
IMDb member since September 2005
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    18 years



Great "B" Movie!
I have always loved this movie and wish they would have made a part 2. The storyline is good and it is actually very well acted. There were quite a few good horror movies made in the late 70's and early 80's like Grizzly (Claws), The Forest and The Prey. Maybe I am fond of them because I use to see them on TV as a kid or maybe because the cinematography makes me feel like I am watching a Disney nature film but I just love 70's/80's "B" horror movies. The Legend of Boggy Creek and Sasquatch: The Legend of Bigfoot are also really good. They are kind of done in a documentary form. I wish more directors out there were still making these types of movies.

The Mysterious Monsters

Good info circa 1975
I recorded this movie off of TBS years ago & have just about worn out the tape from watching it over & over again. It covers just about everything you want to know about Bigfoot up until 1975. I would love to see Peter Graves do an updated version with all of the new info that has come out in the past 30 years. The Patterson Film is always the best part of any Bigfoot documentary. Even in 2005 there is nobody that has been able to prove that the film is a fake. I really don't see how anybody can think that it is a man in a monkey suit on that film. There is no way on God's green earth that somebody could have done that good of a job making a suit like that in 1967. Also, hoaxes are really hard to keep up for long periods of time because somebody usually gets loose lipped. Patterson died in '72 & swore on his death bed that the film was real. Bob Gimlin has said that he hasn't made a dime off of the film so if it was a fake, you would think that he would blow the whistle & then collect a ton of money going on the talk show circuit. Then there would be the guy who "played" Bigfoot. Bob Heironimus has said that he was the guy in the suit & was paid $1,000 to do it but never received his money so he started telling people around Yakima, Washington that he was Bigfoot. Until either Bob Gimlin says it was a fake or someone finds the "suit", I will always believe that that film is real.

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