
IMDb member since January 2017
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The Whale

If you get the movie... you know.
... like all reviews they're subjective , and largely based on how good the acting was , the story, the meaning and also the intelligence of the viewer to understand said meaning. This draws you in to a film, maybe more than other people, let's you immerse yourself into it, and on that basis enjoy it more, because you understand what the author/writer is trying to do. I'm sure you can interpret the "meaning" in a few ways , but for me, it was the guilt of a father who felt he'd betrayed his daughter, and the daughter, who thought her dad didn't lover her which wasn't true! And which made her behaviour like it was. They found their common ground in the essays, and realised that they both understood each other, loved each other, and that things could of been different.. sadly too late.

And yes I'm also saying that people who mark this film low .. sub 6 or 7 are unintelligent morons!

The Syndicate

Worse than Eldorado
Completely ridiculous! Everyone's talking about season 4 being dire! I won't be getting that far as season 1 is bad enough. It's like watching a poorly acted soap ( remember Eldorado?) totally unbelievable, ridiculous plot and concept , poor ham acting especially from morrisey who can't seem to escape the men behaving badly type acting. How can someone steal a lottery ticket worth 27 million escape to Monaco with a Dog the size of a small horse, be traced and followed by his fiancé and the whole syndicate, and not be caught after 6 episodes max !! Total crap from start to very prolonged finish!!


What in gods name did I just watch
High hopes with Walker and bean. It's cringingly bad. From start to finish. Have I missed something? Wooden, mundane to the point of benality! I'm not going to invest any more time in this crap!..... I'm out.


Not great BBC!
Intriguing first episode, and a typical great acting job by Suranne Jones (gorgeous!) however it's laughable, sub size and CGI is poor , it looks like a deformed phallus, and with its 1 billion price tag, you would have thought they'd see a blood great tanker coming! But no! The near miss was a joke and ruined the whole thing!

The inside of the sub is all wrong too big like the Bloody Tardis ffs!!

Too silly for me. And too much poor CGI and inaccuracies.. 4/10 at best!!


Bingeworthy fun- point is missed by many.
Vinerika your comment about Jane Austin is ignorant & ridiculous. She didn't write this, Julia Quinn did! It's a refreshing modern take on a period drama , mixing purposely black & white people for effect which works really well. This is easily a 7-8 out of 10 it's well acted by ALL , good romance , good story, intriguing and quite raunchy in places. I enjoyed it so bloody there!

The Kominsky Method

Understated Brilliance! 9.5/10
Wow.. Arkin & Douglas are superb , like Lemmon & Matthau! The script is brilliantly intelligent , funny, clever , timing genius and encompasses scenes of fine acting from Douglas, Arkin and the whole cast. It just works on every level. Jewish humour, crossed with the odd couple, Mash, that all crossed with the writing mastery of the Big Bang Theory's Chuck Laurie.. It's also quite poignant , reflective, sometimes sad moments and accurate in terms of dealing with addiction of someone you love , rehab and the 12 step program! Don't let that put you off though..

I'd give it 9.5 can't wait for season 3.

Red Sparrow

It's Simple JLAW Rocks
I'm biased because I've got a massive crush on Jennifer Lawrence, she can do no wrong (except mother) seriously though this was a good film, good acting and good story..she apparently did the nude scenes, which apparently she found "liberating" well, so did I Miss Lawrence so did I ! Great twist ( didn't see that coming) enjoyable film a good 7/10

The Sister

Boring as Hell 3/10
Terrible, boring , dull and The Queens Gambit on Netflix instead. This is dreadful

The Queen's Gambit

A "Grandmaster" Piece
Binged the entire series, excellent, story, setting, colour , drama , suspense. I'm disappointed it's finished, nice touch and finish to the story. Enjoyed every tick tock, tick tock minute! Well done Netflix and great performance from Anna-Taylor Joy! She nailed it... Checkmate!!!

The Haunting of Bly Manor

If You're British this is all wrong. (Perfectly Dreadful)
From the way they talk to the posh children using words from an adult script, from the obviously American/Canadian telephone in the " British Manor House kitchen" the two children Miles & Flora, sound precocious as though their last film was the original Mary Poppins, Infact you get the feeling Dick Van Dyke will jump out at any moment giving it his best fake dreadful Cockney Accent covered in Soot! Floras repetitions of "perfectly Splendid" annoying beyond belief! Seems poorly written, and researched, not a patch on Hill House..( I know it's different) it's laboured and dare I say after 3 episodes slow, dull, cheap & boring.

Kathryn Upside Down

Not worth a 10 but ok
I fail to understand people who give films a 10/10 have they literally no benchmark? Scoring to me should be based on great highly scoring films like Shawshank or The Godfather exceptional films worthy of a 9 or 10 in my book. So that's my benchmark and this by definition is nowhere near as good or god forbid better than the Shawshank redemption. Not in a million years. So have some scoring respect and stop promoting your films by giving it a ludicrous top marks! THE END


Addictive but terrible plot and acting
Once in you are hooked? However, the wooden acting, terrible plot, ineffective detective just mulling around seemingly doing nothing whilst having her cases solved by her friends and lover! Truly terrible! I'm giving it 2 stars for addictiveness.. IT guy traces phone from toilet in the US absolutely unreal! Don't get involved you'll regret it!

Mrs Lowry & Son

Interesting insight to one of Britain's great artists
Interesting insight to one of Britain's great artists, and worth the watch to see a master class in acting by Redgrave & Spall. It's not a feel good movie by any means, largely set in Lowry's ailing mothers bedroom. It's clear he loved actually worshiped his mum, and her affect on his life is profound. Even when she finally died. I did enjoy the film, mainly as I said because of the acting and story however be warned it is a biopic, not a feel good movie at all .. enjoy!

Virgin River: Unexpected Endings
Episode 10, Season 1

No Virgins , big river and great addictive series
Sometimes you just want to watch a feel good series within good characters. Good sub plots lovely heroine/s and the good old hunk for the ladies eye candy. And this is it. I binged season 1 in 2 sittings, and am now bereft and looking forward to S2 ( in production ) Yes it's a bit hall mark and cliched, but it's so watchable and addictive, and you don't have to think too hard which sometimes that's just what you spoilers or plot review, just watch it you won't be disappointed.

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