
IMDb member since January 2017
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Under the Christmas Sky

I liked the science theme to this Christmas movie. The movie was ok to watch. I like Ryan Peavey in pretty much anything he is in. He's a good actor. I didn't feel a connection between him and the lead. Her acting was ok. Sometimes it's ok to not get them together but that's not what Hallmark is about. I felt like no one really connected with each other in this movie. They were merely actors just saying their lines to put a movie on. Her brother kind of bothered me. He was an adult living at home still trying to figure out what he wants to do. Imagine my surprise that he has it all figured out by the end of the movie. The conflict came pretty late too and the wrap up felt just off. I think this is a movie one can skip.

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters

Mediocre movie
This movie was all over the board. It's mediocre at best. They made the dad out to be the bad guy when I felt like it was more of the fiancé. The mom let the dad be bad cop all the time. I don't like how the dad had a change of heart in basically the snap of the fingers. This movie was such a downer and I hated the way it ended. Happily Ever After - maybe. They barely know each other and then to go and do mission work for 3 years?? I feel like this movie would be better as a book so it could explore each character more. The characters are complicated and I felt like they just quickly tied up the ending without really solving anything.

Fifty Shades of Grey

I read all 3 Fifty Shades books and the movies somewhat follow them. I thought all 3 were outlandish, rubbish, and pretty implausible. Yes, I found myself watching all 3 movies on a streaming service. In general I like Jamie Dornan's acting but not in these movies. He's better than this. Dakota Johnson is not a good actress. I can't stand her voice. I think she made it in the movie industry because of her parents. If women think that this is the way they should be treated by a man they need therapy. The abuse that goes in with Christian and Anastasia is sad. The storyline and acting is one you can skip with this trilogy.

The Greatest Night in Pop

Greatest Night
The Greatest Night in Pop was really the greatest night in pop. I was in high school when We are the World was made. It's an iconic song when you have all these great singers, song writers, producers, cameramen ect coming together for a cause. They are using their talents to help the famine that was going on in Africa. It was great to see the backstory to We are the World because I really didn't know that much about it and how it came together. It was cool to see the behind the scenes footage and the camaraderie they shared that night. "Check You Ego at the Door"! Most had great acapella voices. I would love to hear the Beyoncé's, Taylors, Justin's etc of today pop music and see if they can sing acapella like this group. It was a fun and interesting documentary.

Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up

Skip this one
Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up is one that can be skipped. I like the first movie so when I saw they did a sequel I was excited to see it. This movie is by far the worst movie of the Christmas season. It is so cringy. The Johnson's are the new family in the circle and the are "reality" tv famous. They are rude, obnoxious, and not funny. The acting was over-the-top by them. I didn't like that Ned sided with the Johnson's. They were bully's and everyone should have boycotted them. I love Melissa Peterman and her comedic timing is always on. The ending came together too quick. Tis the season to forgive. The side storyline of Jared proposing was sort of a miss. I felt like engagement was just thrown in and expected.

Paris Christmas Waltz

Good One
I liked a Paris Christmas Waltz. I'm not usually a fan of the dancing or singing movies but this one I liked. It was nice to see Matthew Morrison play a part that didn't involve Royalty or an accent. I love Jen Lilly. These 2 were perfectly paired in this movie. I didn't think there was a lot of chemistry between them but I loved watching them dance. They filmed this movie in Paris and in Romania (I think). The Paris scenes were beautiful. They way the danced in front of the Eiffel Tower was beautiful. GAC did good with this movie. It was fun, playful, and a beautiful location. There wasn't a "dramatic" misunderstanding. Watch it for the fun dancing.

Letters to Santa

So much anger
This is a movie that can be skipped this season. There is so much anger from Rebecca Letters to Santa. At first I thought the premise of the movie was cute. Until very early on in the movie the secret is revealed. Rebecca and Enrique are separated and going to counseling. There is so much anger with Rebecca that she needs to deal with. She goes from being so angry to having fun like a light switch. I didn't like the anger and then the happiness. There was no chemistry with the leads. The acting isn't very good in this movie. I hadn't heard of any of the actors except Rebecca. I knew her only from the Big Bang. This one can easily be skipped.

The Santa Summit

Fun movie
This was a fun and lighthearted movie to watch. It was a different twist on most Hallmark movies. The movie takes place over a day at the Santa Summit where 3 friends/coworkers are spending the day. It's basically bar hopping dressed in festive Santa gear. Jordan runs into Liam and they have a brief conversation but they had a connection. They ended up losing one another and spend the movie trying to locate one another. Jordan's 2 friends were a great addition to the cast. Personally, I really like Amy Groening and would like to see her in a lead roll. This movie was fun, the acting was good, and it kept my attention. It wasn't an overworked script.

