mythbusters. Everybody works separately here, maybe showing up to an experiment as a test subject every once in a while, which is a far cry from their work in Mythbusters.

I would only recommend watching this if you have nothing else to watch and you liked the trio's work back in Mythbusters. There's definitely some good episodes in here, don't get me wrong, but even despite those good episodes, the majority of this show is forgettable.

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