Santa, Maybe

Grow up
This movie was a waste of my Saturday night. Lila needs to grow up. She's controlling when it comes to her job. The theater will fall apart if she doesn't have her hands in everything. She's distrusting of a man she knew in high school. She's easily in her 30's but living in high school and can't get past it. There is absolutely no chemistry between the 2 leads. The secret Santa storyline has been played out a few too many times. Although I don't mind that as much. That part of the movie was the only interesting thing. I think Great American Family did a miss with this movie. You can skip this one.

Twas the Text Before Christmas

Nice Twist
GAC did a great job on this one. It's a different twist on the usual Christmas movies. I love the concept that this movie takes place over 3 Christmases. I wish there would have been more of a lead in with the first Christmas. Trevor and Merritt have great chemistry. I love most of anything those two are in. All the other characters are fun too. I liked the multigeneration that this movies brings. You get to see how the relationships of all the characters change and grow over a 3 year period. I wish that it didn't take the last 5 minutes for Trevor and Merritt to get together. I loved that they all got along and that there wasn't any misunderstanding. The characters were living life and really liking and wanting the best for each other.

Destined 2: Christmas Once More

Great Sequel
I loved Destined 2: Christmas Once More. The format is different from most of these moves. I love that there isn't anything to be saved or a festival that needs to have some run it. It's about 2 people who are in love and trying to make everyday normal life work. Theo is trying to find the right time to propose to Kim but life keeps getting in the way. A little mishap with the ring prevents him too. There is chemistry between the leads and the supporting cast is perfect. GAC there better be a Destined 3 next Christmas that will revolve around a wedding. We definitely need to see this one all the way through.

The Convenient Groom

Bad Acting
This movie is absolutely awful. Vanessa Marcil is not a great actress. I felt like she was over acting in this movie. At the beginning of the movie when Kate(Vanessa) is about to announce her engagement her fiancé breaks up with her. No tears, let's talk this through, but willing to go back on camera. No one reacts like this. It was a deceitful movie with someone who is supposed to be a marriage counselor. This movie is older and I'm viewing for the first time. I feel like Hallmark could do better than this type of premise. The convenient Groom is based on deceit and bad acting. I would kindly skip this movie.

It Was Always You

This is weird...
This is a weird movie. I"m not sure why more people aren't commenting on the fact that the bride-to-be starts to fall in love with her future brother-in-law. This screams a weird family situation to me. I'm sure it happens in real life but it's just gross. ( I guess it happened in the Biden family. I thought that was gross too). Could the fiancé be anymore of a stuffed shirt. Horribly mismatched from the beginning. I'm tired of the same old same old from Hallmark. I've watched some older movies on demand and I really like those. They were more plots and dimension of character. I'm about ready to kick Hallmark to the curb.

Crown Prince of Christmas

Same old same old
We've seen this movie done over and over. It's getting old. The Prince comes to work in America and goes incognito. No one knows he is a Prince until after a year of him being there. Lack of chemistry between the 2 leads. Madison's family is so cringy. Her dad overacts and the 2 sisters act childish and the mom had the most annoying voice. Madison sings one song at the gala. It just so stupid. Normally I like Cindy but not in this roll. I feel like GAC and Hallmark need some new writers with new ideas. Typically I don't watch anything Royal related but I taped this one because I like Cindy. Take it or leave it.

Truth Be Told

Decent Show
I really liked season 1 and season 2 of Truth Be Told. I thought season 2 was better than 1. Season 3 has me feeling like "I'm good!". The premise of this show is a good one. Poppy Scoville is a true crime podcaster. Some of the episodes leave me scratching my head like why would the police give her info like that. I liken her to a modern day version of Jessica Fletcher on Murder, She wrote. The busy body who gets all the scoops and figures things out before the cops do. Season 3 is dragging on and is holding no interest for me. I think I have 1 episode to go. The writing has to get better if I'm going to watch again.

Full Swing

Very Interesting!!
I absolutely loved Full Swing. As some others mentioned I did not think that it was only plugging the PGA and dissing Liv Golf. They touched on what Liv Golf was about and which players left the PGA. They touch on what the PGA means, the championships, the legacy attached to the PGA. Ok, onto the show..I really learned a lot about players that sometimes don't get the attention that they deserved. I learned about Tony Fienau (sp?) and how poor he was growing up and what a great family man he is. I learned that Joel Daeham doesn't give himself any credit for how good he is. They did spotlight more known players too. It made me like Brooks Koepka even less. I would love it they did another season of Full Swing.

The Holiday Sitter

A fun movie
I really liked the Holiday Sitter. The 2 leads are great together. I love Jonathan Bennet and all that he is in. The other lead was new to me. It's sort of your typical set up on most Hallmark movies. We've seen this done before but this was a different twist on 2 leading men being gay. The comedic antics of Jonathan's character could be a little over the top an times but it didn't rub me the wrong way. He's your typical commitment phobic man while the other one is having hard time finding anyone. He wants a family so he is starting to adopt. The script was well written. I would definitely recommend.

B&B Merry

This was a good one
I really liked B&B Merry!! I absolutely adore Jen Lilly and I really like Jesse Hutch. They made a cute couple. We've seen a variation of this storyline with Hallmark movies. Jen is a blogger who was asked to come to Silver Peak B&B to help bring guests in with all her followers. There is competition with a newer high end hotel that is in the area. She does review both of them. I'm not going to give anything away. Although it's predictable it's really well done. I absolutely loved the comedic antics of the mom and Aunt. They played well off each other. This is one of my favorites of the season.

The Art of Christmas

Hard to watch
This movie was very hard to watch. I did finish it. The story line was a decent one. The writing felt a little weak at times. The acting was very amateurish. They talked very fast and in choppy sentences. They are older actors so it shouldn't have been this way. They are experienced actors on many different shows. I think my biggest beef was with Reggie ( Darrin Brooks). He's mostly been on soap operas. His acting felt very forced and inauthentic. He was so cringy. Fun fact: He's married to Kelly Kruger (Brit) in this movie. This movie you can pass on. Nothing great to see so you're not missing anything.

Alone Together

Alone Together is absolute rubbish! I don't find Katie Holmes to be a particularly great actress. I think she is someone who got on a hit show so the offers come in. This movie was so slow and boring. Katie is in a bad relationship and heads to the house her and her boyfriend rented for a week to get out of the City during the start of the Pandemic. He bails and she shows up and someone else is there. They both stay. Who does that? The whole movie is painstakingly slow. The acting is very dull. The dialogue just isn't there. Katie wrote, stared, and directed this. My guess is she funded this because who in there right mind would fund this?

A Christmas... Present

Loved this movie
This movie was a breath of fresh air. I'm tired of the Christmas movies trying to save the town's Christmas, parade, drive-in(?), festival etc.. The movies are stale on love. It's the same formula that is just tiresome. This was about family. A mom wanting everything perfect with all the fun activities. Struggling to find time to be a family. Yet never wavering from the love she shares with her family. It's never a question about not loving her husband. I loved how they weaved God into this movie. The quotes were good ones. I didn't feel like it was being shoved down my throat. It's what Christmas is about. Jesus' birth.

Three Wise Men and a Baby

10 Stars
I loved this movie!! It's not your typical Hallmark movie. I'm getting bored with the same format that all these Hallmark movies follow. I like all three of the lead actors. Great acting and chemistry. They all played well off each other. There was a great mix of comedy, family squabbling, and teamwork. I would love to see more movies like this. I know that Kimberly Sustad and Paul Campbell have written at least one other Hallmark movie and that was great. They've starred in quite a few movies too. These 2 are a great acting and writing pair. Would love to see more from them. This was a fun movie to watch.


Nothing new to see here
30 minutes into this movie and I was BORED!!! It was your typical Hallmark movie that has been done a 1,000 times over. An underappreciated chef who breaks up with her boyfriend who is a chef and her boss, and flees to family in Hawaii. She meets a surfer and a chef - surprise! The chemistry isn't there. It's just a dull film. The Hawaiian scenery is beautiful. This movie is based off a book written by Katie Lee Biegel. If her friend didn't have the producing rights I don't think this book would have been made into a movie. I guess it's all who you know. This is one movie that you can pass on.

A Christmas Star

Not Plausible
This movie was watchable. It's just not plausible. Madeline comes to town and within 10 minutes has an invite to spend Christmas with the family owners of the Inn. The place where they are watching the meteor shower is only accessible by horse. Pretty easy ride up there. AND it just happens to be decorated with Christmas lights. No chemistry with the leads. I like the premise of this story. It just feels like it's forced and rushed. I don't know how they convinced the town to turn off the lights when there is a Christmas festival going on. This movie just felt off. Hallmark needs to step up their game for 2022.


Creepy and boring
I'm not sure what the fuss is over this show. The characters make no sense even after they are revealed. I find most of the characters to be off putting. The scenes do not flow. I'm bored. Won't watch season 2.

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